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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Let's say you're Unilever and you want to make detergent in a factory near Liverpool.
Powiedzmy, że jesteście Unileverem i chcecie wyprodukować detergent w fabryce niedaleko Liverpoolu.


There's this limey asshole in Liverpool named Durarnt
W Liverpoolu jest pewien dupkowaty Brytol o imieniu Durant.


In effect, what it will be doing is putting small firms in Liverpool and Manchester - in his own constituency - out of business.
W rezultacie tych działań z rynku znikną małe przedsiębiorstwa z Liverpoolu i Manchesteru - jego okręgu wyborczego.


That ain't no Liverpool accent.
Nie brzmiało jak z Liverpoolu.


11.22am: Bruce speaks! "My name is Bruce Grobbelaar, the formerLiverpool goalkeeper," he tells the room. There's a pause, until something clicks with Diego and he starts going "Heh! Heh! Heh!" Bruce continues: "Will Messi have the same impact in this World Cup that you had in Mexico 86? Maradona responds with gusto. "I would love to see that!" he says. "I would love him to have the same impact that I had in 1986 but I think behind Lionel there is a whole team who must back him up and he should be the cherry on the cake. I just wish Lionel gets to showcase his talents and that he has the best performance of all time."
The name: Coined from a Liverpool fanzine of the same name started by Bill Harry in 1961.
â?? Liverpool and Chelsea have yet to agree fee â?? Israeli international expected to undergo medical, reports say
Yossi Benayoun has moved closer to a Liverpool exit after agreeing terms on a four-year contract with Chelsea, although the clubs have yet to finalise a fee for the Israel international.
Carlo Ancelotti, the Chelsea manager, has targeted the versatile 30-year-old as a replacement for Joe Cole who, along with Michael Ballack and Juliano Belletti, will be released from Stamford Bridge when his contract expires at the end of the month. Liverpool rejected a Â?4m inquiry from the Premier League champions for Benayoun last month and have not received another official offer since.
Benayoun will be the first high-profile player to leave Anfield following Rafael Ben?­tez's exit should Liverpool agree a compromise figure with Chelsea. The Israel captain signed a fourâ??year contract at Liverpool last summer and scored nine goals in 42 appearances for the club last season. The midfielder, however, was often deployed as a substitute under Ben?­tez and became frustrated with the former Liverpool manager as a result. Even with Ben?­tez moving to Internazionale, Benayoun remains determined to leave for a club that can offer Champions League football and a better salary, and is expected to get his way in the coming days.
The Argentina captain, Javier Mascherano, is another established Liverpool player likely to leave the club this summer, while Steven Gerrard and Fernando Torres will make a decision on their futures after the World Cup. Mascherano could yet be reunited with Ben?­tez at Internazionale.
Liverpool are assessing their options to replace Ben?­tez and have not made an official approach to Fulham for Roy Hodgson, who is due to depart to South Africa to commentate at the World Cup. Hodgson emerged as the early favourite for the Liverpool job after the departure of Ben?­tez almost two weeks ago but remains in the dark over the Anfield club's intent. Reports at the weekend claimed the 62-year-old wanted confirmation of Liverpool's interest before leaving for South Africa and would not be used as a fallback option should Anfield officials fail to secure an alternative target.
Kenny Dalglish remains interested in the job despite Liverpool's preference for a manager with more recent experience of Europe and the Premier League. Hodgson does fulfil that criteria, and has support inside the Anfield boardroom, although Liverpool insist that, with players not due back for pre-season training until July, they are under no pressure to rush their search.
There are two intriguing matches between top-four hopefuls on the opening day. Liverpool start the post-Rafael Ben?­tez era with a home match against Arsenal, while Tottenham Hotspur and Manchester City meet at White Hart Lane.

There are many poor families in Liverpool who do not have as much.
W Liverpoolu jest wiele biednych rodzin, które nie mają nawet tego.

These four guys from Liverpool were stealing a march on us.
Ci czterej faceci z Liverpoolu górowali nad nami.

You are not some rock 'n' roll icon from Liverpool.
Nie jesteś jakąś gwiazdą rocka z Liverpoolu , tylko psem.

If you had your papers in Liverpool, why haven't you got them now?
Skoro miał pan papiery w Liverpoolu, czemu nie ma pan ich teraz?

It means they have to beat Liverpool away to win the Championship.
Będą musieli pokonać Liverpool na wyjeździe, żeby zdobyć mistrzostwo.

Some people say you've been staying away from Liverpool now you're famous
Niektórzy mówią, że trzymaliście się z dala od Liverpoolu, a teraz jesteście sławni.

He said he wanted to take you into Liverpool.
Powiedział, że chce cię zabrać do Liverpoolu.

In the Liverpool home where he lived with his aunt and uncle...
W swoim liverpoolskim domu, gdzie mieszkał z ciotką i wujem,

Now grave diggers in Liverpool refuse to bury the dead.
Grabarze w Liverpool odmawiają pochowania zmarłych.

One night, he followed her to Liverpool, cheap hotel, his hands around her throat.
Jednej nocy, śledził ją aż do Liverpool'u, Tani hotel, jego ręce na jej karku.

She's been taken away to Liverpool and Wickham is safe!
Wuj zabrał ją do Liverpoolu i Wickham jest już bezpieczny.

I'm in the squad for the Liverpool game.
Jestem w składzie na mecz z Liverpoolem.

If you decide to come back... your brother will meet you in Liverpool.
Jeśli zdecydujesz się na powrót... twój brat spotka się z tobą w Liverpoolu.

