Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

im. Jonasz

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

While the Potter films are the cinematic equivalent of a cold shower, damping down the urges of its adolescent acolytes, the Twilight films, on the other hand, know all the about the vampire-movie obsession for blood, sex, addiction and death, even if it dilutes it for its own ends. At the point Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) presents Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) with the traditional bauble as he proposes marriage, he could almost be a Jonas brother suggesting she join his Silver Ring Thing; significantly, this comes moments after he's knocked back her invitation to go all the way, claiming it's "too dangerous".
From the sides Baker looks on, smiling. His dream was to follow their upcoming British tour with a concert at the Albert Hall with the Jolly Boys playing alongside some of the artists whose work they have covered on the album. As they look out into the crowd the band are smiling broadly: five old men finally getting the respect they have been waiting 50-odd years for. With a combined age of 382 they may make the Rolling Stones look like the Jonas Brothers, but tonight it is as if the clock has been turned back and they are once again the young men of old. They leave the stage, a band with not only a great history behind them but also an exciting future still ahead.
There is also no shortage of experience in defence, with Scott Carson in goal, Reid and Shorey likely to occupy the full-back berths and Tamas or Jonas Olsson set to compete with Ib? ??ez, a former Spanish international, for the centre-half positions. Di Matteo hopes to sign another holding midfielder, although most Albion fans will have breathed a sigh of relief when the club pulled out of a deal for Eric Djemba-Djemba, whose four years in English football with Manchester United, Aston Villa and Burnley were eminently forgettable.
Fringed by dozens of tiny flickering night-lights, the stage of Lucerne's sleek white lakeside concert hall was transformed last weekend into a grey, shambolic dungeon for a semi-staging of Fidelio, conducted by Claudio Abbado with his elite Lucerne Festival Orchestra and a dream line-up of soloists led by Nina Stemme and that most serious of star tenors, Jonas Kaufmann.
Towards the end of his 2008 documentary, The Tree Lover, which explored the link between trees and people in Sweden, Jonas Selberg Augusts?©n says: "Imagine being here on the veranda on a summer evening, or listening to the rain on the roof with the stove purring quietly." As he says this he's sitting in a treehouse he's spent the summer building, looking out over a wide tract of pine forest with a river flowing in the distance, reflecting a sinking sun. You don't have to imagine it any more. Since last month, when the Treehotel opened in Swedish Lapland, anyone can check into a treehouse and survey the landscape from Jonas' viewpoint.
Catherine Penman, head of research at Carter Jonas property consultancy, said that demand had softened in recent months but rejected the suggestion that prices might be about to collapse.
Alina Treiger only has to look at the portrait of her predecessor to realise the importance of the role she is about to assume. Regina Jonas made history when she was ordained as Germany's first female rabbi â?? but that role ended in her death in Auschwitz.
Jonas was largely forbidden to preach in Berlin's synagogues, and she was eventually deported by the Nazis to the Jewish ghetto in Theresienstadt in 1942.
According to Elisa Klapheck, author of The Story of the First Woman Rabbi, her name began to resurface only after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 with the opening of East Germany's archives. Among the 14 files left by Jonas was her seminal work entitled Can Women Serve as Rabbis? Jonas's answer was that female ordination was not just possible, it was a "cultural necessity".
"Jonas made the historical first attempt to argue, on the basis of Halacha, or Jewish religious law, for the emancipation of women â?? including admission to the rabbinate," said Klapheck.

Jonas wants me to go to Chicago on a big case.
Jonas chce mnie wysłać do Chicago, w dużej sprawie sądowej.

Jonas,you cannot start a war against the people you're supposed to protect.
Jonas, nie możesz rozpocząć wojny przeciwko ludziom, których miałeś chronić.

I wanted a chance to talk to you, Jonas, away from the negotiations.
Chciałem z tobą porozmawiać z dala od negocjacji.

Jonas convinced them he'd have a better chance of recovery with us.
Jonas przekonał ich, że u nas będzie miał większe szanse.

He trusts you, Jonas, and he's still very important to us.
On ci ufa, Jonasie. Jest dla nas bardzo ważny.

Well, not me so much, but Jonas is at his wit's end.
Cóż, może mniej ja, ale Jonas ma mętlik w głowie.

We used to be six until Jonas and Mom moved out.
Było nas 6 dopóki Jonasz i mama nie wyprowadzili się.

I never thought Jonas would take it this far.
Nigdy nie sądziłem, że Jonas pociągnie to tak daleko.

Jonas says the Jaffa will be waiting for them at the gate.
Według Jonasa, Jaffa będą czekać na nich przy Wrotach.

I think it's a little late for that, Jonas.
Wydaje mi się, że już na to za późno, Jonas.

Please, don't mind Jonas, and come to us immediately.
Proszę nie przejmuj się Jonasem, i przyjedź do nas natychmiast.

