Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) geografia Mediolan;

Słownik angielsko-polski EXETER Copyright © http://www.kastor.strefa.pl.


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

geogr. Mediolan

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Well, what was true for Milan Baroš is also true for you and your ministers.
Cóż, odnosi się to nie tylko do Milana Barosza, ale i do pana oraz pańskich ministrów.


Nomination of a member of the Court of Auditors - Mr Milan Martin Cvikl (SL) (
Mianowanie członka Trybunału Obrachunkowego Milana Martina Cvikla (SL) (


In Italy, in Milan especially, contemporary art really doesn't have that much of a place.
We Włoszech, szczególnie w Mediolanie, sztuce współczesnej nie poświęca się tyle uwagi.


The public prosecutors in Milan and Munich have established and proved this beyond doubt.
Prokuratorzy z Mediolanu i Monachium doszli do tej prawdy i bez wątpienia ją udowodnili.


Here's Margaret Atwood, "Cat's Eye." Here's a novel by Milan Kundera.
To powieść Miliana Kundery, a to "Przewodnik błądzących" Majmonidesa.


Another four accused were found guilty of lesser crimes and received jail terms of up to 19 years. They included Milan Gvero, who was an aide to Mladic, and was spokesman for the Yugoslav army in Belgrade before the Bosnian war. He received five years for persecution and inhuman acts.
9.50am "I wonder whether England's game tonight is going to be as close as the world rankings suggest," writes Kevin McCarra from somewhere that isn't King's Cross. "Maybe I'm oversimplifying but you wouldn't fancy trying to stop Wayne Rooney with Jay DeMerit, a Watford defender who has some notion that he has done well against him despite Wayne scoring three goals in those two matches. The other likely centre-back Oguchi Onyewu has a better pedigree as a Milan player, but has hardly appeared since the autumn because of knee trouble. Last week's friendly with Australia didn't suggest the US excel at closing down the opposition's midfield either. Advance apologies to those who believe that positive views are a jinx for England."
"Chelsea have established themselves as one of the best clubs in Europe over the last five years. They might not have the history of Real Madrid or Milan but they are creating their own history now. There is no reason why in the future Chelsea can't be as decorated as Real Madrid."
Menswear catwalk images can be off-putting. The weirdly styled looks get all the attention, while the good clothes get overlooked. This week's Milan shows prove the coming trends are not that scary, plus you can shop in the sales now with next season in mind.
He got that right. The World Cup's second round is a poor return for a manager who won nine league titles with Milan (four), Real Madrid (two) Roma (one) and Juventus (two), and for a lieutenant (Galbiati) who scouted Franco Baresi, Filippo Galli and Walter Zenga. But in this revealing interview there was a hint of the communication gulf between coaches and players. Galbiati said: "To be honest, the language is still a bit of a problem, but now that we are all together I'm improving fast. Then in training I've always got a translator next to me. Modesty apart, I can still handle all the ball situations quite well, and the boys follow me with great affection."
The Milanese agree with the locals' revolt. "I want to bring the local artisans back in the centre," said Milly Moratti, wife of Inter Milan chairman Massimo, "the fabulous tailors and focaccia bread sellers I remember as a child that have been almost completely replaced by designer stores."
Elezovic was only seven years old during the height of the siege, a war child â?? literally. But he became an unwittingly iconic figure for a movement striving in the opposite direction, pitching culture â?? and above all rock'n'roll â?? against the brutishness and savagery. Setting civility and art against the kind of conflict in which, at the Omarska camp, a Muslim prisoner was made to bite the testicles off one of his fellow inmates. The guards, said one witness, whooped "like a crowd at a sporting match". Meanwhile, at the other end of the country, in Visegr??d, on the river Drina, a Bosnian Serb leader called Milan LukiÄ? and his men would pack Muslim civilians, including women, elderly people and children, into houses, lock the doors and incinerate them alive. I met a girl â?? when I was reporting from there back then â?? who I think was the sole survivor of these rituals after escaping through a window. Her ears looked like melted wax, and she told me how the screams of those burning to death within were drowned outside by the jubilant, drunken singing of the killers.
May 2000 Milan court overturns a bribery conviction. Found guilty on four counts and sentenced to two years and nine months in jail. However, the statute of limitations expired for three of the charges. Acquitted on the fourth on appeal.
A court in Milan is preparing for the appearance of George Clooney as a witness in a fraud trial against defendants charged with misusing his name in a line of clothing.
The ecstatic parent, however, was Italy's scandal-prone prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi. And by last night the graduation of his daughter, Barbara, at a ceremony in Milan last Tuesday, had touched off yet another controversy involving the Berlusconi family.

Yeah, boys going to Milan with a beautiful older woman.
Tak, chłopak jedzie do Mediolanu z piękną starszą kobietą!

We should go, you got to fly to Milan tomorrow.
Naprawdę powinniśmy już pójść, jutro lecisz do Mediolanu.

A black youth was also beaten to death in Milan.
Czarnoskóry młodzieniec został także zakatowany na śmierć w Mediolanie.

He moved around Milan for several hours and then the signal vanished.
Przez kilka godzin przemieszczał się po Mediolanie i nagle utraciliśmy sygnał.

How is the institute in Milan where your brother-in-law works?
Jak się nazywa ten instytut w Mediolanie gdzie pracuje twój brat?

