Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) marynistyka odpłynięcie; lotnictwo odlot, wylot; odjazd, wyjazd; wyjście; odejście;
leavings - (Noun) resztki, pozostałości, odpadki;

(Adjective) pożegnalny;

Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Wordnet angielsko-polski

(the act of departing)
synonim: departure
synonim: going
synonim: going away

Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

1. zostawianie

2. wyjazd

3. porzucenie

[ [comfortless] ] zostawianie bez pociechy

Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.




Wielki słownik wojskowy angielsko-polski

opuszczanie; wychodzenie; wyruszenie; zostawienie; wystąpienie
~ fire - zaprószenie ognia
~ harbour - opuszczenie portu
~ the ally in the battlefield - porzucenie sojusznika na polu walki
~ the army - porzucenie wojska
~ the battlefield - porzucenie pola bitwy
~ the rank - wojsk. opuszczenie szeregu
~ the wounded - porzucenie rannych
~ things to chance - pozostawienie rzeczy przypadkowi
~ without commander's permission - oddalenie bez pozwolenia dowódcy

Słownik gospodarki wodno-ściekowej angielsko-polski

~ litter - pozostawianie śmieci

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Involved from the beginning was Florence Rogers, chief executive officer at the Federal Employees Credit Union, a co-operative banking system. That morning, in preparation for an audit of her bank, she called a meeting for 8.30 in her office on the third floor. "I remember to this very day a girl called Claudette Meek saying: 'Look at all the primary colours we're wearing today, we look like a basket of Easter eggs.' So I remembered what they were wearing, and had no idea how important that would be when it came to indentifying the bodies." One of which was that of Claudette Meek. At 9.01, says Rogers, "I had just read an item off the list and turned â?? and bang â?? I could see clearly through the far wall. The floor had gone clean away, down into what we called the pit, leaving me alone on 18in of floor that had held. I know it sounds stupid, but I thought 'Oh my God, this is like a bad movie, and when it's all over, I get out of here.'"
Also up on the third floor that morning, "where my bank was", was Ted Wilson, pastor at Grand Boulevard Baptist church and part-time chaplain to the Oklahoma Fire Department, now ministering full-time to fire officers who, he says, "are still coming, after 15 years, suddenly traumatised, their brains finally processing this information, after all this time". Wilson is also a qualified intermediate paramedic, and objected to "the bodies of the children being laid out in their playground â?? a bad omen for later. They said they had to be close by the building, but we did move 'em to a parking lot." Before long, Wilson had "gotten in through a skylight to be working to release a trapped woman, still alive, on the third floor where my bank was. I was working with a tall state trooper, and the scare came for a second bomb and for us to evacuate the building. The trooper said he wasn't leaving the lady, and I said, 'Well, if you're not going, I ain't either.' So we kind of had the place to ourselves â?? and I located the lady's purse on top of the desk. Now there's two things a lady needs to be accounting for, her hair and her purse. Well, her hair was pretty messed up, but I said: "Ma'am, you needn't worry 'bout your purse, and you needn't worry about yourself either.' We became friends after she was released from hospital, Nancy Ingrams by name â?? she passed away just last year."
â?  73 of which were an ongoing conversation between friends I'd been cc'ed into, discussing a leaving gift for a friend (sorry I missed it, Jimmy).
"We have a depreciating skills base," he says. "After 11 years of free, full-time education, half the kids leaving school this summer will not get grade C or above in English or maths. What do you do as a business? Suddenly the supplier in Dusseldorf has the answer."
She has set her sights on leaving permanently. "I want to study in America. I love America â?? it's a wonderful country and culture." English and business studies would be her preferred subjects. "I'd like to have my own business, but it cannot succeed here so I need to go abroad." More than 80% of Gaza's businesses have collapsed in the past three years as a result of the siege.
For Jayzia and Mohammed Zomlot, it is their first trip out of Gaza. But the occasion is not a happy one: Jayzia has breast cancer and the couple are leaving behind their four young children to seek treatment in Cairo.
"Of course it will be good to have time outside Gaza," says Mohammed. "But we're going for medical reasons. We're leaving because there aren't enough drugs and medical equipment here. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't go â?? I like Gaza."
Capello has the knowhow and drive required, yet he also strides into unfamiliar territory. That realisation is most likely what excites him. His absorption in the work was evident when he declined to be coquettish about the possibility of leaving to take up the post at Internazionale and instead confirmed rapidly that he would see out a four-year contract.
"The American position undermines the whole integrity of the UN framework for tackling climate change, and risks a weak climate agreement with voluntary pledges â?? leaving little or no chance of averting dangerous global warming," he said.
We speak as she dashes through Manhattan between meetings. Taxis honk and men yell as she quietly talks about her childhood, growing up under "vast blue skies". She describes the "beautiful, raw land", the space. And then the way that New York shook her up, "the way it does everyone". It was when she returned to Ethiopia from the USA, where pregnancy is so celebrated, that she became involved in raising awareness of her home country's maternal health crisis. In Ethiopia a mother dies in childbirth every minute, leaving her baby 10 times less likely to survive past the age of two.

What did I say about leaving food on the table?
Co ci mówiłam o zostawianiu resztek?

A few of us were leaving. You could take their place.
Czemu nie? Kilkoro z nas właśnie miało iść, możecie zająć ich miejsce.

And try not to think about your wife leaving you.
I proszę nie myśleć o tym, że żona pana zostawiła.

I'm not leaving until I find out where he is.
Ja nie ide dopóki się nie dowiem się, gdzie jest ojciec.

When I went up to his room, she was leaving.
Kiedy dotarłam do jego pokoju, ona właśnie wychodziła.

