Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Recently, David Laws was supposed to serve as a lightning rod for debate about parliamentary-media-public homophobia. Never mind that the real story was about yet another MP (gay, straight, whatever) caught fiddling his expenses and mumbling pathetic excuses as he left; everyone was wailing about "poor David" and his "terrible treatment". Really? At which point was Laws described as "mincing", or portrayed as an evil queen, lurking bat-like in the corridors of Westminster? When was Laws ever treated as belittlingly as Mandelson?
Lee rarely did: he's one of those few people who can look both smug and miserable at the same time. But for most of the 90s it seemed to outsiders that he was doing very nicely. His double act with Richard Herring spawned 10 radio and television series for the BBC. Alone, he played thousands of live dates. Yet, he says now, he was barely scraping by. He kept finding himself in front of audiences who wanted undemanding gags about soccer or Space Hoppers, not a man whose idea of a good time was to alienate his public and then, with luck, win it back. He stopped enjoying himself. In 2001, during a particularly painful gig in Liverpool, he realised he was "a mumbling relic from another age . . . Alternative comedy was dead. I was spent . . . So, quietly and without any fuss, I decided, then and there, to stop." And, just like that, he did.
I heard him mumbling something like he didn't want to talk about it.
Słyszałam, jak mruczał, że nie chce o tym mówić.
We'll bomb you and your army back to the stone age. (Mumbling, laughing.
Będziemy bombardować ty i twoja armia powrotem do epoki kamienia (Mamrocząc, śmiejąc się.
And that she was mumbling some strange, unrelated words.
I, że ona mamrotała jakieś dziwnie, niezrozumiałe słowa.
And what was she mumbling about in Chinese?
I o czym ona mamrotała po chińsku?
You were mumbling his name in your sleep.
Mamrotałaś jego imię przez sen.
I put a gun in his mouth, he started mumbling...
Włożyłem mu gnata do ust i zaczął bełkotać...
Well,you either just said mimes aren't rumblingor I'm not mumbling.
Albo właśnie powiedziałeś Niezły mroczek, albo Nie mamroczę.
A stammering, mumbling, clumsy disaster with whom I have absolutely nothing in common.
Jąka się, mamrocze, jest niezdarny. Katastrofa. Z tym człowiekiem nie mam nic wspólnego.
Why do you keep mumbling to yourself?
Czemu mamroczesz sama do siebie?
What the are you mumbling about?
Co tam do cholery mamroczesz ?
Nothing, I'm just mumbling to myself.
Nic, tylko mamroczę do siebie.
Rapunzel, please, stop with the mumbling.
Roszpunko, proszę, skończ z tym mamrotaniem.
Agent lee, why is agent mcgee mumbling?
Agentko Lee, dlaczego agent McGee mamrocze?
Mumbling in German) (Man wheezing.
mamrotanie w języku niemieckim) (świszczący oddech Man.