Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) geografia stan Luizjana;

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He spent 37 years in a Louisiana State Penitentiary for a crime he didn't commit.
37 spędził w więzieniu stanowym w Louisianie za przestępstwo, którego nie popełnił.


If those people had voted for Obama, even half of them, Obama would have won Louisiana safely.
Gdyby ci ludzie zagłosowali na Obamę, nawet połowa z nich, Obama by tam wygrał.


Madam President, the collapse of the platform off the coast of Louisiana on 22 April has caused an oil slick on an incredible scale.
Pani przewodnicząca! Zatonięcie platformy u wybrzeży Luizjany 22 kwietnia spowodowało wyciek ropy naftowej na niewiarygodną skalę.


In Louisiana, about one in five white voters said, "Yes, one of the big reasons why I voted against Barack Obama is because he was an African-American."
W Louisianie około 20% białych wyborców odpowiedziało, że głosowali przeciwko Obamie bo jest Afro-Amerykaninem.


Obama's visit is his fourth since the gusher began, but the first so far to Mississippi, Albama, and Florida, which are now joining Louisiana on the frontline of the spill. Several miles of Alabama's beaches were splattered with a thick sludge of oil at the weekend, with a slick now three or four miles off the Florida resort of Pensacola. Two barrier islands off Mississippi were also covered in oil. In Panama City, Florida, 190 miles from the ruptured well, a steel tank was discovered, oozing oil, that appeared to come from the sunken Deepwater Horizon rig.
Ahead of a trip to Louisiana and a televised address to the nation tomorrow, Obama said the spill, the worst environmental disaster in US history, would, like the 2001 terror plots, continue to influence the country for decades to come. Some people who lost relatives in the 9/11 attacks rejected the comparison. "I think he's off-base," said Jim Riches, a former New York fire department deputy chief, whose son died at the World Trade Centre. "These were 9/11 murders â?? not something caused by people trying to make money."
BP is free to resume deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico after a Louisiana judge overturned Barack Obama's ban imposed in the wake of the worst environmental disaster in US history.
The ruling represents a victory for the oil industry and for state politicians. Both groups had argued the ban would result in tens of thousands of job losses across Louisiana if it stayed in place. Lawyers representing the oil services companies, who brought the lawsuit against the US federal government in New Orleans, warned a whole "ecosystem of businesses" was at risk.
According to the Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association, last month BP had in place one operational rig affected by the moratorium.
My grudging decision to stay is richly rewarded. The bass player is followed by the rest of French Rockin' Boogie, the backing band of Louisiana zydeco (American roots music) singer Geno Delafose. And, in fact, they're astonishing: a glorious, joyful racket, led by largely the only person I've ever seen look supremely cool slinging a piano-accordion (and the bass player is, of course, brilliant).
On a research mission to the Gulf of Mexico last week, in waters 70 miles of the coast of Louisiana but still clear of the oil and gas spewing from BP's runaway well, Earle and scientist Eric Hoffmayer were surrounded by dozens of supersized whale sharks.
The news comes as BP revealed the cost of clearing up the environmental and economic disaster in the Gulf and on its damaged shoreline had reached $3,5bn (Â?2.33bn) and amid a growing public row over Barack Obama's efforts to stop new drilling projects in the Gulf. The White House has outlined a more limited ban following anger at attempts to implement a six-month moratorium. A federal court in Louisiana struck down the proposals, ruling that they were too broad.
Cleansing sensitive Louisiana wetlands of oil could take several more months if not years, and marine biologists have warned that it could be decades before the full impact of the oil, and the dispersants used to break up the slick, is fully understood.
But scientists said it was unclear what was happening in the ocean depths and warned that oil could already be buried in coastal marshes. Tar balls continued to wash up on the coast of Louisiana this week.

I'll leave you enough money to get back to Louisiana.
Zostawię ci pieniądze na powrót do Louisiany.

My wife and her entire family are from the great state of Louisiana.
Moja żona i cała jej rodzina pochodzi z pięknego stanu Louisiana.

Not when there's work left to do for the people of Louisiana.
Nie wtedy gdy jest tak wiele do zrobienia dla ludzi w Luisianie.

How did you cheat on the bar exam in Louisiana?
Jak udało ci się oszukiwać na egzaminie w Louisianie?

Here in Louisiana, the breeding ratio is one male to every five females.
Tutaj w Luizjanie współczynnik rozmnażania wynosił jeden samiec na każde pięć samic.

He wanted Jesse to go on a bank job with him, down in Louisiana.
Chciał, by Jesse obrabował z nim bank, w Luizjanie.

Boone's next stop is a small town in Louisiana.
Następny przystanek Boone'a to małe miasteczko w Louisianie.

Darling, we live in the most beautiful house in Louisiana.
Kochana, mieszkamy w najpiękniejszym domu w Luizjanie.

This was the most famous slave sorting and clearing center in Louisiana.
To było najsłynniejsze centrum koncentracji i selekcji niewolników w Luizjanie.

