Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) Żyd(ówka); żyd(ówka);

(Verb) targować się zawzięcie; oszukać/oszukiwać, okpić;

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n yd

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s Żyd

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy



Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

etn. Żyd
relig. żyd

Słownik religii angielsko-polski

Żyd m

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

But the city is changing in other ways, too. In a separate dimension from the Arab-Israeli, Muslim-Jew divide is an increasing gulf between Jew and Jew â?? the religious and the secular. The ultra-orthodox â?? or Haredim â?? community is growing, both absolutely and in proportion to secular Jews, many of whom are packing up and heading off to the more relaxed and liberal coastal towns and cities. The ultra-orthodox made up about 10% of Jerusalem's population in the 1960s; now they are around a third.
Last year, Quentin Tarantino released his Inglourious Basterds, and despite being in many ways this director's number one fan I couldn't hide my disappointment with it. However, I hope I've got the good grace to concede Tarantino's remarkable flair for picking and bringing on new talent. All the world knows how the movie made a star of Christoph Waltz. This is also true of M?©lanie Laurent, who played the fugitive Jewish woman Shosanna Dreyfus who was being pursued by Waltz's creepy SS "Jew hunter". Laurent had appeared in a number of films before this, but IB was the real breakthrough. Her father, Pierre Laurent, is incidentally also a professional actor who dubs the voice of Ned Flanders in French broadcasts of The Simpsons.
Gideon Levy, a liberal Israeli commentator, was quoted as saying: "I would like to raise only one question with the judge. What if this guy had been a Jew who pretended to be a Muslim and had sex with a Muslim woman?
Zoabi said a Palestinian man's conviction last week for "rape by deception" â?? after he had consensual sex with an Israeli woman who believed him to be a fellow Jew â?? was an example of "collective psychosis". She said: "Usually a regime wants to free its people from fear and hatred. This one trades on fear and paranoia."
Because I read books in English I knew I was a bad girl. In a black-and-white world you can either be bad or good. A Jew or not a Jew. There is no in-between. Maybe I didn't wear red nail polish like a shiksa gentile, but I was peeking into an evil world, living vicariously in it through fictional characters. Break a rule and you're automatically on God's blacklist. My grandfather used to say English was an impure language and to employ it in any way would mean employing Satan himself as commander of my heart. There was no doubt that my heart was already thoroughly blackened by the time I was 10 years old.
In Canada, he abandoned his first love, jazz, to embark on a career with the alternative rock band Son, whose Wolfstein, released in 1998, was a concept album about a werewolf that included songs such as "Making a Jew Cry". Decamping to Berlin at the end of the 90s, he released three rap and electro albums under the Gonzales moniker and started producing or performing with a group of fellow Canadians, including Feist, the provocative Peaches and producer Tiga. "Most of the people I work with are friends," he says. "I like welcoming new people into the family, but I don't like one-night stands. I'm a polygamist; I like to be married to lots of people."
Peretz was swiftly denounced by some prominent American bloggers, among them Glenn Greenwald, who writes for Salon.com. "Bigotry against Muslims and Arabs is one of the last acceptable forms of overt bigotry that is tolerated in American political culture. If you look at the things that he said and replace the word Muslim or Arab with Jew or even Christian, those comments would be completely career ending and reputation destroying," he said.
I hope it doesn't win. Not just because I fail to see the brilliance of sentences such as "Averting his nose, Finkler sighed a sigh deep enough to shake the foundations of the Groucho Club", or "From her terrace the great London dawn bled slowly into sight, a thin line of red blood leaking out between the rooftops, appearing at the windows of the buildings it had infiltrated, one at a time, as though in a soundless military coup". And not just because of the mixture of tedium and faint embarrassment I felt the 90th time a Jew was referred to as a "Finkler" simply because the most dim-witted of the characters fails, even in middle age, to distinguish between one Jew (his childhood friend Sam Finkler) and a lot of them. Jacobson should not win because he has played up to the vague notions of the reviewers and judges and flattered them into thinking that, in The Finkler Question, he has something interesting to say about "Jewishness".
Days after Berlusconi told a youth rally an apparent joke about Adolf Hitler, he emerged from his Rome residence on 29 September to regale supporters with a joke about a Jew who charges fellow Jews money to hide in his basement from the Nazis, without telling them the war is over.
Comedy, a story of persecution, explores the dark humour that can co-exist with the most harrowing fear. It tells of an ordinary Dutch couple who hide a Jew during the occupation, and have to dispose of his body when he dies of pneumonia.

I'm writing about what being a Jew means to me.
Ja piszę, co dla mnie znaczy bycie Żydem.

He asked me again about you and the Jew's wife.
Znowu mnie pytał o ciebie i żonę Żyda.

The Jew wants you to look at him as just another person.
Żyd chce żebyście patrzyli na niego, jak na każdą inną osobę.

I'm just saying no one ever saw a black Jew.
Mówię tylko, że nikt nie widział czarnego Żyda.

My mother's a Jew, and you know what that means to them.
Moja mama jest żydówką, a ty wiesz co to znaczy dla niego.

It would have been possible for you, but he's only a Jew.
To było możliwe, ale przecież to tylko Żyd.

So you are down here collecting all the Jew books?
Więc jesteś tutaj w poszukiwaniu nie zwróconych książek?

In any case,i will not share my meal with a Jew!
W każdym razie nie na tyle, żebym podzielił się własnym jedzeniem z Żydem!