Hope you and that ghastly Liverpool girl are satisfied.
Mam nadzieję, że Ty i ta straszna dziewczyna z Liverpoolu jesteście zadowoleni.

People in Liverpool, they only seldom do.
Ludzie w Liverpoolu, rzadko takie mają...

Why, I'm supposed to get to Liverpool somehow.
Muszę się jakoś dostać do Liverpoolu.

He's only put a pony on Liverpool.
On postawił na Liverpool tylko ćwiartkę.

Mr. Kristo has found it necessary to leave for Liverpool on business.
Pan Kristo udał się do Liverpoolu w ważnych interesach.

Yeah, and his mother lived... at number nine Newcastle in Liverpool.
I jego matka mieszkała pod numerem 9-tym... -Numerem 9-tym w New Castle w Liverpool'u.

Those four guys from Liverpool came here
Ci czterej goście z Liverpoolu przyszli tu...

My girlfriend's coming from Liverpool tonight.
Dziś przyjeżdża z Liverpoolu moja dziewczyna.

Liverpool Street concourse now ready for departure.
Hala główna Liverpool Street, gotowi do odlotu.

Do not linger long in Liverpool.
Nie pozostawaj długo w Liverpoolu.

If it stays like this. It will still be Liverpool in Europe next season.
Jeśli taki wynik się utrzyma, to Liverpool zagra w Lidze Mistrzów w następnym sezonie.

He's a fuckin' lunatic. Look what happened in Liverpool.
On jest obłąkany, zobaczcie co stało się w Liverpoolu.

Morty, set up a meeting with Trevor and Shanks in Liverpool.
Morty, ustaw spotkanie z Trevorem i Shanksem w Liverpoolu.

A little hotel near Liverpool Street.
Mały hotel, przy Liverpool Street.

Correct. You won't know this, being American, but tonight, Liverpool are playing...
Pewnie tego nie wiesz, jako Amerykanin, ale dziś Liverpool gra z...

Let's say you're Unilever and you want to make detergent ina factory near Liverpool.
Powiedzmy, że jesteście Unileverem i chcecie wyprodukowaćdetergent w fabryce niedaleko Liverpoolu.

Now that ain't no Liverpool accent.
To nie jest akcent z Liverpoolu.

Moss herefancies Liverpool for the weekend.
Moss wten weekend obstawił Liverpool.

There'd been explosions near Liverpool Street and Edgware Road stations, too.
Wybuchy odnotowano na Liverpool Street i stacjach przy Edgware Road.

Madam President, this is a report that gives me the opportunity to mention the City of Liverpool, which is in my constituency.
Pani przewodnicząca! Przedmiotowe sprawozdanie daje mi sposobność, aby wspomnieć miasto Liverpool, które leży w moim okręgu wyborczym.

In effect, what it will be doing is putting small firms in Liverpool and Manchester - in his own constituency - out of business.
W rezultacie tych działań z rynku znikną małe przedsiębiorstwa z Liverpoolu i Manchesteru - jego okręgu wyborczego.

But it was here, in Liverpool th...
Ale było to tu, w Liverpoolu...

There are also explosions at the stations of Liverpool Street and Edgware Road.
Eksplozje miały miejsce także niedaleko stacji przy Liverpool Street i Edgware Road

Both sides must keep winning. 'Defeat for Liverpool at Wimbledon this afternoon
Jednak obie drużyny, muszą wygrać pokonać Liverpool, podczas dzisiejszego meczu na Wimbledon

Liverpool players are surrounding the referee.'
Zawodnicy drużyny Liverpool otoczyli sędziego

Now, we've got branches in Edinburgh, Liverpool, Birmingham, and London.
Mamy oddziały w Edynburgu, Liverpoolu, Birmingham i Londynie.

I was, went from Liverpool to Marseilles and I was sick all the time.
Płynąłem z Liverpoolu do Marsylii, było mi niedobrze cały czas.

Well from New Orleans back to Liverpool
I tak z Nowego Orleanu wracamy do Liverpoolu.

I can speak for North-West England and say how very much these funds have benefited the city of Liverpool, in particular, over the last 10 years.
Mogę wypowiedzieć się w imieniu regionu North-West England i powiedzieć, jak bardzo korzystne te fundusze były dla Liverpoolu, w szczególności w ciągu ostatnich 10 lat.

Fucking hell, I'm from Liverpool.
Kurwa mać, a ja z Liverpool.

Liverpool playing Chelsea Saturday.
Liverpool gra z Chelsea w sobotę.

Man U versus Liverpool.
Man U kontra Liverpool!

I called Liverpool, Interpol, even Paul.
Wołałem Liverpool, Interpol, nawet Paula.

Topless saleswomen are legal in Liverpool,England,but... only in tropical fish stores.
Sprzedawczynie topless są legalne w Liverpoolu ale... tylko w tropikalnych sklepach rybnych.

I know it is mainly about freight trains, 'non-stop from Lisbon to Liverpool without changing locomotives or train crews', says the briefing.
Wiem, że jak stanowi nota, chodzi głównie o pociągi towarowe, "które jadą non-stop z Lizbony do Liverpoolu bez zmiany lokomotyw ani załogi pociągu”.

Aye aye, the Liverpool shuffle. Two for you, two for me, three for them.
Liverpoolski sposób tasowania: dwie dla ciebie, dwie dla mnie, trzy dla niego.

A Liverpool scientist believes... ...a woman is most alluringwhen she's most fertile.
Biolog z Liverpoolu uważa... że kobieta jest najatrakcyjniejsza kiedy jest najbardziej płodna.