Słownik medyczny angielsko-polski Iwona Kienzler

stolce pl, oddawanie kału

Wielki słownik medyczny angielsko-polski 2011 r., Anna Słomczewska

stolce, oddawanie kału

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

This is street food paradise with both pavements packed with hawkers cooking over blazing woks, cauldrons bubbling away, and hungry diners sitting on metal stools ordering different dishes from each stall.


Run by a charming English-speaking gastronome, the bar has about four tables and three stools and its patron serves exquisitely cooked authentic tapas, light pastas, fresh meats, fish and a great selection of Catalan wines and malt whiskies.


Now her assistant, Kim, and three young female interns are sitting at counters on high stools - like a macabre cocktail bar - slitting the birds open, removing the guts, severing the wings and slicing off the feathered backs and chests.


As a result, they have fallen between both stools in a manner that tends to arouse suspicion if not sympathy, no matter how many times Tana co-opts their kids into cottage pie recipes, or Gordon tells chatshow viewers that she likes to fill her mouth with ice-cubes or have him give her a good seeing-to in his chef's jacket.


Good guy go back and clean the stools up or I'll kill you too
Dobry chłopiec. Idź lepiej posprzątaj w stajni albo zabiję także ciebie.

And a table and chairs, or stools as they call them here.
Poza tym stół i krzesła, albo, jak tu mówią stołki.

Uh, they keep asking me about bowels and bloody stools?
Ciągle pytają mnie o jelita i krwawe stolce.

He didn't fall off bar stools then.
Nie spadał wtedy ze stołków w barze.

What colour are your stools, David?
Jakie koloru masz stolce, David?

Those stools are our only furniture.
Te stołki to nasze jedyne meble.

They're second place trophies from Stoolbend's Dancing with the Stools.
To trofea za drugie miejsce za Stoolbendowy Taniec z kałem.

When they look over each others' fences, it is not each other they see, but the Turkish Cypriots, who find themselves caught between two stools.
Kiedy patrzą na siebie spoza swoich murów, nie widzą siebie nawzajem, lecz Turków cypryjskich, którzy znajduje się między młotem a kowadłem.