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The actor says his frequent invocations of Old Trafford are the influence of a former colleague at the Globe, an obsessive Man Utd supporter, but that he did find comparisons between running a team and an acting troupe useful. So are there directors who resort to Ferguson's notorious "hairdryer", in which the player feels the angry, hot breath of the manager in his face? Rylance says that there are some who work that way, although he declines to name living examples: among the dead, he cites, from anecdotal legend, John Schlesinger and John Dexter.
He's giving a full four weeks before, this time, in rehearsals â?? very physical ones involving him being tied up, attacked, you name it, for Deathtrap, the 1978 Ira Levin play. Its plot concerns an ageing "blocked" writer stealing a pupil's grand plot, only for triple-crosses and murder to ensue. Beale is finally discovering a new genre in theatre â?? the thriller. "Oh, it's fascinating. And maybe Levin was the last gasp for the thriller as play and I'm so glad to have this chance, with this production. I'm going to name-drop here, so excuse me, but last week Stephen Sondheim was across for his 80th birthday Proms celebration" [Beale, a trained chorister, sang "Invocations and Instructions to the Audience", though he admits he was terrified] and Stephen is, actually, a friend, and he knew Ira Levin and he was telling me that as a young man on all his early visits to London his first ports of call would be thrillers."

Spirits there care not for good deeds or priestly invocations.
Tamtejsze duchy nie dbają o dobre uczynki ani o modlitwy.

Yes, it was a series of invocations, calls, to Choronzon, amongst others
Tak, to były szeregi inwokacji, wezwań do Choronzona, między innymi.