(Noun) Jozue;
im. Jozue
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
The debate about current combat photographs is less about their quality than whether it is appropriate or in good taste to publish them. Last year the Associated Press caused a fire-storm of controversy by distributing a photograph from Afghanistan taken by Julie Jacobson. Lacking any of the formal elegance of Burrows, just about in focus, it was unremarkable in every way â?? except that it showed 21-year-old Lance Corporal Joshua Bernard in the process of dying from wounds after being hit in the legs by an RPG. Bernard's family were adamant that they did not want the picture published and were outraged when AP went ahead anyway on the grounds that it showed the human reality of war.The controversies and rumours are helping to raise the profile of a new player on the field. Zapu, the party of the late liberation hero Joshua Nkomo, has officially extricated itself from Zanu-PF and is showing signs of winning support outside its Matabeleland stronghold.Major James Joshua Bowman, Lieutenant Neal Turkington and Corporal Arjun Purja Pun, all of 1st Battalion Royal Gurkha Rifles, were killed in the attack on a base in Helmand Province on Monday.Defence attorneys say they will counter the statements with testimony from interrogators including that of former army sergeant Joshua Claus, who said at a pre-trial hearing that he scared Khadr into confessing by making up a story about an unco-operative detainee who was sent to aUS prison to be raped.What do my sons think? The older two, in their 40s, merely shrug; Dad's acting true to form. But Joshua and Jedediah are university age. Ancient Dad playing Che Guevara is an embarrassment. Their gap-year friends message me: "Hi, Simon, have you left yet? We're in the Andaman Islands."To which Joshua posts: "Oh, my God, my 78-year-old dad on Facebook."Matty Day went to the police with what he saw and before long, local men Scott Doody, Timothy Hird, Anton Kloeden, Joshua Spears and Glen Swain, all in their late teens or early 20s, were charged with murder and eight counts of recklessly endangering life.Joshua Rozenberg is a freelance legal writer, commentator and broadcasterIn Barcelona, there is the definite sense that this is the kind of noise â?? inclusive, uplifting, communal â?? that this hip, young audience have been waiting a long time to hear, at least since U2 toured in support of The Joshua Tree album way back in 1987. The crowd sing along to every single song and 10,000 voices carry the wordless chorus of the closing "Wake Up" long after the group have departed the stage following their final encore. "That was fucking wild," says a relieved, sweat-drenched Butler afterwards. His exhausted bandmates grin and nod their heads. You can feel the collective sense of relief.
Joshua, it is enough that you have come to me.
Jozue, wystarczy, że do mnie przyszedłeś.
What does your father make you do in the woods, Joshua?
Co ojciec kazał ci robić w lesie, Joshua?
Joshua will not rise again to save you nor David.
Jozue nie powróci, by ocalić ciebie czy Dawida.
Oh, yes, here we are with Joshua, eight days old.
Tak, tutaj jesteśmy z Joshuą, ma osiem dni.
Well, thanks to Joshua's blood sample, you have the chance.
Cóż, dzięki krwi Joshuy, masz taką szansę.
Joshua's gone, so you and Emily are free to go.
Joshua wyszedł, więc ty i Emily możecie iść.
All set. Joshua, what is your strongest memory of feeling fear?
Gotowe. Joshua... jakie jest twoje najsilniejsze wspomnienie uczucia strachu?
Joshua said they're the ones who have to pay.
Joshua mówił, że to oni muszą zapłacić.
Joshua, listen to me. I understand you're frightened and angry.
Wiem, że się boisz i jesteś na mnie zły.
You think this Joshua guy used to be one?
Myślisz, że ten Joshua nim był?
Oh. So now Joshua goes off to get a drink.
R.S.: Teraz Joshua idzie po coś do picia.
Joshua will always be grateful to you, my little mud flower.
Jozue będzie ci za to wdzięczny... ...mój mały błotny kwiatku.
Joshua Tree tour, he snuck me out of a window.
Trasa Joshua Tree, przemycił mnie przez okno.
Joshua, what kind of injury are we talking about?
Joshua, jaki rodzaj zranienie czy rozmawiamy około?
I see you've met my brother Joshua, the creative genius behind our little venture.
Widzę, że poznaliście mojego brata Joshuę, kreatywnego geniusza stojącego za naszym małym przedsięwzięciem.
