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Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

She sits pefectly poised and straight-backed. Why does she so often play people drowning in their own diffidence? "I grew to be 5ft 10in when I was 11." Did she feelâ??? She finishes the sentence for me. "A right twat? Yes. It's huge for a girl, and there was a disconnect between my limbs and brain, so I was constantly falling over and very clumsy. And I was generally wildly inelegant. I wished I was smaller. Always." Thankfully, she says, she then stopped growing.
Born 32 years ago in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia's capital, Kebede was spotted twice. The first time, as a teenager, took her to Paris, where she failed, homesick. When she returned to Ethiopia, she met her husband, a hedge-fund manager 20 years her senior, and it wasn't until the second time, aged 23 in Chicago, where the couple had set up home, that it stuck. In no time Kebede signed a Â?1.65m contract to become the first black face of Est?©e Lauder; her face and long, generous limbs sold underwear, handbags, evening dresses and Tiffany diamonds. She took a role in a Robert De Niro film, she was named 11th in a Forbes list of the world's top-earning models, she had a son and a daughter, Suhul and Raee, then in 2005 she took a breathâ??
Whatever the truth about the dates, he has lasted so long because of a strict emotional economy. Pavarotti was as uncontrollably extroverted as a puppy that is not yet housebroken. Domingo, by contrast, has a dignified reserve that is deeply Spanish. The only tantrum of his that I know about was an impromptu walkout from the dress rehearsal of Verdi's Don Carlos at the Met in 1983, provoked by his discovery that the New York Times photographer had bypassed him in favour of two Afghan hounds led about by the soprano Mirella Freni. Otherwise he is equable, friendly to all comers, and thus able to fend off unwanted intimacy. Once in San Francisco, after a performance of Samson et Dalila, I watched him cope with a scantily clad socialite who offered all her available limbs and begged "Please sign me!" He chose her wrist as the safest option, and scrawled his name with her felt pen. His endearing propriety dictated his answer when I asked him whether he disliked any of the characters he had played. He nominated Rasputin in Deborah Drattell's Nicholas and Alexandra, commissioned by his company in LA. "He is a drunkard, a man who is filthy in his habits, and he uses his connections with power to have all these women â?? bah!"
Drawings can be tender or belligerent, introspective or stupid, even frightening and intense. Jean-Michel Basquiat's jumbly, coarse heads, Rachel Kneebone's confusions between the body's insides and outsides (women's torsos and limbs writhing into colons and penises) and Fred Tomaselli's constellations of stars, galaxies and drugs: all are conceptually as well as physically rich.
The woman was so badly brain-damaged by the stroke that she cannot move any of her limbs or even blink in response to simple questions. She wrote the letter within a few days of being taught how to use the device.
If, like me, your teenage TV diet heavily featured Home and Away, you probably longed for the lean, toned limbs of the surfer girls and guys on the Aussie soap. But living in a leafy London suburb meant the closest I ever got to surfing was the wave machine at the local leisure centre. Now a new exercise class claims to be the answer to my teenage prayers: the Roxy beach body workout is based on surfing moves designed to give you a buff body in weeks, even with no beach available. With summer holiday season in full swing, could it get me surf-fit, or would I face a total wipeout?
Leaving behind the mass of humanity that is Goma, the dirt road climbs steadily as it switchbacks through the emerald hills. Clear streams run in the valleys, and on the slopes both cows and vegetables grow fat from the lush grass and fertile soil.
I'm hoping I'll be able to stick around long enough to get some longitudinal data, but that, of course, would mean, er, dancing brilliantly, and wooing both judges' approval and public votes. Am I up to the task? Popularity-wise, folks who watch Strictly may remember my comedy days on Not The Nine O'Clock News, but will not necessarily be champing at the bit to keep a curious shrink out of the "bottom two". However, when it comes to dancing, I've had a reasonable amount of experience, through Scottish ceilidh dancing and the odd bit of hoofing when I was an actor. I was sent to ballet classes at the age of five to strengthen my limbs after contracting polio. I developed a passion for it, and continue to prefer barre exercises to a boring gym workout.
Jackson quoted one behavioural scientist as saying he "climbs inside the minds of monsters" and "takes the expression frozen on the face of a murder victim and works backwards".
I am warned that the road over the mountains to Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh is bad. I can handle it. The road climbs first through clouded forest, visibility 15 metres. I halt at a tiny tin-shack teahouse. Two inebriated young tribal police with big guns demand a kiss. They give me a peck on the cheek and I flee. After a night's sleep at Dirang I face the Sela Pass, the high route into the Tawang valley, once part of Tibet. Bits of road have fallen down the mountain. Bits of mountain have fallen on the road. Wind blasts a chilling cold off the snow peaks. Old fool, frightened of heights, don't look down. I reach the top at 4,180m and am too exhausted to dismount. Yet the descent is glorious, the climate changing from late winter through spring to early summer as I wind my way down. A last climb to Tawang town and clouds close in. Thankfully there are places to stay, interesting food to eat, the monastery to visit. Rain falls continuously for five days, stretches of road turn to deep liquid mud. The bike has no chance here. A 4x4 pickup is the only solution. After a final dinner with much beer with the military commandant on Assam's border, two soldiers escort me to bed and my journey is done.

