Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) geografia stan Massachusetts w USA;

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Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

I started with the 1607 Massachusetts Bay Colony Pequot Indian Wars.
W związku z tym chciałabym, pokazać Państwu zwiastun filmu.


And a little while later, I am riding in an ambulance from one hospital across Boston to [Massachusetts] General Hospital.
Uświadomiłam sobie, że przestałam być choreografem swojego życia. ~~~ Albo lekarze uratują moje ciało, albo nadejdzie chwila odejścia.


I don't know how many of you remember this: another moral hero, 15 years ago, Aaron Feuerstein, who was the head of Malden Mills in Massachusetts -- they made Polartec -- The factory burned down.
Nie wiem, ilu z Was to pamięta: inny bohater moralny, piętnaście lat temu, Aaron Feuerstein, który był dyrektorem Malden Mills w Massachussetts -- produkowali Polartec -- Fabryka spłonęła.


Although largely unknown to the public, ITA is an important player, providing behind-the-scenes data on flight times, availability and prices to the travel industry. It occupies a niche between airlines and customer-facing travel agencies. The business was founded in 1996 by a group of scientists from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
But the BP executive also acknowledged that the Gulf would be feeling the effects of the spill for some time â?? a thought voiced by several others. "This is like the very early stages of a bone marrow transplant," Ed Markey, the Massachusetts Democrat who is leading a congressional investigation into the environmental effects of the spill told CNN. "There is still a possibility that the well cannot, in fact, take this pressure, but we are all hoping and praying that it will."
Bachmann, who is campaigning for re-election in November, revealed that she had managed to raise $1.7m in the past three months. For a Minnesota congressional bid, that is a huge amount of money â??far more than the $865,000 Palin raised in the same period and more, too, than was raised by the probable frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, the former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. Palin and Romney, of course, do not face the costs of an election this year; but many are now wondering if Bachmann might consider a White House run.
Senator John Kerry, the Democrat who was lead sponsor of the now-abandoned climate bill, was hopeful that carbon emissions would eventually be capped. He noted that it took more than two decades for Congress to approve a health care bill championed by his friend and fellow Massachusetts senator, the late Ted Kennedy.
Scott Brown, the Republican who won Ted Kennedy's Massachusetts seat in January, said: "I don't think we're getting straight talk here."
The verdict is the second in a federal gay marriage case to fall down in recent weeks. In Massachusetts last month a federal judge ruled that legally married gay couples in the state had been wrongly denied the federal financial benefits of marriage because of a law preventing the US government from recognising same-sex unions.
Every 50 years or so, American magazine the Atlantic lobs an intellectual grenade into our culture. In the summer of 1945, for example, it published an essay by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) engineer Vannevar Bush entitled "As We May Think". It turned out to be the blueprint for what eventually emerged as the world wide web. Two summers ago, the Atlantic published an essay by Nicholas Carr, one of the blogosphere's most prominent (and thoughtful) contrarians, under the headline "Is Google Making Us Stupid?".
A professor of robotics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) called Rodney Brooks saw a problem with what's known as the "monarch" model: sensors provide data to some kind of higher intelligence, which in turn figures out a model of the world before sending a set of decisions to a set of actuators (wheels, for instance). But it's very hard to construct a model of the real world. Brooks thought that the real world is its own best model, and that it's much better to have very low-level intelligences, which can work together. One intelligence may say: "Do not collide with anything" â?? something fundamental to avoid a bad outcome â?? whereas another one may say: "Explore as much as possible." But if that one conflicts with the first one, than the first one wins. And so on.
State governors in Massachusetts and Rhode Island yesterday followed declarations of emergency by their counterparts in North Carolina, Virginia and Maryland. On Wednesday, Barack Obama authorised federal co-ordination of disaster measures.
Ed Markey, the Massachusetts Democrat who has been investigating the spill in Congress, said the report was more about protecting BP's interests than getting to the cause of the disaster. "BP is happy to slice up blame, as long as they get the smallest piece," he said.

Your farmhouse in Massachusetts was just hit by a team.
Twój domek w Massachusetts został właśnie zaatakowany przed oddział

No, we had a bad experience with aeration in massachusetts.
Nie, mamy złe doświadczenia z napowietrzaniem z Massachusetts.

Or the entire state of Massachusetts, for that matter.
Ani w całym stanie Massachusetts, dla jasności.

Why not stand for election on the Massachusetts council?
Czemu nie stanąć do wyborów do rady Massachusetts?

You know polygamy is illegal in the state of Massachusetts.
Wie pan, że poligamia jest nielegalna w stanie Massachusetts.

I'm thinking she might be in contact with the old man in Massachusetts.
Mało prawdopodobne, ale jeśli ona żyje,,, może mieć kontakt ze starym w Massachusetts,

In order to prepare for the next test in Massachusetts.
Przygotowujemy się do kolejnego testu w Massachusetts.

But this is not a trial about taxes levied on Massachusetts.
Ale proces nie dotyczy podatków zbieranych w Massachusetts.

Detective, a very important part of the Massachusetts economy... is research and development.
Bardzo ważną częścią gospodarki stanu Massachusetts, detektywie, są badania i rozwój...

