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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

If they took risks by playing so high up the field that the likes of Robbie Keane could sense the possibility of exploiting space behind their defenders, they also seemed to realise from early in the match that Celtic had not the imagination or the execution to provide the Republic of Ireland striker with the service he craved. Unsurprisingly, it would be the out-of-towners who would pose the first threat, even if it did appear inadvertent. A Scott Morrison cross from the left appeared to be off target until the ball was suddenly dipping and threatening to drop under the crossbar, forcing Lukasz Zaluska to leap quickly and push it over.
"I thought, well, everybody likes money, so how about I just offer drug addicts money to use birth control?" A lawyer from the Los Angeles children's court gave Harris her first donation â?? $400 â?? and she put up some posters around LA and Orange County, where she was living. Within a week she had two takers.
Time to go. She's heading back to England soon, then it's off to Scotland to film a supernatural thriller called The Awakening. So where does she call home? "I don't know." Where's her house? "I don't have one. In England I'll stay with friends and family until they get bored with me. Until I get another job." She says she quite likes the rootlessness, that it helps her acting â?? no fixed abode, no fixed identity â?? but you sense that part of her wouldn't half like a room or two of her own. "I've just started to get really envious when I go into people's houses and see books on a shelf. It's so long since I've been able to buy a heavy book."
As we head off, she talks about the things she likes to do and would like to do. As well as the art and music, there's writing. What does she write about? "I dont knowwwwwww," she teen-whines again. "Nothing I want to talk about yet. I wrote reams and reams of poetry in my diary the other night about how sad and tortured I am... I love the solitary, romantic idea of writing."
Actually, she says, she's joking about the poetry, but not about being solitary. Last night, she stayed in on her own and watched all five hours of Ingmar Bergman's gruelling Scenes From A Marriage. That sounds worrying, I say. "You know, there's an awful lot of dealing with people in acting." Dealing? "Well, not dealing with people. Just people. And I like being on my own. I really do. There's so much crap attached to acting, the fame aspect, the ego aspect, the 'Am I good, am I bad, am I being judged, who likes me, who doesn't like meâ??'"
Beck is already a huge influence on book sales. The "Beck bump" catapulted A Patriot's History of the United States into the number one spots on Amazon and the website of bookseller Barnes and Noble. He recently did the same for The Road to Serfdom, a book written in 1944 that most Americans had never heard of. Even books he dislikes get a huge sales boost. He recently mentioned an "evil" leftwing anarchist book called The Coming Insurrection. It promptly rocketed into the bestseller lists. The Overton Window will undoubtedly follow it there.
When Angela Merkel talks about budget cuts these days she likes to invoke the "Swabian housewife" â?? Germany's equivalent of the parsimonious Scot. In that part of south-west Germany they have a reputation for scrimping and saving. Famously, Swabia's cooks make hearty soups out of all the leftovers in the kitchen. To the German chancellor they are the embodiments of good housekeeping.
Nicole has more luck with Adrienne Clayton, 37, a children's entertainer. "Do I read g2? No, never. What's in it?" "Well we have an interview with Pixie Lott." Perhaps her young daughter likes her? "I'm sure she does, but so do I. That's sounds good. I'll take a copy."
Senior figures within the socialist government of US-born George Papandreou have similarly found it hard to disguise their delight. "Let's not forget that Obama likes George. He was the first leader to call and congratulate him when he won elections last October," said one insider. "I think it's fair to say he'd like to help Greece."
The action officially gets under way at noon, when the likes of Kim Clijsters, Fernando Lopez, Nadia Petrova and Ivan Ljubicic step on to the outside courts. But we must wait a further hour until defending champion Roger Federer officially opens his 2010 campaign on Centre. The evidence suggests he won't be detained for long. His round one opponent, Columbia's Alejandro Falla, has yet to win a set off the Swiss and lost to him 6-1, 6-2 in their last meeting, just two weeks ago on the grass courts of Halle.

But now I think he likes what my money can buy.
Ale teraz... chyba podoba mu się, co mogę kupić za swoje pieniądze.

And so in general, he likes when she looks at him.
A tak w ogóle, to on lubi kiedy się na niego patrzy.

And I kind of just don't think she likes my friends.
I nie wydaje mi się, żeby lubiła moich przyjaciół.

If he's our guy he likes to feel in control.
Jeśli to nasz gość, to lubi mieć kontrolę.

Do not ask why, but I think he likes you.
Nie pytaj czemu, ale chyba cię lubi.

I just don't know if she likes me or not.
Po prostu nie wiem czy ona mnie lubi czy nie.

You know, a girl who likes to do things in the home.
Wiesz, dziewczyna, która lubi robić różne rzeczy w domu.

Seems like the kind of guy who likes to get what he wants.
Wygląda na faceta, który lubi dostawać to, czego chce.

The guy I like is here, and he also likes me.
Chłopak, który mi się podoba jest tu i ja też mu się podobam.