Why are you so afraid of the woods, Joshua?
Dlaczego się tak boisz lasu, Joshua?
Remember, Joshua, of her own free will she's mine.
Pamiętaj, Jozue, ona jest moją z własnej, nieprzymuszonej woli.
For this to be a real threat, I can't tell Joshua not to launch.
Aby to było prawdziwe zagrożenie, Joshua musi mieć wolną rękę.
If you hoped to sleep with Joshua, which one would you wear?
Jeśli byś miała spać z Joshuą, którą byś włożyła?
Joshua's taking you away for a few days.
Joshua zabierze cię na kilka dni.
I know what you think of me, Joshua.
Wiem, co myślisz o mnie, Joshua.
Joshua, you risk your life in coming here.
Jozue, przychodząc tu ryzykujesz życiem.
Why are you here if Joshua's over there?
Czemu tu stoisz, skoro Joshua jest tam?
Joshua Harlow is our favorite at 2 to 1.
Joshua Harlow jest naszym faworytem na 2 do 1.
Joshua invited me to this fancy club opening tonight.
Joshua zaprosił mnie na otwarcie klubu nocnego. Dzisiaj.
You want Joshua to cook you up a hit?
Chcesz, by Joshua ugotował cię w górę uderzenie?
How fast do you think Joshua can run?
Jak myślisz, jak szybko Joshua biega?
Joshua, the one who helped me embed the John May lives message.
Joshua, ten, który pomógł mi umieścić wiadomość John May żyje. Należy do Piątej Kolumny.
Close the door, Joshua, and let death pass.
Zamknij drzwi, Jozue, niech śmierć nas ominie.
Joshua said that Marcus is alive, but his condition is critical.
Joshua poinformował, że Marcus żyje, ale jego stan jest krytyczny.
I've been doing some stuff out in Joshua Tree.
Pracowałem nad paroma rzeczami w Joshua Tree.
Joshua Sterling will be well taken care of.
Joshua Sterling otrzyma dobrą opiekę.
Joshua, take Jeff's backpack for him, would you, please?
Joshua, weź plecak Jeff's dla niego, zrobiłby cię to, proszę?
I could share mine with you, if you like, Brother Joshua.
Mogę podzielić się swoją porcją, jeśli chcesz, bracie Joshua.
What's it got to do with Joshua's wife?
Co to ma wspólnego z żoną Joshuy?
Otherwise, I give them to my new boyfriend, Joshua.
Jeśli nie chcecie dam je mojemu nowemu chłopakowi.
If Joshua tricks them into launching an attack, it'il be your fault.
Jeżeli Jozue zmusi ich do ataku, to będzie pańska wina.
Maybe not as thick as the ones that Joshua blew down with his trumpet.
Może nie tak grube jak te, które Jozue zburzył dźwiękiem trąby.
My name is Joshua, and I need help.
Nazywam się Joshua i potrzebuję pomocy.
Your name is Joshua, just like me!
Nazywasz się Joshua, tak jak ja!
And Joshua remains silent as they vented their rage againsthim.
A Joshua milczy, kiedy oni dają upust swojejwściekłości.
Next year we'll take that hike through Joshua Tree.
W przyszłym roku mieliśmy zacząć wędrówkę przez Joshua Tree.
And Joshua made this decision for himself.
A Joshua sam podjął tę decyzję.
Then, on the seventh day, under orders by God, Joshua and the
Następnie, siódmego dnia, zgodnie z nakazem Boga,
Hello, Joshua. Strange game. The only winning move is not to play.
Cześć, Jozue. Dziwna gra. Jedyne trafne posunięcie, to nie grać.
His grandfather, Joshua Palmer, brought the family here more than 75 years ago
Jego dziadek, Joshua Palmer, przybył tu wraz z rodziną ponad 75 lat temu.
Joshua led them into the promised land.
Jozue zaprowadził ich do Ziemi Obiecanej.
Because it looks like your brother, Joshua Whopper, is flunking everything.
Ponieważ wygląda na to, że wasz brat, Joshua Whopper, wszystko oblał. Same pały.
Well, maybe Mr. Joshua taught them a few things.
Może pan Joshua nauczył ich paru rzeczy.
My brother Joshua gets a employment contract?
Mój brat Joshua, otrzyma kontrakt pracowniczy?