Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adjective) powolny; uporczywy; powracający, długotrwały, przewlekły, utrzymujący się;

Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski

utrzymujący się



pozostający w ustach

ciągle żywy



ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy






Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.



Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

What makes all this confusing is that everybody broadly agrees that children do do better with two parents, and that in the UK our "unions" â?? whether marriages or partnerships â?? are more likely to break up than anywhere else in Europe. There is no doubt that divorce can leave lingering psychological scars, especially on children. But equally, as Figes points out, the damage of divorce on children can be mitigated by careful handling. The bottom line of the research into parenting and relationships is that the best way to take care of your children is to take care of your marriage. Which brings us back to square one: "Moments of intense frustration, hatred, loneliness and irritation exist in every long-term relationship," Figes states, "but when the whole is sound, when there is enough love and respect to keep things moving forward together, a committed relationship offers us the best crucible there is for psychological growth, contentment and a sense of self and place."
Bath's vegetarian scene revolves around two distinct poles, the Porter and Demuth's (2 North Parade Passage, off Abbey Green, +44 (0)1225 446059; demuths.co.uk). Rachel Demuth's restaurant offers the more sophisticated experience, but with even lunchtime mains - say, an elaborately-pimped plate of lemon and herb aracini - coming in at just under Â?10, it hovers on the outer reaches of this feature's remit. It's only really Demuth's breakfasts and snacks - perhaps a warm cheese scone or piece of lemon polenta cake (with tea/coffee, Â?3.95) - that could be described as "affordable". The Porter is a much earthier experience. About as close as Bath gets to grungy, this iconic vegetarian pub and live music venue has been feeding a boho crowd for years. You can munch on stuff like hummus and garden salad rolls; a mixed bean and lentil chilli; or artichoke and sweet pepper pizza. The only danger is lingering too long. All dark woods, drowsy blues rock and laidback good vibes, it's the kind of place where you can easily pop-in for a snack and end-up in a long, boozy session.
Thailand extends emergency rule in parts of the country, including Bangkok, over lingering fears of unrest by redshirts
She started writing to Kelly almost immediately, as a release and an effort to contain her grief out of sight of her children; Theo, the eldest at eight, had asked her not to cry in front of him. The early entries are full of the derangements of a mind in shock; one of the first things that crossed her mind after hearing the news was a hope that the windows in their London home were shut, so that nothing of Kelly's spirit could escape. Later, when she returned home, there was, she writes, such a palpable sense of him â?? the shirt on the door; the lingering smell â?? that "there is a period of time where I think, someone is still buzzing; there is a reverberation of them around you that you clasp, latch on to, in the hope that it will materialise into something more than a vibration. And of course it never does. There's that hope. It's very irrational. And you know it is. But it still gives a sense of comfort or relief." These are things she could record only in the knowledge that she was "writing to someone who's not around and you're not going to get a response".
This week I asked two of my favourite northerners about their feelings towards the south, and both replied that they had always harboured the lingering feeling that the south was "not a proper place" that it was somehow lacking substance. By contrast, there has always seemed such sturdiness to the north, to our landscape and our bodies and our demeanour.
For a long, slow, lingering read, try Candia McWilliam's What to Look for in Winter (Jonathan Cape), a strange and startling memoir slung between the central poles of writing, alcoholism and blindness. It is a kind of literary origami trick, where the author folds in on herself in tight, dense, intricate coils, then unfolds herself again with miraculous lightness and delicacy.
"I had absolutely nothing to do with [the] decision," Straw wrote. "Indeed I was on holiday at the time and only learned about it from an item on the BBC News website. It follows that I do not see how I could help your committee 'understand several questions still lingering from this decision' â?? You will therefore excuse me if I do not accept your kind invitation."
Stock markets around the world remained nervous today after yesterday's sharp falls, amid lingering fears about the global economy's recovery from recession.
It's an attractive sell, particularly since the heroic journey has, historically, been a guy thing; specifically one man, a rugged landscape, a dog, possibly a horse and a lot of lingering looks at the horizon. The female equivalent, childbirth, seems poor value when the men get to go on holiday. The Wife of Bath is always brought up at this point as the mother of the picaresque heroine (although today she'd be said to have anger management issues), as well as her modern-day heir, before Gilbert, the heroine of Erica Jong's Fear of Flying. But whereas in 1973, Isadora Wing misbehaved her way around Europe, self-control is now the order of the day.
The NOAA chief Jane Lubchenco, herself an ocean scientist, had played down the first reports of oil in the ocean depths. MacDonald and other scientists have accused NOAA of discouraging them from making public their findings about lingering oil in the deepwater.