Let her live at the church, do whatever she likes.
Daj jej żyć w kościele, niech robi co jej się podoba.

I'm not someone who likes to get involved past a certain point.
Jestem kimś, kto się nie angażuje po pewnym momencie.

I'm just a single guy who likes to have a good time.
Jestem tylko samotnym facetem, który lubi się dobrze bawić.

He likes to look at them while we're in bed.
Lubi na niego patrzeć, gdy jesteśmy w łóżku.

I think she just likes having someone to talk to.
Myślę, że lubi po prostu mieć z kim porozmawiać.

I don't want her to cut herself off from people she likes.
Nie chcę, by odcinała się od ludzi, których lubi.

I can't really tell whether he likes me or not.
Nie mogę stwierdzić czy mnie lubi czy nie.

The fact of the matter is that this place likes to control things from the centre.
Faktem jest, że w tym miejscu lubi się centralnie sprawować kontrolę.

But they didn't like her the way that one likes you.
Ale one jej nie lubiły tak jak ciebie.

But I think maybe that might mean he likes me.
Może to znaczy, że mu się podobam.

He likes to be watched by another girl while I do him.
Mój klient lubi, jak inna dziewczyna patrzy, kiedy mu obciągam.

I don't think he even really likes her that much.
Myślę, że nie lubi jej tak bardzo.

No, he likes you a little bit more than that.
Nie, on cię lubi trochę bardziej niż tylko po to.

He likes the offer, but he's still looking for 315.
Podoba mu się oferta, ale nadal szuka czegoś do 315.

We understand you're not the kind of guy who likes to lose.
Rozumiemy, że nie jesteś typem faceta, który lubi przegrywać.

That's one of the things the President said he likes about him.
To jedna z tych rzeczy, które prezydent lubi w nim.

I will only like the girl whom my mother likes.
Tylko taką, jaka spodoba się mojej matce.

Look likes your man is not going to make it.
Wygląda na to, że mu się nie uda tu dotrzeć.

There's only one way to deal with the likes of them boys.
Jest tylko jeden sposób, jak się obchodzić z takimi jak oni,

She likes our money, but not the way we get it.
Lubi nasze pieniądze, ale nie sposób, w jaki na nią zarabiamy.

You don't get her interest by doing things that she likes.
Nie musisz wzbudzić jej zainteresowania tym samym, co ona lubi.

I do know other words but nobody usually likes the sound of them.
Nie znam innych słów, ale zazwyczaj i tak nikt mnie nie słucha.

Somebody tell him that not I care what he likes.
Poinformujcie go, że mam w dupie, co mu się podoba.

I brought her to the house and she likes it.
Sprowadziłem ją do domu. Podoba jej się tu.

Something about she likes to focus before a big trial.
To coś, co lubi robić, by uspokoić się przed procesem.

He'd rather be there than with the likes of you.
Wolałby być tam niż tu, z takimi typami jak wy.

Let's put her room back to the way she likes it.
Zróbmy z jej pokojem to co najbardziej w nim lubi.

Your sister just likes to think she knows me better than I know myself.
Twoja siostra lubi myśleć, że zna mnie lepiej, niż ja sam.

I guess you're used to the type of girl that likes to be lost.
Wydaje mi się, że lubisz dziewczęta, które lubią być stracone.

But I only remember her as a high school girl who likes fast food.
Ale ja ją zapamiętałem jako dziewczynę w mundurku, która lubiła fast foody.

Shouldn't change too much, though ’cause she likes me for who I am.
Ale nie powinienem się za bardzo przygotowywać, bo ona lubi mnie takim jakim jestem.

I had the right that every man has with all the women he likes!
Miałem takie same prawo, jakie ma każdy mężczyzna do kobiety którą miłuje!

I'd like to date a woman who actually likes men.
Chcę się spotykać z kobietą, której mężczyźni się podobają.

A girl will never forget the first boy she likes.
Dziewczyna nie zapomina pierwszego chłopaka, jaki wpadnie jej w oko.

She likes you to order for her in a restaurant.
Lubi, kiedy składasz za nią zamówienie w restauracji.

Maybe we're not in that book, because everybody likes us.
Może dlatego nie ma nas w tej książce, bo wszyscy nas lubią.

It's not the same now that I know he likes you.
To już nie jest to samo bo wiem, że on cię lubi.

I want to make sure she still likes me. Hey.
Chce się upewnić, że ona wciąż mnie lubi.

He likes to have you around for a quick piece.
Lubi cię mieć pod ręką, gdy przyjdzie mu ochota.

He likes to start early, so he's probably there by now.
Lubi zaczynać z samego rana, więc pewnie teraz tam jest.

He's never liked a man in quite the way he likes you.
Dupkiem? Nigdy jeszcze nie lubił mężczyzny, w sposób, w jaki lubi pana.