Will you give me one good reason for leaving the house?
Możesz podać mi jeden dobry powód, dla którego warto wyjść z domu?

I'd be happy to go home with leaving you dead?
Myślisz, że będę szczęśliwy gdy wrócę już do domu wiedząc, że ty jesteś martwy?

I do not want to be seen leaving with you.
Nie chcę żeby ktoś widział że z toba wychodzę.

Perhaps I have been wrong in leaving her alone so long.
Nie miałam racji zostawiając ją tak długo samą.

Leaving and going to college is a very good idea.
Opuszczasz i wracasz na studia. To bardzo dobry pomysł.

Did they say anything to each other when he was leaving?
Powiedzieli coś sobie, kiedy on wychodził?

He was leaving for the war, perhaps never to return.
Wyjeżdżał na wojnę, mogąc już nigdy nie wrócić.

I'm leaving town for a couple of days on business.
Wyjeżdżam z miasta na kilka dni w interesach.

Are you leaving me alone on such a night, woman?
W taką noc zostawisz mnie samego? Do jutra.

And he didn't want to be seen leaving with her.
A on nie chciał by zauważono, że wychodzą razem.

I would just like to know why we are not leaving town.
Chciałbym tylko wiedzieć, dlaczego my nie wyjeżdżamy.

I wanted to call on you before leaving the city.
Chciałem się z Panią pożegnać zanim opuszczę miasto.

Why do you only get involved with me when you're leaving?
Dlaczego wiązałaś się ze mną tylko wtedy gdy wyjeżdżałaś?

Yes, I saw her leaving with a man a few minutes ago.
Tak, kilka minut temu widziałem ją jak wychodziła z jakimś mężczyzną.

I am leaving all my money for you and going.
Zostawiam ci wszystkie moje pieniądze i wyjeżdżam.

The young are leaving, so who will remain to work the land?
Młodzi porzucają rolnictwo, a zatem kto pozostanie, aby uprawiać ziemię?

But it did seem better than leaving you alone with them.
Ale nie chciałem zostawiać cię z nimi samej.

Why go if it means leaving the girl you love?
Czemu wyjeżdżać, skoro oznacza to pozostawienie za sobą ukochanej osoby?

This morning I thought about taking the kids and leaving.
Dziś rano zastanawiałam się nad zabraniem dzieci i wyjechaniem stąd.

And I feel very good about not leaving the hospital.
I bardzo się cieszę, że nie opuszczam szpitala.

Is it good to go after her leaving the work?
Jak tak można zostawiać pracę by za nią latać?

Look, we'd better get this thing going before people start leaving.
Niech to się zacznie, zanim ludzie zaczną wychodzić.

I'm not leaving here until you tell me the truth.
Nie wyjdę, póki nie powiesz mi prawdy.

I am not leaving my son in this place one day longer!
Nie zostawię tu mojego syna ani dnia dłużej.

Because all of us are leaving this house in the morning.
Ponieważ my wszystkie, rano opuszczamy ten dom.

I just don't like the idea of leaving you here all alone.
Po prostu nie lubię zostawiać cię tu samej.

Look, I don't feel right leaving you guys out here.
Spójrzcie, nie czuje się właściwie zostawiając was tutaj.

No, I mean leaving you every day just to go off to work.
To znaczy... zostawiając panią, aby pójść co dzień do pracy.

Leaving is never pretty no matter how you do it.
Ucieczka nigdy nie jest miła i nieważne jak się odchodzi.

It looks as if your mother changed her mind about leaving us.
Wygląda no to, że wasza matka zmieniła zdanie o opuszczeniu nas.

I'm leaving the city, but i wanted to show you something.
Wyjeżdżam z miasta... ale chciałem ci coś pokazać.

No one is leaving until we figure out who did it.
Dopóki nie dowiemy się kto to zrobił, nikt stąd nie wyjdzie.

You have to tell me the truth about why you're leaving.
Musisz mi powiedzieć prawdę na temat tego, dlaczego odchodzisz.

It's really hard to think about leaving for six weeks.
Naprawdę ciężko jest myśleć o wyjeździe na sześć tygodni.

I just didn't want you leaving thinking that was me.
Nie chcę, żebyś wyjeżdżała myśląc, że to byłem ja.

Do you not feel bad about just leaving him like that?
Nie jest ci przykro z powodu zostawienia go tak po prostu?

I shouldn't be leaving a girl of her age alone so often.
Nie powinienem zostawiać dziewczyny w jej wieku samej tak często.

I never thought I'd feel this way about leaving you.
Nigdy nie myślałem jak czułbym się zostawiając was.

Leaving for another school, especially a private one, won't be easy.
Przeniesienie do nowej szkoły, zwłaszcza prywatnej, nie będzie łatwe.

That way you can always be the one who does the leaving.
To lubisz, bo możesz kontrolować sytuację i zawsze być tą, która wychodzi.

Your leaving was the best thing that ever happened to me!
Twoje odejście było najlepszą rzeczą, jaka mi się przytrafiła!

I'm leaving the country soon. I want to see you again.
Wkrótce wyjeżdżam z kraju, więc chciałbym cię jeszcze raz zobaczyć.

We're leaving in a week and your heart will still be here.
Wyjeżdżamy za tydzień a twoje serce wciąż tu będzie.

Ever since Father started leaving the church opened at night.
Zaczęło się odkąd ojciec zaczął zostawiać otwarty kościół na noc.

And since his mother was leaving we thought we'd pay him a visit.
A skoro jego matka wyjeżdżała pomyśleliśmy, że do niego zajrzymy.