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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

And as Lincoln told the story, Mr. Allen went to Britain after the war.
Jak opowiadał Lincoln, pan Allen pojechał do Wielkiej Brytanii po wojnie.


And then in the interview he said, "What made Lincoln so great?
I potem w tym wywiadzie pytał: "Co uczyniło Lincolna tak sławnym?


Even as a child, it seemed, Lincoln dreamed heroic dreams.
Już jako dziecko, wydaje nam się, Lincoln miał heroiczne marzenia.


Basically it's the same thing that created my downfall at Lincoln Center.
Właśnie to byłą przyczyną mojej porażki w Lincoln Center.


The execution was ordered by President Lincoln only two days after he signed the Emancipation Proclamation.
Obyła się na rozkaz prezydenta Lincolna, który zaledwie 2 dni wcześniej podpisał Proklamację Emancypacji.


The US support was evident in numerous flags and hats, in one fan's Abraham Lincoln rubber mask and another's stars and stripes dressing gown, but inside the stadium it was the cross of St George that ran along the upper tier with names such as Addlestone, Calverton and Scunthorpe on show.
Only 3,449 US servicemen have been awarded the medal since it was inaugurated by Abraham Lincoln during the civil war in 1862. Fewer than 500 were awarded in the second world war and 246 in Vietnam. Only one woman has ever received the medal.
Some surveyors and valuers told the RICS survey they had been staggered by the ferocity of the market downturn since the coalition government's emergency budget in June. One firm in Shropshire said: "The market is the worst it has ever been. The government's determination to balance the books has undermined confidence," while another in Lincoln said: "The large number of redundancies expected has had a negative impact on the market."
The True Blood vampires will be back soon but, until then, maybe it's time to let some other monsters into your life? Based on a cult comic and produced by Frank "The Shawshank Redemption" Darabont, The Walking Dead offers at least the possibility of seeing Andrew Lincoln being eaten by zombies, which should make it worth a look. It's also produced by AMC â?? the American home of Mad Men and Breaking Bad â?? which suggests there should be a lot to it than hordes of lurching undead stalking malls.
Fears about insensitive scheduling have caused problems. The New York event was criticised for scheduling several catwalk events during the Jewish festival Rosh Hashanah earlier in the week, but the Council of Fashion Designers of America asserted that it had no option but to clash with the Jewish holiday. The New York Times has reported that a synagogue close to the Lincoln Centre was offering services for fashionistas stuck at the shows.
Andrew Lincoln (Egg from This Life) plays a police officer who wakes up after an accident to find himself in the middle of an undead apocalypse. Based on the cult graphic-novel series, The Walking Dead could be the moment zombies get a True Blood-style makeover. FX, November.
The nature of his comeback is sending shockwaves through New York fashion week and beyond. In an industry obsessed with blanket coverage, global reach and instant accessibility for the maximum number of customers, Ford went instead for exclusivity, intimacy and intrigue. He invited only 100 people to the show, which was held in his Madison Avenue menswear store instead of the Lincoln Centre, where the rest of fashion week is based.
It will take place on the National Mall below the Lincoln memorial, site of so many historic demonstrations over the decades. Not least of which was the recent "Restoring Honor" rally organised by Stewart's antithesis, the rightwing conservative Christian TV host Glenn Beck. The "Million Moderate" reference is also a poke at Beck's predominantly white rally, which talked of "reclaiming" civil rights on the anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech, and in the place also where African Americans held their Million Man March for stronger rights in 1995.
In a frenzy of sequins she skanked back to her car and we sped off, bouncing through the storm drains, crossing the crucible of fourth-fifth-sixth-seventh avenues before arriving at Lincoln Boulevard and the security of its third-world shanty.
The date â?? 28 August â?? and the location â?? in front of the Lincoln Monument â?? are no accident. Beck has chosen to "Restore Honour" on the anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech and on the exact location where he delivered it 47 years before. The symbolism is clear: King fought for the civil rights of black people in the days when the south (including Washington DC) was still segregated and explicit racism was rife. Now the subliminal message is that these decent, ordinary, largely white Tea Party folk are the victims of an overbearing, godless government and they too must fight for their civil rights. As part of the warm-up they even run footage of King's stirring words on huge screens.

Lincoln, he really wants to see you and your brother.
On naprawdę musi zobaczyć się z tobą i twoim bratem.

You go west of Lincoln to a police station here.
Waszym celem jest posterunek policji na zachód od Lincoln.

I met with this woman today, and she knew things about Lincoln's case.
Spotkałam się dziś z kobietą, która miała informacje o sprawie Lincolna.

You are so lucky Lincoln isn't here to see this.
Masz szczęście, że Linc tego nie widzi.

We already have safeguards in place to deal with Lincoln.
Zabezpieczyliśmy się już, żeby poradzić sobie z Lincolnem.

And so besides, woman Lincoln, how was it at theatre?
A tak poza tym, pani Lincoln, jak było w teatrze?

The weapon's found in Lincoln's house, the blood on his clothes.
Broń znaleziono w jego domu, a krew ofiary na jego ubraniach.

It's not the luck of the draw that you're in here with Lincoln.
To nie jest szczęśliwe losowanie, że trafiłeś do Lincoln.

And that Lincoln arches thing is a very nice touch.
A łuk Lincolna, to bardzo ładna rzecz.

