Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

im. Joel

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

A long queue of biographical films is set to be screened at American cinemas this summer. The documentaries, almost a dozen, include one on Joan Rivers, one on Billy Joel and another on Carrie Fisher, and have been prompted by the surprise success of recent screen studies of Anna Wintour, Vidal Sassoon and Mike Tyson.
Joel, in contrast, is eager to distance himself from his film, Last Play at Shea, although his own concert producing team spent $4m of his money making the documentary. "The older I get, I realise how silly it is what I do," Joel said. "I mean, I look at me on the movie screen and I just laugh out loud." The film premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival and is likely to get an autumn release, timed for possible Oscar contention.
"Oh, at the very latest," says Joel Simkhai, the founder of Grindr. He's a wiry, neatly handsome 33-year-old man with an American accent, a hectic manner and a sharp business edge. I meet him for coffee in a chic hotel in London. This is where he's basing himself while he checks out Grindr's flourishing UK market; he usually lives in Los Angeles. "The UK is the second biggest country for Grindr after the US," he tells me. "London is the third biggest city after New York and LA. You love us."
I am still sceptical, but then Simkhai says: "This notion of: 'Who is around me? Who is in this room now? Who else is like me?' â?? this is not just a gay thing. And this thing where: 'I want a more fulfilling life. A richer life!' This is not just a gay thing either. Gay men don't have the monopoly on loneliness and isolation." He is right, of course. As I say goodbye to Joel Simkhai, I find myself thinking: however straight Grindr plays out for us â?? even if it opens up a Pandora's box on our sexuality, alters forever the way men and women relate, leaves us vulnerable to a whole new world of emotional and sexual complications â?? bring it on. It's going to make life more interesting.
If I'm telling you what the greatest moment of my career is, my career must be over! So as far as I'm concerned, I haven't had the greatest moment of my career yet. But if you want to talk about a moment that highlighted something, that moved something forward more than anything else, I would say January 1978, the CBS convention, which we closed. I was kind of upset about being the last band on, because normally everybody starts going home in the afternoon on the last day. But they didn't in this case, and the room was absolutely packed with all the other bands â?? Elvis Costello, Billy Joel, Cheap Trick. So we did the show and I sang For Crying Out Loud. When it was over my eyes were closed; I thought everybody had left the room, because there was a moment of dead, stunned silence, and it seemed to last forever. I went, "Oh my God, what happened?" And I opened my eyes and when I did the room exploded. They went completely insane. People started rushing the stage â?? there are pictures of Billy Joel standing on a table and all these people going completely crazy. They did $40,000 worth of damage to the room â?? there were broken chairs, smashed dishes, everything! That's really what made Bat Out Of Hell take off. That was the turning point. It was an amazing, extraordinary moment.
Influences: Nan Goldin, Robert Frank, Joel Sternfeld.
Joel McHale (host of E!'s sarky entertainment news show The Soup) plays a dodgy lawyer sent back to college to get the degree he's been pretending he's had for years. Viva, October.
One of the most viewed is a 12-minute speech by Joel Burns, a council member in Fort Worth, Texas, who tells a council meeting about the recent suicides, his own experiences as a young homosexual and the lack of support and intervention in schools.
One of the most viewed videos is a 12-minute speech by Joel Burns, a Texas councillor, who tells a council meeting about the suicides his own experiences as a young homosexual and the lack of support and intervention in schools.
Joel Bennathan QC, for Ahmed, told the court during a preliminary hearing that one of the grounds for appeal related to allegations of complicity in torture. "It is submitted that the UK â?? agents of the UK â?? were complicit in the mistreatment and the torture of Rangzieb Ahmed by the Inter Services Intelligence services in Pakistan," he said.

I put my life on hold for three years, Joel!
Jak śmiesz? Odkładałam moje życie na bok przez 3 lata, Joel!

Joel, why don't you just see this as a sign?
A co jeśli to znak dla ciebie.

Joel did not recognize her, it probably comes from the city.
Joel jej nie rozpoznał, prawdopodobnie jest z miasta.

That'd be Joel's dream come true, keeping me in that shop.
Do prawdy. To by się spełniło marzenie Joela, Zatrzymać mnie w sklepie.

Joel, I need you to get control of all the bleeders.
Rozetnę aż do kości. Joel, musisz kontrolować wszystkie miejsca krwawienia.

Joel, that's my bag. It probably just looks like hers.
Joel, to moja torba. prawdopodobnie wygląda tylko jak jej.

You're his only chance at a normal life, Joel.
Jesteś jego jedyną szansą na normalne życie, Joel.

Joel Adams wants to see you in his office.
Joel Adams chce się z tobą zobaczyć w swoim biurze.

Joel never agreed to it, and neither did I.
Joel nigdy się na to nie zgodził, i ja też nie.

Joel, threatening me with death. have to come here.
Joel, on grozi, że mnie zabije. Musisz tu przyjechać.

