(Noun) pomruk;
mutterings about sb|sth - narzekanie na kogoś|coś;
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Balls, who spent most of the combative interview batting off the suggestion that he was instrumental in the internal strife that dogged the Labour government, was heard muttering at the end of the interview that the nine-minute grilling had been "a waste of time".
All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking," observed Nietzsche, though I've always been a bit suspicious of the ardour with which writers and artists celebrate the inspirational power of taking a stroll: procrastination is a wily foe, and relishes convincing you that your preferred mode of time-wasting is critical to your success. Yet it seems to work. "Methinks the moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow," was how Henry Thoreau described an experience many of us have had, be it tackling challenging work or fretting over problems. For what it's worth, I almost always plan this column in ambulatory fashion, muttering to myself in the park. I lay claim to no "great thoughts", but they'd be far worse without walking. And muttering. (Though I'd prefer not to dwell on that, thanks.)
Skellig, for all its wondrousness, was in technical terms a small tale simply told. Kit's Wilderness, by comparison, is an opera. The old mining community of Stoneygate, where the novel is set, becomes the locus for a tale which digs back through the land's recent history all the way to the ice age; in which the ghosts of former pit disasters mingle with the industry's modern-day victims (an unemployed father, "muttering and cursing, leaning against the pub wall"); in which class, family and heritage all have a part to play. The whole thing is wound about with Kit's Granpa's songs and stories of his time underground, and the symbolic weight of the caves which honeycomb the landscape, acting as shelter for the characters of Kit's stone age imaginings, bringing death to the miners who are trapped in them, becoming a place of memory and forgetting for Granpa, who likens his Alzheimer's to having a "head full of caves and tunnels". "I remember going for a walk when I was writing it and feeling like there were 27 different storylines to keep straight," Almond says. "If Skellig was like wrestling with an angel to extract a blessing, Kit was like wrestling with a gorilla. When I finished, I was knackered. I was in bed for a week."
Sceptics will no doubt be muttering that this sounds far more like a sponge than a brownie â?? but they should hold their tongues until the mixture has spent 30 minutes in an 180C oven, after which they'll no doubt be inclined to put them to better use. Divinely dark, seductively sandy, these are brownies for grown-ups, especially if you defy Nigel and add some walnuts â?? far from getting "in the way", they're a pleasingly crunchy counterpoint to all that chocolate.
Superintendent Chalmers: Well that's just great, Seymour. We've been out here six seconds and you've already managed to blow the routine. [Chalmers storms off, muttering under his breath] Sexless freak.
Shells then got into a heated discussion with the gallery attendant which soon deepened into a discussion over the alleged slave trade shame of Victorian sugar baron Sir Henry Tate. It was all part of the faintly mutinous air. There was much muttering but this being London on a chilly Friday lunchtime no one stormed the barricades, although there was much tutting.
Mostly what we see on our screens are millions of people living under a charpoy, the family bed, often the only household item they managed to salvage before water took everything away. We see them huddled around a makeshift stove, boiling rice, borrowing a pinch of salt from each other. Sometimes we see them muttering that it's Allah's will. Very occasionally, they are blocking a road to protest at the government's indifference. We see young mothers who have aged rapidly, herding their children to a lone hand pump, forcing them to take a shower. They have not had much training in how to look miserable for our TV cameras.
I doubt it, since he walks around muttering to her ghost.
Wątpię, skoro snuł się po domu, mamrocząc do jej ducha.
This what you do when you're in here -- muttering with the bodies?
To właśnie robisz, gdy tu jesteś. Mamroczesz do martwych ciał?
Ed thought I was and he kept muttering anti-Semitic comments.
Ed myślał, że jestem Alfem i wrzucał antysemickie docinki.
He was hallucinating and muttering about big, evil dogs.
Miał halucynacje i mamrotał o wielkich złych psach.
I'm not going toe shuffling around the house an old Guayabero, muttering to myself.
Nie zamierzam snuć się po domu jak stary Guayabero, mamrocząc do siebie.
Do you know you were muttering and drooling like one of your relatives?
Wiesz,że ty dzisiaj mamrotałeś i plułeś, tak jak ci twoi krewni.
You sprawled out on the sofa, suffering from malnutrition... muttering my name.
Ciebie wyciągniętego na sofie, niedożywionego, mamroczącego moje imię.
Damn it, stop muttering to yourself.
Do cholery, przestan mamrotac sam do siebie.
What are you muttering about?
Co tam mamroczesz?
Muttering something about my bet?
Mamroczesz coś o moim zakładzie?
Muttering strange things ,words .. no one can understand
Mamrotała coś, jakieś słowa, których nikt nie mógł zrozumieć.
Oh, no. (Muttering) What am I gonna do?
O nie, i co ja teraz zrobię.
He's muttering. - Maybe he's apologising.
On mamrocze. - on może przeprasza.