Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski



ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

adj. zmyślony

Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.




Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

I jetted off to Chigaco with Tony Ageh, now the BBC's director of archival content, then a leading member of what the Guardian termed the "play pen" â?? a roomful of twentysomethings in the basement who were paid to dream up bright ideas (they invented the Guide).
Pity the intrepid souls at Plastic Logic, who invented another reader, about to be launched any month now but which is ever so slightly, er, black and white. But praise â?? yet again â?? the team at Apple who have leapfrogged over all these pioneers to produce something so daring, bold and smart. So is the iPad the future of newspapers after all? Rupert Murdoch suggested it might be, hailing it as "a glimpse of the future" even as he once again railed against Google at the National Press Club in Washington.
9.55am "There are two Englishman generally recognised as having invented swearing: Chaucer and Shakespeare," says Chris Green. "Chaucer's a bit impenetrable to be honest, although I guess it's also probably a bit much to get the England team reading The Merchant of Venice before the game. So I have made this handy, bite-size Shakespearean insult generator. Simply pick one word (or more) from each list and insult those referees in style.
At the Shin Yokohama Ramen Museum, Chinese and Taiwanese tourists hop between noodle stalls from several Japanese regions, all set in a re-creation of Tokyo in 1958, the year Momofuku Ando invented instant noodles and turned Japan into nation of amateur ramen chefs.
This may well be one of the answers, and the book provides a few more. But Leonard doesn't pretend to have them all, and she's reluctant to commit to a new economic paradigm, either, because "we haven't invented it yet."
A monarch who has never bought a work by a living artist has deigned to inflict on Paula Rego the patently ridiculous title of Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire. Since it was invented in 1917, the title has been bestowed on more than 700 actors, novelists, divas, dancers and well-connected dogsbodies. Only four painters have been so honoured.
The 45-year-old, who has reinvented himself as a stand-up comedian since leaving Westminster, said he was not "trying to be a member of the awkward squad", adding: "I just think I could run London well and my libertarian approach could be good for the city."
When the Conservatives last had their hands on the tiller of power, none of their MPs would admit to being homosexual, they voted against lowering the age of consent for gay sex, and invented a law which made it illegal for schools to mention homosexuality.
The music at Cowboy Poetry would make Elko worth the trip even if the people one met there were objectionable and uninteresting. As it happens, they are all the precise opposite of those things, which is just as well, as Elko is a small town, and it quickly becomes impossible to walk the few blocks between Biltoki, Stockmen's, the Folklife Center, the spectacular cowboy-wear emporium of JM Capriola (where you can eavesdrop on the involved process that is buying a hat) and the rejuvenating oasis of Cowboy Joe's coffee shop, without someone hailing you by name. You can reasonably expect to encounter such characters as: Larry Bitterman, a former New York lawyer who reinvented himself as a designer of western-style outfits, which he's selling from his Old Frontier Clothing Company's travelling stall at the Red Lion Casino; a mysterious, nameless, splendidly bearded bushwacker, the image of Roy Rogers' sidekick Gabby Hayes, who politely turns down repeated offers of Hurtin' Albertans guitarist Grant Siemans to play poker for his magnificent hat; Cindy White, a performing poet, and her husband, landscaper Scott Imus, who tells me: "This way of life is about people who still ride alone on days as cold as these, with large animals that can kill them. That promotes a style of thinking â?? self-reliance, courtesy and knowing that when you shake a guy's hand he means it. And it isn't bullshit."
Yet the fact remains that for the past 100 years Detroit was all about industry. It was where Henry Ford invented the production line, giving birth to the car industry. Detroit became the archetypal American 20th- century metropolis on the back of hundreds of huge factories, surrounded by solid middle-class houses and a thriving downtown filled with skyscrapers. It was a magnet for immigrant workers and produced vast industrial fortunes for grand American families, becoming a centre of culture and manufacturing where politicians could dream of one day rivalling New York.

Well, yeah, they invented the bank and all the money came to them.
Więc wynaleźli bank i wszystkie pieniądze spłynęły do nich.

From an energy point of view, a single European policy is still yet to be invented.
Z punktu widzenia energii wciąż jeszcze należy stworzyć jedną europejską politykę.

They invented something while you were inside. It's called a watch.
Gdy siedziałeś w pudle, zdołali wynaleźć coś takiego jak zegarek.

Her mother said to the judge that she'd invented everything.
Jej matka powiedziała sędziemu, że wszystko zmyśliła.

That was around the time I invented standing in line.
To było w czasach kiedy wynalazłem stanie w szeregu.

We invented this game together, but you get to control everything.
Razem wymyśliliśmy tę grę... ...ale ty chcesz wszystko kontrolować.

Someone has to have invented a way to travel back in time by now.
Ktoś musiał wynaleźć do tej pory jakiś wehikuł czasu.