Pastor jonas believes that god speaks to him through a sacred book.
Pastor Jonas wierzy, że Bóg rozmawia z nim przez świętą księgę.

Jonas' father was the last fisherman in the village.
Ojciec Jonasa byl ostatnim rybakiem w tej wiosce.

Jonas, we have to go over the plan.
Jonas, musimy działać zgodnie z planem.

You like taking the Jonas Brother's hot foam in your faces, girls?
Lubicie czuć gorącą pianę braci na swoich twarzach, dziewczynki?

No. Jonas, if we don't get you into surgery right now, you could die.
Jonas, jeśli zaraz nie zabierzemy cię na operację, możesz umrzeć.

Two of our people may be on that ship, one being Jonas Quinn.
Sądzimy, że... dwoje naszych ludzi może być na tym statku.

But Jonas can't stop thinking about it, and so we discuss it constantly.
Ale Jonas nie może przestać o tym myśleć więc dyskutujemy to stale.

And after that we get to work, Jonas.
A potem znow zabieramy sie za prace, Jonas.

Jonas took care of me when I arrived.
Jonas zaopiekował się mną, gdy przyjechałam.

Brother Jonas, I am wondering, what question burns inside this woman.
Bracie Jonas, zastanawiam się, jakie pytanie dręczy tę kobietę.

Do you see, Jonas, what a monstrous mistake I made?
Widzisz, Jonas, jaką monstrualną pomyłkę zrobiłem?

Jonas, did you design the primary power distribution circuits?
Czy to ty zaprojektowałeś główny obwód zasilania?

Carter, Jonas, get her back to the gate. We'll watch your six.
Carter, Jonas, zabierzcie ją do Wrót, my będziemy osłaniać wasze tyły.

Sebastian and Jonas could break into this top-safety bank.
Sebastian i Jonas mogą włamać do tego najbezpieczniejszego banku.

Jonas, we need to go over these test results...
Jonas, musimy sprawdzić te wyniki badań.

Jonas, I gotta hand it to you. Getting that kid was genius!
Jonas, nie wiem, jak to zrobiłeś, ale ten dzieciak był genialny!

Jonas, Teal'c, take these folk someplace where they can be comfortable.
Jonas, Teal'c, zabierzcie tych ludzi gdzieś, gdzie będzie im wygodnie.

And that show came on, with the Jonas Brothers.
Oglądałam Disney Channel i pokazali program z Jonas Brothers.

Jonas Brothers: talk music, faith in God and purity rings.
Jonas Brothers: mówią o muzyce, wierze w Boga i pierścieniach czystości.

And Jonas, he's at least as smart as you.
A Jonas jest przynajmniej równie bystry, jak ty.

You talked to Jonas the other day.
Ale Ty rozmawiałaś z Jonaszem tego dnia.

I'm a member of an underground network, Jonas.
Jestem członkiem podziemnej sieci.

Jonas thinks the new tissue in his brain is somehow giving him precognitive abilities.
Jonas sądzi, że nowa tkanka w jego mózgu jakoś daje mu zdolność prekognicji.

My lord, we've already learnt all we can from Jonas Quinn.
Mój panie, już dowiedzieliśmy się wszystkiego, co można od Jonasa Quinna.

Yeah, I did terrible thing, but I'm not like Jonas.
Wiem, że zrobiłem coś strasznego, ale nie jestem taki jak Jonas.

Jonas, this was possible because of you.
Jonas, to wszystko było możliwe dzięki tobie.

Could you say, I love the Jonas Brothers more than my wife in spanish?
Możesz powiedzieć, Kocham Jonas Brothers bardziej niz moją żonę po hiszpańsku?

They where forged in collaboration with a certain Jonas Sandberg.
Przy ich tworzeniu pomagał też niejaki Jonas Sandberg.

Reynard and Jonas are on the way back.
Reynard i Jonas wracają.

Jonas, you never tell me that you love me.
Jonas, nigdy mi nie mówiłeś, że mnie kochasz.

We understand the Jonas Brothers are getting ready.
Rozumiemy, że Jonas Brothers się przygotowują.

This is Jonas Quinn, the man who introduced us to the naquadria.
I Jonas Quinn, ten człowiek jest odpowiedzialny za udzielenie nam naquadrii.

You cannot do this to us, Jonas.
Nie możesz nam tego robić.

Why can't you be like Jonas' parents?
Dlaczego nie możecie być jak rodzice Jonas ?

Jonas, you know that I love you, right?
Jonas, wiesz, że cię kocham, prawda?

Jonas, take Davis and Jacob back to the sub.
Jonas, zabierz Jacoba i majora do łodzi.

Jonas, who did design the system?
Kto zaprojektował ten system?

It doesn't mean they always will, Jonas.
To nie znaczy, że zawsze tak będzie, Jonas.

It is you who hasmade the mistake, Jonas.
To ty popełniasz błąd, Jonas.