Well, I can understand that he's lingering over her name.
Mogę to zrozumieć. W końcu prawie wyśpiewuje jej imię.

Lingering disputes have a negative effect on the business community.
Ciągnące się spory wywołują negatywne skutki dla przedsiębiorców.

But since you did, was it a long, lingering kiss?
Ale skoro już to był długi, namiętny pocałunek?

Better a short inconvenience than a lingering problem, wouldn't you say, Captain?
Ale chyba krótki kłopot jest lepszy niż ciągnący się problem, nieprawdaż? Tak jest.

In truth, there is one lingering point in the debate.
Prawdę powiedziawszy, jest jeden punkt, który ciągle powraca w dyskusji.

Love leaves a trail of sulfur like some lingering smell.
Miłość zostawia za sobą ślad siarki, jak jakiś trudny do usunięcia zapach.

We feel pain and outrage for lingering on the images of this terrible document.
Czujemy ból i oburzenie dla obrazów zawartych w tym strasznym dokumentcie.

What you get is a slow, lingering, painful death.
To, co dostajesz, jest powolna zwlekająca bolesna śmierć i to jest co jest paskudny.

Maybe one too many lingering glances in the locker room got him in trouble.
Może o jedno tęskne spojrzenie za dużo w szatni sprowadziło na niego kłopoty.

You still have a few lingering mortal emotions.
Ciągle pozostało ci kilka śmiertelnych emocji.

You can count on me and my staff to explain our approach and reduce any lingering concerns you may have.
Ja i moi pracownicy pozostajemy do dyspozycji, aby wyjaśnić nasze podejście i zmniejszyć wszelkie państwa dotychczasowe obawy.

Nevertheless, the impression is that we are lingering, as if we are waiting for somebody else to come up with the solution.
Mimo to można odnieść wrażenie, że ociągamy się, jakbyśmy czekali, aż ktoś inny poda nam rozwiązanie.

Was it a long, lingering kiss?
Czy to był długi, namiętny pocałunek?

What's with the strange, lingering silence?
O co chodzi z tą dziwną, przewlekłą ciszą?

Long, lingering breakfasts with dad?
Długie, niekończące się śniadania z tatą?

A little, lingering doubt perhaps, Blane?
Mała, utrzymująca się wątpliwość, Blane?

It's one of two kinds of ghosts, and means 'Lingering Ghost'...
To jeden z dwóch rodzajów duchów, a oznacza 'Uporczywy Duch'...

She's innocent... lingering on in youth.
Jest niewinna i pogrążona w dzieciństwie.

In order to avoid disputes and approve the budget quickly, we need to propose a sensible budget, which, in the current period of lingering economic crisis, means a tight budget.
Aby uniknąć sporów i szybko przyjąć budżet, musimy zaproponować sensowny projekt, który w obecnych warunkach utrzymującego się kryzysu gospodarczego oznacza ograniczony budżet.

If this succeeds, I am convinced that even in that geographical area the lingering conflicts will be gradually sorted out and finally resolved, and an area of stability, democracy and prosperity will be created.
Jeżeli działanie to odniesie sukces, to jestem przekonany, że nawet w tym rejonie geograficznym długotrwałe konflikty będą stopniowo rozwiązywane i na koniec zażegnywane. Powstanie wówczas obszar stabilności, demokracji i dobrobytu.