Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) Wawrzyniec;

Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

im. Wawrzyniec

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Laurence Sunderland said rescuers on board a chartered Australian airline made contact with her earlier today and that she was alive.
Sunderland's parents, Laurence and Marianne, posted a message on their daughter's blog saying rescuers would reach her in a day.
Her father, Laurence Sunderland, speaking to reporters outside their California home, said his daughter was safe and well: "She got out of her vessel with the clothes on her back, and we are just really excited and ecstatic that Abigail is in safe hands. She was in good spiritsâ?? she talked to her mother."
"I never questioned my decision in letting her go. In this day and age we get overprotective with our children," Laurence Sunderland said. "Look at how many teenagers die in cars every year. Should we let teenagers drive cars? I think it'd be silly if we didn't."
It could be that Siegel simply hoped to shake novelists up. The critic Frank Kermode once said the novel was a form that revived itself periodically. "The special fate of the novel, considered as a genre, is to be always dying; and the main reason for this is that the most intelligent novelists and readers are always conscious of the gap, consisting of absurdity, that grows between the world as it seems to be and the world proposed in novels," Kermode wrote. As a result, writers, from Jane Austen and Laurence Sterne to JD Salinger, plan to write an anti-novel and then end up, Kermode said, pointing "the way to a new novel, a new convention".
The "privatisation" of the NHS has caused much dissent in the medical community. Laurence Buckman, of the BMA's general practice committee, also raised concerns that sections of the white paper suggest the government "would be happy for the private sector to turn up" and be involved in healthcare. He said: "The BMA position on this is that we would not be happy [for private sector involvement]. We don't think it is necessary."
Technology and melancholia: an odd coupling, you might think. Yet it's one that has deep conceptual roots. For Freud, all technology is a prosthesis: the telephone (originally conceived as a hearing aid) an artificial ear, the camera an artificial eye, and so on. Strapping his prosthetic organs on, as Freud writes in Civilisation and its Discontents, man becomes magnificent, "a kind of god with artificial limbs" â?? "but" (he continues) "those organs have not grown on to him and they still give him much trouble at times". To put it another way: each technological appendage, to a large degree, embodies an absence, a loss. As the literary critic Laurence Rickels paraphrases it, laying particular emphasis (as Kafka does) on communication technology: "every point of contact between a body and its media extension marks the site of some secret burial".
Act 3. Ah, yes, the denouement that will surprise neither Laurence Olivier nor Greta Garbo nor you, because even a child could see this one coming. It was I, Hazie Coogan, who wrote Love Slave. How her career soared in the swansong of my creation. And now that Katherine Kenton has sadly passed away from cyanide poisoning, I can publish Paragon, her autobiography that begins: "I owe everything to Hazie Coogan." And as I recline next to Lillian Hellman, I dandle Miss Kathie's adopted baby on my knee. Her name is Norma Jean Baker.
Laurence Buckman, chairman of the British Medical Association's GPs' committee, said the problem lay with the number of reforms introduced by governments of all hues. He said the succession of health policy changes in recent years "have led to the wider primary care team becoming increasingly fragmented".
Laurence Robertson, the Conservative chairman of the Northern Ireland affairs select committee, said suggestions that dissidents could target the mainland were "extremely worrying". "So far it has been contained to the province but whether it is there or on the mainland it is very worrying. We hope it is not yet another chapter but it could be and it has to be dealt with."

Laurence is perfect for his part, because he has a regal bearing.
Laurence jest doskonały do tej roli, gdyż jest taki dostojny.

That's what my friend Laurence says, the daughter of general Rochemont.
Laurence wciąż mi to powtarza. To córka generała de Rochemont. Zna pan?

Laurence is pregnant, I have to marry her.
Laurence jest w ciąży, Muszę się z nią ożenić.

And to Laurence's book of poetry,... which is due next month!
I za tomik poezji Laurence'a... który wyjdzie w przyszłym miesiącu!

Unless the ghost of sir laurence olivier Were miraculously to inhabit his body.
Chyba, że duch sir Laurence'a Oliviera cudownie wstąpi w jego ciało.

Should we go to Laurence next?
Następny jest Laurence?

Dr. Laurence, this just arrived for you.
Doktorze Laurence... To właśnie przyszło.

Then hie you hence to Father Laurence' cell.
Śpiesz więc do celi ojca Laurentego.

I'll bet even Laurence Olivier is vain and self-centred.
Laurence Olivier jest też pewnie próżny i egocentryczny.

Whose life, Laurence?
Czyje życie, Laurence?

Even Laurence Olivier sometimes thought he stank.
Nawet Laurence Olivier czasem tak myślał.

Commander Laurence Stern of the Metropolitan Police.
Komandor Laurence Stern z Metropolitan Police.

Laurence Beck, Health Department.
Laurence Beck, Departament Zdrowia.

the, uh, unabridged laurence dominic.
Hmmm, to pełny Laurence Dominic.

Do you, Alain Bauman, take Laurence Albertini... ...as your lawful wife?
Alain Bauman, czy bierze Pan za żonę ... ...Laurence Albertini?

Laurence Coates, a Socialist who writes under the name of Vincent Kolo, who is the editor of 'chinaworker.info', was detained at the border and banned from China.
Laurence Coates, socjalista piszący pod pseudonimem Vincent Kolo, wydawca "Chinaworker.info”, został zatrzymany na granicy i wydalony z Chin z zakazem powrotu.

That Hamilton Woman with Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh, and Odd Man Out with James Mason.
That Hamilton Woman z Laurencem i Vivien Leigh, i Odd Man Out z Jamesem Masonem.