So, people can actually feel their limbs after they're gone.
Więc ludzie czują swoje kończyny po tym jak je stracą.

I'd like to have all my limbs get there at the same time.
Chcę, żeby moje wszystkie członki dotarły w tym samym czasie. Nie mogę zwolnić.

Well, we couldn't just kill peoples and take their limbs, no.
Jednak nie mogliśmy po prostu zabijać ludzi i zabierać im części ciała.

But now if think you're like my own limbs.
Ale teraz myślę o tobie jak o swoim członku.

Anyone who has use of their limbs can make a salmon mousse.
Pasta z łososia? Każdy, kto ma dwie ręce, potrafi zrobić pastę z łososia.

Look at me. A big blob of flesh with many limbs.
Spójrz na mnie. wielka plama mięsa z wieloma kończynami.

We were talking about phantom limbs, and i blurted it out.
Rozmawialiśmy o odciętych kończynach, i samo mi się wymknęło.

I still have my limbs but they won´t bear the weight of my body.
Nadal mam nogi, ale nie wytrzymują wagi mojego ciała.

Size of the limbs suggest that our victim is a fully-grown male.
Rozmiar kończyn sugeruje, że nasza ofiara była w pełni dorosłym mężczyznom.

Sometimes children have picked these things up, thinking of them as toys, and losing limbs or perhaps even their lives as a result.
Czasem te przedmioty są podnoszone przez dzieci, które myślą, że to zabawki, przez co tracą kończyny lub nawet życie.

Don't worry. lf he'd broken his limbs, how would he have gotten home?
Nie martw się. Jak wróciłby do domu, Gdyby miał połamane kończyny?

Drink it and you feel nothing... in your lower limbs
Wypij to, a nie będziesz nic czuł w dolnych kończynach.

There's nothing left of the corpse but brain and limbs, and still it functions.
Nie zostało nic ze zwłok oprócz mózgu i kończyn, a ciągle funkcjonuje.

It cost extra, but Scotty wanted to be assured that no africans lost any limbs for this.
To dodatkowo kosztowało, ale Scotty chciał być pewien, że żaden Afrykańczyk nie straci żadnego członka ciała dla tego.

I would especially point out that the particularly vicious weaponry used in January has left many people with missing limbs and terrible burns.
Pragnę podkreślić, że zastosowanie szczególnie okrutnej broni w styczniu spowodowało u wielu osób utratę kończyn i potworne oparzenia.

The Vibrio vulnificus bacteria can lead to heart failure, loss of limbs, or death.
Vibrio vulnificus może powodować niewydolność serca, utratę kończyn oraz śmierć.