Then one day they invented a machine to do his job, right?
Pewnego dnia , wymyślono maszynę która robiła to samo

These are rules invented by someone who doesn't pass the test himself.
Te zasady zostały wymyślone przez kogoś, kto sam nie przeszedł testu.

Even if you had invented a time machine, what of it?
Nawet jeśli to wehikuł czasu, co z tego?

I didn't want to be invented by other people anymore.
Nie chciałam już być wymyślana przez innych ludzi.

And the game of golf invented at the same time.
A jednocześnie wynaleziona gra w golfa.

I came here in a time machine that you invented.
Przybyłem tu wehikułem czasu, który pan wynalazł.

The guy who invented it, is barely out of high school.
Gość, który to wynalazł, wyszedł ledwo z liceum.

If there is no real enemy, one has to be invented.
Jeśli nie ma prawdziwego wroga, trzeba go wymyślić.

I think you invented the island for just this purpose.
Na naszym weselu. Chyba wynalazłeś tę wyspę tylko po to.

I think you read something somebody just invented it, waste of time.
Czasami się czyta, że ktoś coś wynalazł.

Still waiting to meet an ancient race that’s invented the car.
Dalej czekam by poznać pradawną rasę, która wynalazła samochód…

This week they invented a new way to torture us.
W tym tygodniu wymyślili nowy sposób dręczenia nas.

For the guy who invented the computer that can read minds.
Dla kogoś, kto wynalazł komputer zdolny do czytania w myślach.

A film that broke all the rules and invented some new ones.
Film, który złamał wszystkie konwencje i wprowadził nowe.

Or, say, the diamond and the man who invented it.
Albo diament i człowiek, który go odkrył.

So I dropped out and invented a new heart valve.
Więc rzuciłem szkołę i wynalazłem nową zastawkę serca.

One of the first weapons man invented was the spear.
Jedną z pierwszych broni wymyślonych przez człowieka... była włócznia.

A doctor invented it because, well, his arm got tired.
Lekarz wynalazł ją, ponieważ ręka mu się męczyła.

It's your legend, you have invented as a cover that would not go.
Jest twoją, wymyśloną legendą. Jako przykrywka, by dostać się na konferencję.

You just invented that to try to connect him with my letter.
Próbowałeś tylko powiązać go z moim listem.

Invented excuses to go in the kitchen just so I can look at it.
Wymyślałem powody, by zachodzić do kuchni. Tylko żeby na nią popatrzeć.

I'm not even sure they've invented a drug to begin tackling your issues.
Nie jestem nawet pewna, czy wynaleziono leki które rozwiązałyby twoje problemy.

I invented the recipe for them and can send it to you.
Wynalazłem przepis na nie i mogę ci go wysłać.

But I am invented, too, for your entertainment and amusement.
Ale sam zostałem wymyślony dla Waszej rozrywki i zabawy.

Somebody could have invented a car that I don't know, runs on jelly.
Ktoś może wynajdzie samochód ,który na przykład jeździ na galaretkę.

He was the first to recognise dinosaurs, and indeed had invented their very name.
Był pierwszym odkrywcą dinozaurów, i w rzeczywistości to on wymyślił im tą nazwę.

Any of you ever hear about the guy who invented nitroglycerin?
Czy ktoś z was słyszał o gościu, który wynalazł nitroglicerynę?

New tools therefore have to be invented; this is how you must approach the mandate.
Należy więc wymyślić nowe narzędzia; w ten właśnie sposób musi pan podejść do tego mandatu.

But it's just so shamelessly invented as they go along.
Ale to jest tak bezwstydnie zmyślone...

There's a cloth from his jacket that hasn't even been invented yet.
A material z jego kurtki nie zostal jeszcze wynaleziony.

That's why women were invented, to think for you assholes.
Po to wynaleziono kobiety, by za was myślały.

He only invented that because he wants me all to himself.
Wymyślił to tylko dlatego, że chce mnie mieć tylko dla siebie.

He's the one they generally think invented the radio.
Cóż, generalnie uważa się, że to on wynalazł radio.

What was the name of that character you invented?
Jak się nazywała ta postać, którą wymyśliłaś?

People come here thinking I've invented a time machine.
Ludzie przychodzą tu myśląc, że wynalazłem wehikuł czasu.

Murder was invented even before man began to think.
Morderstwo wynaleziono już zanim człowiek potrafił myśleć.

Have you heard about the guy that invented it?
Słyszałeś o facecie, który to zapoczątkował?

Good and evil were invented by people trapped in scenes.
Dobro i zło zostało wymyślone, przez ludzi uwięzionych na scenie.

What is more, in order to save the banks, you invented 'stress tests'.
Co więcej, w celu ratowania banków wymyśliliście stress tests.

But they have not yet invented the system that Lupaza cannot beat.
Ale nie wynaleźli jeszcze systemu którego Lupaza nie pokona.

Why do you think we invented politics and religion?
Jak myślisz, dlaczego wynaleziono politykę i religie?