When we take Milan, my brother, we'll see who's the better fighter.
Kiedy zaatakujemy Mediolan, bracie, zobaczymy kto jest lepszym wojownikiem.

Milan's just so extreme that it makes us feel better by comparison.
Milan jest po prostu tak skrajna, że czujemy się lepiej przez porównanie do niej.

He rents a place there and keeps one in Milan.
Wynajął tam mieszkanie a jedno trzymał w Milanie.

Milan won't have a clue, because he set up the trap himself.
Milan się nie zorientuje, bo to on sam buduje tę pułapkę.

But to have the French in Milan was not our design.
Bez Francuza Mediolan nie był w naszych planach.

There's a doctor in Milan who can help you.
Jest pewien doktor w Miediolanie, który może ci pomóc.

I brought you the pictures of Milan in jail.
Przyniosłem ci zdjęcia Milan w więzieniu.

Milan, school must mainly teach them to do what they Iike.
Milan, szkoła musi nauczyć głównie tego, co ich interesuje.

Milan Knizac is in the prison hospital because someone cut his throat.
Knizac jest w więziennym szpitalu, bo ktoś podciął mu gardło.

Once in Milan, a 70 kg man lost his eyesight, when he tried it.
Pewnego razu w Mediolanie, 70-cio kilogramowy mężczyzna stracił wzrok próbując tego dokonać.

You still on for later tonight with Milan?
Wciąż jesteś umówiony dziś wieczorem z Milan?

I'm going to Milan for a few days.
Jadę na parę dni do Mediolanu.

We're going to Milan to visit my parents.
Jedziemy do Mediolanu odwiedzić moich rodziców.

I'm moving her to my place in Milan.
Zabieram ją do mojego mieszkania w Mediolanie.

I mean, we need Milan to go like, pow.
Potrzebujemy, by Mediolan wybuchł jak, pow.

Looks like I'll have to take it to Milan.
Wygląda na to, że będę musiał zawieźć go do Mediolanu...

What news of the king's marriage to the duchess of Milan?
Jakie są wieści na temat małżeństwa króla z Księżną Milanu?

Me and Milan would be just two gays, that know how to hide and learn to love.
Ja i Milan bylibyśmy tylko parą gejów, którzy wiedzą, jak się ukrywać i uczą się kochać.

All right, let's make room for Milan and her yapping purse-mutt.
Dobra, zróbmy miejsce dla Milan i jej gadatliwego kundla.

I guarantee you, Milan will be sleeping in her own pink, frilly bed tonight.
Gwarantuję ci, że dziś w nocy Milan będzie spać w swoim różowym łóżku.

I think we should go to Milan. Like we always talked about.
Myślę, że powinniśmy pojechać do Mediolanu jak rozmawialiśmy.

Milan Carlton will not spend this night in jail.
Milan Carlton nie spędzi tej nocy w więzieniu

Milan got an idea in all the panic.
Milan wpadł na .pomysł w całej tej panice.

Yeah, it's about the special treatment that Milan Carlton's getting in your jail.
Tak, chodzi o specjalne traktowanie Milan Carlton w waszym więzieniu.

This young woman is looking for a musician, called Milan Agustin.
Ta młoda kobieta szuka muzyka o imieniu Milan Agustin.

You can only get those in Milan.
Możesz je kupić tylko w Mediolanie.

You will not find this in Milan.
Nie znajdziesz tego w Milanie.

I will be in a month in Milan.
Za miesiąc będę z powrotem w Mediolanie.

I give you 100-1 odds that Milan Carlton is home by midnight.
Daję 100 do jednego, że Milan Carlton przed zmrokiem będzie w domu.

I got the first, Milan got the second.
Ja miałem to pierwsze, Milan - drugie.

Similar violent outbursts have also occurred in other Italian cities, such as Milan.
Podobne wybuchy przemocy miały miejsce w innych włoskich miastach, na przykład w Mediolanie.

Don't talk about Milan in that way.
Nie mów o Milanie w ten sposób.

The location of Keene's last cell phone signal was an address in central Milan.
Ostatnią lokalizacją, gdzie namierzono sygnał komórki Keene'a, Był adres w centrum Mediolanu.

The last time we talked, we were speaking about the death of Milan Hastings.
Ostatni raz jak rozmawialiśmy, mówiliśmy o śmierci Milan Hastings.

Neither one of us killed Milan, okay?
Żadne z nas nie zabiło Milan, dobra?

Detectives are waiting to talk to Milan.
Detektywi chcą z nim rozmawiać.

I shall take Milan by next spring.
Do następnej wiosny zajmę Mediolan. A wtedy?

This fugitive is trying to avoid a hallway infraction by skipping off to Milan.
Ten zbieg próbował uniknąć kary za zadymę na korytarzu wiejąc do Mediolanu!

Stay hidden until the trial in Milan.
Ukrywaj się do procesu w Mediolanie.

Which is the road of Milan?
Gdzie jest droga do Milanu?

Once this hits the Internet, Milan is finished.
Jeden pokaz w internecie, Milan jest skończona.

Milan, give this to my mother.
Milan, daj to mojej matce.

Mr. Milan doesn't want you hanging around here.
Pan Milan nie życzy sobie pani tu widzieć.

You shot me in Milan, remember?
Robiłeś mi zdjęcia w Mediolanie, pamiętasz?

The tailored satin only arrive tomorrow from Milan.
Te na miarę z satyny dotrą dopiero jutro.