If a Jew gets into trouble, its his own fault.
Jeśli jakiś Żyd źle skończy, to będzie to jego własna wina.

A good Jew only goes barefoot when someone has died.
Dobry Zyd chodzi boso tylko wtedy, gdy ktos umarl.

And we, indeed, have eliminated the Jew from our national life.
I rzeczywiście wyeliminowaliśmy Żydów z naszego życia.

What is the best gun to defend from a jew?
Jaka jest najlepsza broń do obrony przed Żydem?

Tomorrow you can tell the whole world a Jew threatened your life.
Jutro powiesz całemu światu jak Żyd zagrażał twojemu życiu.

Because a jew has arrived and he doesn't like germans.
Ponieważ Żyd przyleciał i nie lubi Niemców.

Wilson played tennis on his college team, and you are a Jew.
Wilson gra3 w tenisa ju¿ w liceum, a ty jesteœ ydem.

It isn't true that we eat a Jew with every breakfast.
Nie jest prawdą, że jemy Żyda na każde śniadanie.

What harm can one jew do against our economic recovery movement?
Jaką szkodę jeden Żyd może wyrządzić naszemu Ruchowi Odnowy Gospodarki?

Because all evil, that is, everything falls on the Jew!
Dlatego, że wszystkie biedy, jakie istnieją, zawsze walą się na Żyda!

Hope she isn't bringing that boy she's seeing- the Jew?
Mam nadzieję, że nie przywiezie chłopaka wyglądającego jak Żyd?

They come to Jew York city and buy up things.
Oni przyjeżdżają do Żyd York City i skupują wszystko.

I sure don't like being here with a Jew.
Pewnie, że nie lubię tu być z Żydem.

Just think, his defeat and humiliation at the hands of a Jew!
Pomyśl tylko, jego klęska i upokorzenie z ręki Ż yda!

He was a Jew, but he died like a man.
Był bardzo dzielny. Żyd. A umarł jak mężczyzna.

You're an honest, decent person, even though you are a Jew.
Jesteś uczciwym i porządnym człowiekiem mimo to, że jesteś Żydem.

The keys on it are identical to the ones from the Jew.
Klucze na tym sa identyczne z tymi od Zyda.

The Jew wants to know if we are close.
Żyd chce wiedzieć, czy jeszcze daleko.

Claudia, have you ever heard of a Jew who didn't play golf?
Claudia, czy słyszałaś kiedyś o Żydzie, który nie grałby w golfa?

In other words, he that behaves like a Jew will be considered as such.
Innymi słowy, ten kto zachowuje się jak Żyd, będzie za takiego uznany.

You ain't no better than a Jew or a nigger.
Nie jesteś lepsza niż Żyd albo czarnuch!

He did not utter the words Jew or concentration camp.
Nie powiedział nawet słowa Żydzi czy obóz koncentracyjny.

From that moment on, I decided to be only a Jew.
Od tej chwili postanowiłem że będę wyłącznie Żydem.

For a jew this is not the right thing.
To nie jest zajęcie dla Żyda.

And i, a little czech jew, live like a sovereign.
I ja, mały czeski Żyd, żyję jak pan.

Expect me to tell her that an old Jew brought me up?
Mam jej powiedzieć, że wychował mnie stary Żyd?

This is really a Jew's way of thinking, out of the book.
To naprawdę Żydowski sposób myślenia, prosto z książki.

We rent apartments in Paris and i'm not a jew.
Wynajmujemy mieszkania w Paryżu a ja nie jestem Żydem.

The only Jew in Germany should be hard to find?
Znalezienie jedynego Żyda w Niemczech powinno być raczej trudne?

Jew, gentile, black man, white, we all want to help one another.
Żyd, innego wyznania, czarny, biały, my wszyscy chcemy sobie nawzajem pomagać.

They say they never saw a pink Jew like you.
Powiedzieli że niegdy nie widzieli tak różowego Żyda jak ty.

You call any Jew on this planet anything you like.
Możesz każdego Żyda na tej planecie nazywać jak ci się podoba.

It might be hard to even catch this jew.
Może być ciężko nawet złapać tego Żyda.

Tell them a young jew is speaking heresy towards the economy.
Powiemy im... że młody Żyd głosi herezje przeciw gospodarce.

If you were a Jew, you'd look like this.
Gdybyś był prawdziwym Żydem to wyglądałbyś tak...

I'm a Jew, and my friend here is Jewish enough for me.
Ja jestem żydem. I ten oto kolega jest dla mnie wystarczająco żydowski

If those words are seen, not a Jew in London will be safe.
Jeśli ktoś zobaczy te słowa, żaden Żyd, w całym Londynie nie będzie bezpieczny.

I just need you to teach me some jew defensive moves,kyle.
Potrzebuję cię, żebyś nauczył mnie jakichś żydowskich, obronnych ruchów, Kyle.

A place to be a Jew among Jews, subject to no one.
Pragniemy być Żydami pośród Żydów, od nikogo nie zależni.

So every Jew must die before we get what is rightfully ours?
Każdy Żyd musi umrzeć, nim dostaniemy to, co nam się należy?

Remchingen, see to it that the Jew stays near me.
Remchingen, dopilnuj, by Żyd pozostał przy mnie.

Put on some proper clothes. You look like a Jew.
Ubierz się jak człowiek, nie jak Żyd.