Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) sentymentalność, uczuciowość;

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n U sentymentalność

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Wordnet angielsko-polski

(extravagant or affected feeling or emotion)

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Yet for all the sentimentality of Obama's return, the tour has been pared down to its diplomatic essentials.


New work is sometimes tainted by misogyny, and this seems to me as lazy a reach as sentimentality was to the writers of the 50s and - who knows? - as likely to look a bit stupid, in years to come (perhaps this is what makes Patrick Boyle's "Meles Vulgaris" so amazing, for being out of joint with his time.


At Longridge near Preston, and later at his Simply Heathcote's mini-chain, he reinvented long neglected Lancashire foodstuffs like black pudding, hotpot and bread and butter pudding not out of nostalgia or sentimentality - "I didn't eat pigs' trotters and black pudding as a child and I didn't like rice pudding," he told the Independent in 1996 - but because it made logical sense to reconnect Lancashire with its naturally evolved diet.


Not just with the Bridge and the harbour it spanned with such unsubtle majesty, but with my colleagues (on the right side of the fence), with their children and their bush houses and their swimming pools, with the cleverness of Australians, with their sense of humour, their affability, their sentimentality and their recklessness, with the friends I made and, inevitably, with a student.


I didn't expect you'd get caught in the net of silly sentimentality.
Nie spodziewałem się, że dasz się złapać w sieć jakiejś głupiej sentymentalności!

As it turned out, it was the last time such sentimentality swept over me.
Jak się okazało, to był ostatni raz kiedy dopadła mnie taka sentymentalność.

What words of yours could achieve sweetness without sentimentality after such a mess?
Jakie słowa mogłabyś wypowiedzieć które wyrażałoby słodycz bez sztuczności po tym całym syfie.

Conduct the law on sentimentality and you will have violence and disorder.
Oprzyj prawo na sentymentach, a będziesz miał anarchię.

There's no room for sentimentality, you know that.
Nie ma miejsca na sentymenty, wiesz o tym.

If you find her, forget all grandfatherly sentimentality.
Jeśli ją znajdziesz, zapomnij o całej tej dziadkowej sentymentalności.

Jan, Jan, that suit fits you better than the sentimentality.
Ten garnitur lepiej do ciebie pasuje niż sentymentalizm.

Blame it on a brief bout of sentimentality.
Zwal to na tymczasowy napad sentymentalności.

And it's not drenched in indifference and sentimentality.
I to nie jest otoczone obojętnością i sentymentalnością.

Overt sentimentality is not one of Capt Picard's failings, trust me.
Kapitan Picard nie jest sentymentalny. Proszę mi wierzyć, doskonale to wiem.

Ah, women and their sentimentality!
Ach, kobiety i ich sentymentalność.

The reason is that, sentimentality aside, an intervention lasting 10 years can cast a complete shadow over the effectiveness of the political decision taken on this issue.
Jest tak dlatego, że - odkładając na bok wszelkie sentymenty - trwająca 10 lat interwencja może całkowicie przysłonić skuteczność podjętej w tej sprawie decyzji politycznej.

Your sentimentality, your devotion to the past... ...to things that are gone.
Wasza sentymentalność, oddanie przeszłości... oddanie rzeczom, które już nie wrócą.

Comrade Bielski. Your Jewish sentimentality is heart-warming, but counter-revolutionary!
Twoja żydowska sentymentalność jest godna pochwały, ale kontrrewolucyjna!