Joel, you're losing your touch, scheduling meetings so close together.
Joel, tracisz wyczucie, ustawiając spotkania tak blisko siebie.

I think I'm going to throw up on you, Joel!
Myślę, że zwymiotuję na ciebie, Joel!

So, it would kill me if Joel ever closed it.
Więc to by mnie zabiło, gdyby Joel kiedykolwiek go zamknął.

Jim said Joel and Brian are going to sell the company.
Jim mówił, że Joel i Brian mają zamiar sprzedać firmę.

Joel, I know Cindy has got her problems, but she means well.
Joel, wiem że Cindi miała swoje problemy, ale ma się dobrze.

See, that way, Joel and Brian would have to give us stock.
Tym sposobem, Joel and Brian będą musieli dać nam udziały.

Nathan, Joel and I are not going to that dinner.
Nathan, Joel i ja, nie idziemy na ten obiad. W porządku?

Joel, Griffin isn't in, but I think we really have to start this meeting.
Joel, Griffina nie ma, ale chyba powinniśmy zacząć to spotkanie.

So, Joel, tell me... is there anyone special in your life these days?
Joel, powiedz mi... jest ktoś wyjątkowy w twoim życiu?

She broke up with Joel because of you.
Ona zerwała z Joelem z twojego powodu.

I did not do it with her, Joel!
Nie, nie robiłem z nią tego, Joel!

Because, Joel, you're a great guy, you know, and she doesn't deserve you.
Dlatego odszedłeś? Jesteś świetnym kolesiem, a ona nie zasługuje na ciebie.

Joel, you better have a shot of brandy.
Joel, lepiej strzel sobie brandy.

When you get there, you will simply attempt to seduce Joel's wife.
Kiedy już tam będziesz, po prostu spróbujesz uwieść jego żonę.

We have to be that crazy lady that take the necklace off of Joel.
My musimy być tą pieprzniętą panienką, która zdejmie naszyjnik z Joela.

He just pretended to be my friend, Joel.
On tylko udawał, że jest moim kolegą, Joel.

His last words were from a Billy Joel song?
Jego ostatnie słowa pochodziły z piosenki Billy Joela?

Relax, Joel, a detective it tracks the right now.
Spokojnie, śledzi go teraz jeden z detektywów.

Your friend looks a lot like Billy Joel. ls that who his father is?
Twój przyjaciel Doug jest podobny do Billy Joel. To jest jego syn!?

Joel, I want to show you something.
Chcę ci coś pokazać, Joel.

What do you want from me, Joel?
Czego ode mnie chcesz, Joel?

Joel was in Indy picking up equipment and he'd asked me to stay with Dad.
Joel był w Indy picking up equipment i poprosił mnie abym została z tatą.

I've got to get to them first, and Joel Mynor is my ticket.
Muszę dopaść ich jako pierwszy, a Joel Mynor to moja okazja.

Oh, for God sake, Joel, can we please just catch a cab?
Oh, na Boga, Joel, Moglibyśmy wziąć taksówkę?

Oh, my God. Joel, are you all right? What happened?
O mój Boże, Joel jesteś cały? co się stało?

Howard Joel Wolowitz, like you, this is going to be short and sweet.
Howardzie Joelu Wolowitz, będzie krótko i uroczo, bo taki właśnie jesteś.

Joel, we are not talking about me.
Joel, nie mówimy o mnie.

Maybe I should end this right here, Joel!
Może powinnam to zakończyć tutaj...

Joel, man, I'm not proud of you today.
Joel, stary, nie jestem dzisiaj z ciebie dumny.

Funny hair Joel and his Mama Jenny are good people.
Śmieszna fryzura Joela i jego mamy Jenny jest świetna.

Wow, your friend Doug looks a lot like Billy Joel.
Twój przyjaciel Doug jest podobny do Billy Joel.

Hmm, you know how Joel can be.
Hmm, wiesz jaki potrafi być Joel.

Are you sure you're feeling okay, Joel?
Jesteś pewny, że dobrze się czujesz, Joel?

Maybe there's a reunion in town or a Billy Joel tour or something.
Może jest jakieś zgromadzenie w mieście albo Billy Joel przyjechał czy coś.

And the cash is real so long as John and Joel are real.
Pieniądze są prawdziwe, więc tak długo jak John i Joel są poważni.

I'm sorry, Joel, But I take our no talking after 9:00 rule seriously.
Przepraszam, Joel, ale biorę naszą zasadę Żadnych rozmów po 21 na poważnie.

See, I never figured you were so gallant, Joel.
Widzisz, nigdy nie pomyślałam, że jesteś tak dzielny, Joel.

Look, Joel, if it'll make you feel any better, I'll loan you a radio.
Słuchaj, Joel, jeśli to sprawi że poczujesz się lepiej, pożyczę ci radio.

Joel, let me tell you something.
Coś ci powiem, Joel.

You have it so easy, Joel.
Dla ciebie to takie proste, Joel.