Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Abbreviation) wyspa;

Nowy słownik angielsko-polski aut. Zygmunt Saloni, Tadeusz Piotrowski

zobacz: island

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

A shortage of food creates hunger, but one man's hunger is another man's profit.
Niedobór żywności wywołuje głód, ale głód jednego człowieka oznacza zysk innego.


That is why the European Commission should publish evaluations on this question.
Dlatego Komisja Europejska powinna opublikować oceny dotyczące tego zagadnienia.


The resolution on Croatia is a political resolution with no legal binding force.
Rezolucja w sprawie Chorwacji to polityczna rezolucja bez prawnej mocy wiążącej.


It is very clear that the Member States do not want a common immigration policy.
Wyraźnie widać, że państwa członkowskie nie chcą wspólnej polityki imigracyjnej.


The present compromise shows that Europe is now taking climate change seriously.
Obecny kompromis świadczy o tym, że Europa poważnie podchodzi do zmiany klimatu.


On Monday week, 19 April, the national Tea Party protests will be held across America, venting anger at the Federal government. In Oklahoma City, however, their protest will be held four days earlier, so as not to coincide with the memorial at what was the site of the federal government building â?? almost an admission by the Tea Party that they are playing with fire. "They'll say they're coming here to protest Obama's health care programme," says Keith Simonds, "but that's not what it is. They're here to spew their hatred, vomiting their political agenda. How dare they come here?"
One supporter, Professor Lisa Jardine, of St Mary's College, London, said Greenfield was likely to win "anything between Â?500,000 and Â?1m" at an industrial tribunal because of her treatment. "That would only exacerbate the institution's financial crisis. However, the present council has boxed itself in over this," she added. "They are funny boxed-in clique and we are trying to free the institution from their influence."
10 June Abby's parents wrote: "Abby has all of the equipment on board to survive a crisis like this. She has a dry suit, survival suit, life raft, and ditch bag with emergency supplies. If she can keep warm and hang on, help will be there as soon as possible."
Most importantly, the fact that she didn't offer any explanation indicates that she is not ready to discuss this with you. Incidentally, just because a woman calls herself "a virgin" doesn't mean she's not enjoying erotic experiences other than intercourse; she might be involved in a passionate m?©nage ?  trois. We think we know our friends, but my clinical experience has taught me we often have no idea what they're really getting up to!
10.52am "Can vouch that hite (sic, not capitalised) is eminently drinkable," says Rob Moline. "Especially if it's all there is. Worked on a Korean boat for a couple of weeks in 2004, usually they're dry but this one had both hite beer and Korean whisky on board, so very civilised. Couldn't pick up the can without the mind subconsciously reading 'Shite' on the side of it. But nice to quaff a couple at the end of a 12-hour shift. Fixed a fibre-optic telecoms cable, broken by a cargo ship's dragged anchor a few kilometres off Taipei in Taiwan. Korea Telecom run the only cable repair ship in NE Pacific region, so do all the work. Never had Quilmes, Mythos, or Nigerian Guinness, so no comment there. Except yes, Guinness is rancid filth. What were you doing drinking Quilmes at school? Did you grow up in Argentina? Surely it wasn't what you'd buy down the offie?"
What about the question of informed consent? The addicts may not be in a fit state of mind to give it, so Harris leaves it to doctors to judge whether their patient is able to make a rational decision about something as life-changing as sterilisation. But the doctors aren't told by Project Prevention that their patient will be getting money in exchange for the procedure, so they aren't fully informed of the addict's motivations when they make their assessment. Harris sees no problem with this. "If they want to tell their doctor, that's their choice â?? we don't communicate with doctors."
The day Harris leaves the UK, a Scottish newspaper runs a front-page story about her visit to Possilpark: "Mum's Fury After Being Approached In The Street And Offered Â?200 To Get Sterilised." The report concerns a woman who claims she is not a drug user, yet was stopped by Harris. It says Strathclyde police are calling for anyone who has been approached to contact them.
Before I went into hospital, I was one of those quiet girls who blend into a crowd. Being ill changed that. I became more outspoken about my illness and how it felt to be a teenager coping with a potentially terminal diagnosis. So much so, I agreed to be a mentor at a Teenage Cancer Trust concert, talking to patients and helping them to make friends. It was there I met Neil. He was 23, four years older than me, and had been going through treatment for cancer in his head and neck. He seemed so confident, I thought he was one of the cancer nurses. He later admitted he thought I worked for the charity. But actually we were in the same boat â?? trying to pick up our lives and make up for lost time. There was an instant attraction.
Hall still seems to be coming to terms with her own â?? she seems unsure whether she wants to embrace her privilege or run away from it. At Roedean she ended up head girl. Absolutely ridiculous, she says. So why do it? She looks even more embarrassed. "I got voted in and thought, right, they've gone for the 'ironic' vote. Then some sort of leadership instinct kicked in and I thought, I'll do it for the students, I'll make a democracy of this. And I went to the headmistress and said, OK, I'll do it, but only if you allow me to take assembly once a week, just for students. It was a disaster, and my teachers hated me."
Otunbayeva â?? Kyrgyzstan's former ambassador in London and a veteran English-speaking diplomat â?? telephoned Russia's prime minister, Vladimir Putin, last night to discuss the crisis. She admitted today: "The situation in the Osh region has spun out of control. Attempts to establish a dialogue have failed ... We need outside forces to quell confrontation."