There's nothing wrong with being that girl from Massachusetts, Jenny.
Nie ma nic złego w byciu dziewczyną z Massachusetts , ani trochę

He's serving time at a maximum-security state pen in Massachusetts.
Siedzi w więzieniu z zaostrzonym rygorem w stanie Massachusetts.

But you will not be a Massachusetts state trooper.
Za 5 lat możesz być kimkolwiek zechcesz, ale nie policjantem stanu Massachusetts.

How many red 2005 Mustangs do we have registered in Massachusetts?
Ile czerwonych Mustangów z 2005 mamy w Massachusetts?

There once was this guy from an island off the coast of Massachusetts, uh...
Był sobie kiedyś taki gość z wyspy na wybrzeżu Massachusetts...

I move that the Congress adopt the Massachusetts militia immediately!
Zwracam się do Kongresu, by natychmiast poparł milicję Massachusetts.

Paradise, Massachusetts is a long way from home.
Paradise, Massachusetts jest daleko od mojego domu.

Massachusetts must shoulder its share of the burden.
Massachusetts musi dźwigać swoją część ciężaru.

The Massachusetts State Police has a long tradition of excellence.
Amerykańska Policja ma długą tradycję doskonałości.

Yes, I'm quite sure it is, but this is Massachusetts.
Nie wątpię, ale jesteśmy w Massachusetts.

I prefer to look back on those days when Massachusetts and Virginia
Wolę raczej pamiętać te dni, kiedy Massachusetts i Wirginia

Now, what is the capital of Massachusetts?
Co jest stolicą Massachusetts?

Some say she became a commoner in Massachusetts.
Jasne. Niektórzy mówią, że została członkiem Izby w Massachusetts.

If this Congress does not support the Massachusetts militia, it could very well dissolve, gentlemen!
Jeśli ten Kongres nie wesprze milicji Massachusetts, to równie dobrze może się rozwiązać, panowie.

You will never be from Massachusetts or New York.
Nigdy nie będziesz kimś, kto pochodzi z Massachusetts czy z Nowego Jorku.

But, didn't they use to burn witches in Salem, Massachusetts?
Ale czy kiedyś w Salem nie palono wiedźm?

It was the people of Massachusetts who began the revolution in order to get away from the idea that taxes could be levied without popular consent.
To ludzie z Massachusetts rozpoczęli rewolucję, której celem było odejście od pomysłu, że podatki mogą być pobierane bez zgody ludności.

I work at Northmoor, Massachusetts, as a research assistant.
Pracuję w Northmoor, Massachusetts, jako asystent badawczy.

Look. To you Jenny may just be some crazy fan from Massachusetts.
Sluchaj ,może masz Jenny za szaloną fankę z Massachusetts.

A massive power surge struck a downtown high-rise in worcester, massachusetts.
Około godziny 10:17 rano, ogromne wyładowanie energii wstrząsnęło przedmieściami Worcester, w Massachusetts.

The target vehicle is turning west into Massachusetts Avenue.
Ścigany pojazd skręca na zachód w stronę Massachusetts Avenue.

I need to go to Massachusetts.
Jadę do Massachusetts.

The Crown believes that the courts of Massachusetts are hopelessly biased.
Korona uważa, że sądy w Massachusetts są rozpaczliwie stronnicze.

Massachusetts is in a state of open rebellion...
Massachusetts jest w stanie otwartego buntu...

He walked from Florida to Massachusetts to go to college at Boston University.
Szedł na piechotę z Florydy do Massachusetts, do College'u na Uniwersytecie w Bostonie.

Have you stolen these gentlemen from Massachusetts?
Czyżbyście ukradli tych panów z Massachusetts?

Milton, Massachusetts, the house where the first piece
Milton, Massachusetts, dom, który był pierwszym kawałkiem

I have nominated you to represent Massachusetts.
Nominowałem cię na reprezentanta Massachusetts.

He said to me, Go up to Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Powiedział mi: Jedź do Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Fourth, unexplained wreckage off the coast of Massachusetts.
Po czwarte, nie wyjaśnione szczątki na wybrzeżu Massachusetts.

Massachusetts general laws chapter 27, section 4h States...
Prawa ogólne Massachusetts rozdział 27, sekcja 4h...

Stole the truck in Rhode Island, drove it into Massachusetts.
Ukradł ciężarówkę na Rhode lsland, i przywiózł ją do Massachusetts.

Where are these gentlemen from Massachusetts?
Gdzie ci panowie z Massachusetts?

Massachusetts, actually, in a town called Weymouth.
Massachusetts, faktycznie, w mieście wołał Weymouth.

I heard about this tranny in Massachusetts.
Słyszałam o tym transie z Massachusetts.

What could Morley Tobacco have against a transient from Massachusetts?
Co mogła mieć przeciwko niemu korporacja Morley ?

Massachusetts, too, must have its constitution.
Massachusetts również potrzebuje własnej konstytucji.

Public drinking is illegal in Massachusetts.
Picie w miejscu publicznym jest nielegalne w Massachusetts.

I have a Master's in engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Przepraszam bardzo, ale zdobyłem tytuł magistra inżynierii na Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

This gentleman is from Massachusetts, also.
Ten gentleman też pochodzi z Massachusetts.

Call those two guinea anarchists from Massachusetts.
Zadzwoń do tych dwóch anarchistów z Massachusetts.