May your limbs be more nimble than your tongue.
Niech twoje ręce będą bardziej zwinne niż twój język.

She put on the orthopaedic limbs and she threw herself into the lift shaft.
Założyła na siebie ortopedyczny szkielet dziewczynki i wskoczyła do szybu windy.

Feeling the cold creeping up my limbs.
Czuję, jak mróz pełza mi po członkach.

Your limbs and organs are from your friends.
Twoje kończyny i organy pochodzą od twoich przyjaciółek.

You should see the abscess... the limbs knotted in frenzy.
Powinieneś zobaczyć wrzody... kończyny poskręcane w szaleństwie.

Did find scattered fibers in his hair, on his limbs, his clothes.
Znalazłam rozproszone włókna w jego włosach, kończynach i ubraniu.

We know that newts and salamanders can regrow severed limbs.
Wiemy, że traszki i salamandry mogą regenerować uszkodzone kończyny.

Her limbs long and languorous like the creeper.
Jej ramiona długie i tęskne jak pnącza.

Today I've just broken their limbs.
Dzisiaj złamałem im tylko rękę.

First ones with the limbs intact.
Pierwsze z nich z nietkniętym kończynami.

Pain in the joints or limbs?
Ból w stawach lub w kończynach?

As I lay in Buck's truck trying to will my limbs out of entropy...
Gdy tak leżałam w samochodzie Bucka, próbując zmusić moje kończyny do pracy...

He cut off her limbs. And brought heer to Edo as his plaything.
Odciął jej kończyny... i zabrał ją ze sobą do Edo jako swoją zabawkę.

Even if my limbs are broken
Nawet jeśli moje ciało nie będzie sprawne.

Your limbs are still weak.
Twoje kończyny są nadal słabe.

Intestinal bleeding, swollen limbs. Acute renal failure, I knew it.
Krwawienie jelitowe, opuchnięte kończyny i ostra niewydolność nerek, wiedziałem.

Siamese twins were born; two heads, two sets of limbs...
Urodziły się bliźnięta syjamskie o dwóch główkach, dwóch parach kończyn.

We swing on limbs of trees
Huśtamy się na gałęziach drzew

You see her limbs flexing?
Widzisz jej zginające się kończyny?

Head foggy, limbs hurt, eyes burn.
Zamglona głowa, obolałe nogi, palące oczy.

Your limbs so svelte and slender
Twe dłonie tak dostojne i smukłe

Specialized in joining broken limbs
Wyspecjalizowany w łączeniu złamanych kości.

The criminals who got child soldiers to cut off the limbs of innocent citizens should be punished and not be given an opportunity to repeat their crimes.
Zbrodniarze, którzy zmuszali dzieci-żołnierzy do obcinania kończyn niewinnym ludziom, powinni zostać ukarani i nie można dopuścić, by znów popełniali zbrodnie.

Eyes be bright, limbs be nimble
Oczy winny być zwinne, umysł bystry

Ladies and gentlemen, the enchanting recycling queen, Corma Limbs
Panie i panowie, czarująca odnawiająca się królowa, Corma Kończyna.

Unlikethe limbs, life cannot be restored... ...once life has gone.
Mózg musi być żywy, nie można go przywrócić do życia.

behind this pile of broken limbs.. with Chuck...
Za tą stertą połamanych gałęzi... z Chuckiem.

However... ...leave the limbs you've lost.
Ale zostawcie kończyny, które straciliście.

Drastic mutilations of the civilian population, and in particular amputations of limbs on a massive scale, sexual violence as a weapon, enrolling children in the army - these are only some of the brutal methods used by the RUF, which was commanded by the defendants.
Drastyczne okaleczenia ludności cywilnej, w szczególności amputacje kończyn na skalę masową, przemoc seksualna jako metoda walki, wcielanie do armii dzieci - to tylko niektóre z brutalnych działań Zjednoczonego Frontu Rewolucyjnego kierowanego przez podsądnych.