I'il book you a couple of gigs on the way to Louisiana.
Załatwię wam jakiś występ na drodze do Luizjany.

Kate wants to go to Louisiana with me?
Kate, chcesz jechać ze mną do Louisiany?

But this Krusemark dame, she comes from a Louisiana money family.
Ale ta Krusemark pochodzi z bogatej, wpływowej rodziny.

Nowadays, a smart, qualified woman like you... has a place in Louisiana public service.
Obecnie,mądre, wykształcone kobiety,takie jak ty... mające swoje miejsce w Louisianie w sektorze publicznym.

Well, are you aware of the circumstances on which she left Shreveport, Louisiana?
A znasz okoliczności, które zmusiły ją do wyjazdu ze Shreveport w Luizjanie?

Are you guys sure that the Louisiana Purchase had nothing to do with gumbo?
Jesteście pewne, że zakup Luizjany nie miał nic wspólnegą z ketmią(roślina)?

I should've stuck to fixing boat motors in Louisiana.
Powinienem był zostać przy naprawianiu silników łodzi w Luizjanie.

Going back to Louisiana for family business.
Jestem w drodze do Luizjany, sprawy rodzinne.

What do they teach you in Louisiana?
Czego was uczą w tej Louisianie?

Good old 1800th louisiana, but the interior.
Stara, dobra, 19-sto wieczna Luizjana... ale wnętrza...

Discrimination against vampires is punishable by law in the great State of Louisiana.
Dyskryminowanie wampirów jest karalne na mocy prawa wspaniałego stanu Luizjana.

I had nothing. I was picked up in Louisiana.
Nie miałem nic i aresztowali mnie w Louisianie.

I never told you this farm was in Lafayette, Louisiana...
Nigdy nie mówiłem, że to było w Lafayette, w Luizjanie.

But my people are from Louisiana.
Ale moi ludzie są z Louisiany.

I grew up in Louisiana, near Texas.
Dorastałem w Louisianie, blisko Teksasu.

But the queen of Louisiana is.
Ale jest ze mną królowa Luizjany.

He works at the University of North Louisiana.
Pracuje na Uniwersytecie Północnej Luizjany.

This still the state of Louisiana.
To wciąż ta sama Luizjana.

My Uncle Heben says he saw it in a book about Louisiana ghosts.
Mój wujek mówi, że jest tam księga, z której wyłania się upiór.

Afraid Louisiana ain't a day ferriet none.
Afraid Louisiana nie ma dnia, żaden ferriet jest.

Next stop, Silvan Louisiana, you're gonna meet my new best friend.
Następny przystanek... Silvan w Louisianie. Poznasz mojego nowego najlepszego przyjaciela.

Here she is, folks, a future homecoming princess of Lake Monroe, Louisiana.
Oto ona, ludzie, Przyszła księżniczka jesieni Lake Monroe, w Louisianie.

She's loaded and she's an old crony of Dillings from Louisiana.
Jest nadziana i jest starą znajomą Senatora Dillings'a z Louisiany.

Your granddad and I started out together... wildcattin' oil wells down in Louisiana.
Twój dziadek i ja zaczynaliśmy razem... z dzikim bydłem na polach wiertniczych w Louisianie.

There's even one in Louisiana.
Jeden ośrodek jest nawet w Louisiana'ie.

We got here in Louisiana what's known as the Napoleonic Code:
Mamy tu, w Luizjanie, prawo znane jako Kodeks Napoleona:

Welcome to the radio station in Bayou Boutté, Louisiana.
Witam w radiostacji w Bayou Boutté, Louisiana.

Hewlett, a Louisiana man, wrote in 1831:
Hewlett, mężczyzna z Luizjany, pisał w 1831 r:

Yeah, and I'm governor of Louisiana!
A ja jestem gubernatorem Luizjany.

Doc Roe died in Louisiana in 1998.
Doc Roe zginął w Luizjanie w 1998.

Tennessee and Louisiana.
Tennessee i Luizjana.

This is Louisiana.
To jest Luizjana.

Getting leases in Texas. Louisiana.
Mam działki w Teksasie, Luizjanie.

Turning onto Louisiana Interstate 39.
Skręcam do Louisiany na międzystanową 39.

Her name was Ruby Hanks from Lake Charles, Louisiana.
Nazywała się Ruby Hanks i była z Lake Charles.

Down on Louisiana Interstate 39
Skręcam do Louisiany na międzystanową 39.

Madam President, the collapse of the platform off the coast of Louisiana on 22 April has caused an oil slick on an incredible scale.
Pani przewodnicząca! Zatonięcie platformy u wybrzeży Luizjany 22 kwietnia spowodowało wyciek ropy naftowej na niewiarygodną skalę.

Pepper, Louisiana State Police.
Pepper, policja stanu Luizjana.

Then why did you not catch him at, Pine Bluff, Arkansas or Monroe, Louisiana?
Więc dlaczego nie dorwał go pan w Monroe czy Pine Bluff?