Wordnet polsko-angielski

1. (one of the natural periods into which the year is divided by the equinoxes and solstices or atmospheric conditions
"the regular sequence of the seasons")
season, time of year
synonim: pora roku

2. (a period of the year marked by special events or activities in some field
"he celebrated his 10th season with the ballet company"
"she always looked forward to the avocado season")
season: :

Słownik polsko-angielski EXETER Copyright © http://www.kastor.strefa.pl.

(turystyczny itp.) high season
martwy ~ dead season
~ ogórkowy silly season
poza ~nem off season

Słownik polsko-angielski PARK Copyright: © wersja książkowa słownika dostępna w wydawnictwie PARK

n masc C season: w/po ~ie in/off season
martwy (ogórkowy) ~the dead (silly) season

Słownik prawniczo-handlowy polsko-angielski Iwona Kienzler, 2010r

m season ~ jesienny automn season ~ letni summer season ~ połowów fishing season ~ wiosenny spring season ~ zimowy winter season martwy ~ dead season, dull season, quiet season, slack season pod koniec ~u in advanced season szczyt ~u high season, peak season w pełni ~u at the height of season, at the midst of season, at the peak of season

Wojskowy słownik polsko-angielski Copyright by Wydawnictwo HaraldG (aut. Tadeusz J. Grzebieniowski)

m season

Praktyczny słownik religijny polsko-angielski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda


Nowoczesny słownik polsko-angielski