Got some things in Lincoln to take care of.
Mam w Lincoln kilka spraw do załatwienia.

I usually get up early to run in Lincoln Park.
Zwykle wstaje wcześnie i biegam w parku Lincolna.

I think insanity run on both sides of that Lincoln family.
Myślę, że szaleństwo udziela się obu stronom rodziny Lincolna.

The getaway car now using Lincoln is a black, no card.
Samochód którego teraz używają to czarny Lincoln bez tablic rejestracyjnych.

I heard about your argument with lincoln. you people are everywhere, huh?
Słyszałam o twojej kłótni z Lincolnem. Wszędzie was pełno, co?

Tom and I went up to Lincoln for a couple of days.
Byliśmy z Tomem w Lincoln przez parę dni.

President Lincoln says the war won't stop unless we finish slavery.
Prezydent Lincoln mówi, że wojna się nie skończy... ...jeśli nie zniesiemy niewolnictwa.

He always told a story On the night that Lincoln was shot.
On zawsze powiedział historię Na nocy, którą Lincoln został postrzelony.

That's what the race traitor Lincoln did to me, to my family's good name.
Oto, co zdrajca rasy Lincoln zrobił mi... oraz dobremu imieniu mojej rodziny.

And i ride out of lincoln A free man.
A potem odjadę z Lincoln, jako wolny człowiek.

I just want to get Lincoln off death row.
Ja tylko chcę wyciągnąć Lincolna z celi śmierci.

By the time you read this, I'll be back home in Lincoln.
Kiedy to czytasz, ja jestem już w domu w Lincoln.

This Lincoln family has a long history of generous philanthropy.
Rodzina Lincolnów ma długą historię hojnej filantropii.

It will be nothing to do with the murder At Lincoln face.
To nie będzie nic, by zrobić z morderstwem W Lincoln twarzy.

I can't ask somebody to be a Kennedy or a Lincoln.
Nie każę nikomu być jak Kennedy czy Lincoln.

Olivia and Lincoln, they went to the morgue to get the other body.
Olivia i Lincoln poszli do kostnicy po drugie ciało.

I'd like to run some tests on you, Lincoln.
Chcia3bym przeprowadziæ na tobie kilka testów, Lincoln.

This is your last call for the third race at Lincoln Fields.
Ostatnie zakłady na trzecią gonitwę w Lincoln Fields.

But the president we need today is not Abraham Lincoln.
Ale prezydentem jakiego nam dziś trzeba nie jest Abraham Lincoln.

Now he's got Bell and half the town of Lincoln out there with him.
Jest z nim Bell i połowa Lincoln.

Because Lincoln was never accompanied by guards when attending the theater.
Bo kiedy Lincoln chodził do teatru nigdy nie towarzyszyli mu ochroniarze. Słuchasz mnie?

Had a good one at Lincoln Fields but he faded.
Był dobry na prowadzeniu w Lincoln Fields, ale przepadł.

I am just a soldier in this war, Lincoln, just like you.
Jestem tylko żołnierzem na tej wojnie, Lincoln, tak jak ty.

Right now, we're running the weekly cash deposits from lincoln road mall.
W tej chwili sprawdzana jest gotówka z centrum handlowego przy Lincoln.

Lincoln is my favorite president, Sir no offence Does not matter.
Lincoln jest moim ulubionym prezydentem, Panem żadna obraza nie ma znaczenia.

And if you stay, we offer a free Lincoln Continental breakfast.
A jeśli zostaniecie, to zaoferujemy wam darmowe śniadanko.

Lincoln Potter I've heard a lot of great things about you, sir.
Słyszałem o panu wiele wspaniałych rzeczy.

And Lincoln had to pay with his life.
A Lincoln zapłacił za to życiem.

A black Lincoln will be waiting out front.
Czarny Lincoln bedzie czekał przed hotelem.

Yeah, he looked like Abraham Lincoln coming up to bat.
Jak Abraham Lincoln z kijem baseballowym.

President Lincoln asked that I speak to you privately, sir.
Prezydent Lincoln prosił, żebym porozmawiał z Panem w cztery oczy.

In 1836 Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer and opened a public office.
W 1836 roku Abraham Lincoln został prawnikiem i otworzył biuro publiczne.

They got to every judge that rejected Lincoln's appeal?
Mają każdego sędziego, który odrzucał apelacje Lincolna?

Well, the last time I saw you was at Lincoln Center.
Ostatni raz widziałem cię w Lincoln Center.

The law says you're going back to Lincoln.
Prawo nakazuje ci wrócić do Lincoln.

I'll meet you in the Lincoln Room in five minutes.
Spotkamy się w Pokoju Lincolna za 5 minut.

I've been principal at Lincoln for ten years, and I taught there before that.
Jestem dyrektorem w Lincoln od dziesięciu lat, przedtem byłam tam nauczycielem.

We don't got anything like this in Lincoln.
Nie mamy nic podobnego w Lincoln.

And Lincoln paid for it with his life.
A Lincoln zapłacił za to życiem.

Eckhart was supposed to meet his wife at Lincoln Center after work.
Eckhart umówił się z żoną po pracy w Lincoln Center.

Yeah, sure, he was the president before Lincoln.
Pewnie, był prezydentem przed Lincolnem.