The single market is not a means to an end.
Jednolity rynek nie jest środkiem do celu.

When very young children are involved, the problem is even more serious.
Gdy sprawa dotyczy bardzo małych dzieci, to problem ten staje się jeszcze poważniejszy.

For the time being, the only known life is on Earth.
Jak dotychczas jedyne poznane życie występuje na Ziemi.

The situation in the open country is even more difficult.
Sytuacja w głębi kraju jest jeszcze trudniejsza.

However, working together is the only way to move forward.
Wspólna praca jest jednak jedynym sposobem na to, by pójść do przodu.

Now is the time for us to make our voice heard.
Teraz jest czas na to, by nasz głos został usłyszany.

What we have seen so far is only the beginning.
To, co widzieliśmy dotychczas, to dopiero początek.

But, again, the most important thing is to have political will.
Jednak najważniejsza jest wola polityczna.

What we have at the moment is not good enough.
Obecna sytuacja nie jest zbyt dobra.

After all, water is a matter of life or death.
Przecież woda to sprawa życia lub śmierci.

The fact is, people are already getting used to the situation.
W rzeczywistości ludność powoli przyzwyczaja się do sytuacji.

Finally, the third important issue is of an international order.
Po trzecie wreszcie chodzi o aspekt międzynarodowy.

According to these, the average working time is 48 hours per week.
Zgodnie z tymi przepisami, przeciętny czas pracy wynosi 48 godzin tygodniowo.

One percent comes here and is used for the wrong things.
Jeden procent trafia tu i jest wykorzystywany w niewłaściwym celu.

The current population growth rate is over 70 million per year.
Obecnie stopa przyrostu naturalnego to ponad 70 milionów ludzi rocznie.

I think the report is not only important, but also good.
Uważam je nie tylko za ważne, ale i za dobre.

The most important thing is what we can do together in the future.
Najważniejsze jest, co możemy w przyszłości zrobić wspólnie.

Such a position is also in line with international law and practice.
Stanowisko to jest zgodne z prawem i praktyką międzynarodową.

I just have the information which is available to me.
Dysponuję jedynie informacjami mnie dostępnymi.

And yet time is the one thing we do not have.
A przecież czas to jedyne, czego nam brakuje.

So, what is to be said about the situation today?
Co więc można powiedzieć o obecnej sytuacji?

I would like to say something which is very serious.
Mam do powiedzenia coś bardzo poważnego.

I also have some news which is very important for us.
Chciałabym także podzielić się kilkoma nowymi informacjami, które mają dla nas duże znaczenie.

Too little is often said about the first three points.
I wreszcie: inwestować w rolnictwo. Za mało mówi się o pierwszych trzech punktach.

All the rest is a matter for the free market.
Cała reszta to sprawa wolnego rynku.

For some of them, the figure is three times less.
W przypadku niektórych państw ta liczba jest trzykrotnie niższa.

The answer to the other question is also very important.
Równie ważna jest odpowiedź na następne pytanie.

I think all of you here know what the process is now.
Sądzę, że wszyscy państwo wiedzą, na jakim etapie obecnie znajduje się proces.

Now is the time to tell things as they are.
Teraz jest czas, żeby przedstawić sprawy tak, jak one wyglądają.

I would like to make one last point which is off the record.
Chciałbym jeszcze przedstawić jedną uwagę poza protokołem.

History is on the move in much of the world.
W większości miejsc na świecie pisze się historia.

As you have heard, my group is not so sure.
Jak Państwo usłyszeli, moja grupa nie jest tego taka pewna.

For me, the important question is what will happen in future?
Dla mnie ważnym pytaniem jest, co będzie w przyszłości?

In such cases, we have to do what is necessary.
W takich przypadkach musimy robić to, co konieczne.

This is the first important step, though not the last one.
To jest pierwszy ważny krok, ale nie ostatni.

That is all I have to say on the matter for now.
To wszystko, co mam w tej chwili do powiedzenia na ten temat.

There is also much to be done, as we so often say.
Pozostaje bardzo wiele do zrobienia, jak to mówimy tak często.

I think this is a good start, but we can go further.
Myślę, że jest to dobry start, ale możemy pójść dalej.

The matter is now in the hands of the Council.
Ta sprawa znajduje się teraz w rękach Rady.

I think the example you gave is a very interesting one.
Uważam, że przedstawiony przykład jest bardzo interesujący.

That is all I can tell you at the moment.
To wszystko, co mogę obecnie powiedzieć.

Who is going to pay for it in the mean time?
Kto za to zapłaci w międzyczasie?

As to whether we need further changes, that is an open question.
To, czy potrzebujemy dalszych zmian, jest wciąż sprawą otwartą.

I would like to address other issues, but my time is over.
Chciałbym odnieść się również do kilku innych kwestii, ale mój czas się skończył.

It is much better if they are decided in just one.
Będzie lepiej, jeżeli zadecydujemy o tym w jednym miejscu.

The question is then: how can we approach the issue?
Pojawia się zatem pytanie: jak podejść do tego tematu?

We need more time to find out what it is all about.
Potrzebujemy więcej czasu na przeanalizowanie sytuacji.

The question then is how to get there from here.
Powstaje zatem pytanie, jak do niej dotrzeć.

That is all I can say for the time being.
To wszystko co mogę teraz powiedzieć.

In answer to the first, I think it is clear.
Jeśli chodzi o pierwsze pytanie, myślę, że wszystko jest jasne.