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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Existential threats are nothing new. Schoolchildren learn that an asteroid strike wiped out three quarters of Earth's species 65m years ago and promptly ended the reign of the dinosaurs. There have been at least four other mass extinctions, each one the result of an epic natural disaster. The point that intrigues researchers such as Bostrom is that society is bad at identifying dangers such as these, and even worse at preparing for them. In an essay published in the Journal of Evolution and Technology in 2002, Bostrom expressed dismay at how little research has been done on serious threats to humanity, writing: "There is more scholarly work on the life-habits of the dung fly than on existential risks." Little has changed since, he says.
Posh cordials seem to have emerged a decade or so ago, and now a great syrupy slew comes from high-end companies like Belvoir and Rocks. I reckon Bottlegreen make by the far the best cordials on the market today. Their standard elderflower â?? queen of classic cordials â?? is delicious, their ginger and lemongrass winningly spicy. But something else about them intrigues me. Browsing the website of this homespun little company, I came across their product manager Ed Wright. Our Ed is fond of rugby and hunting, and from his Meet the Family slot he cheerily boasts, "I dislike The Guardian!" Ah well. I'm sure we can all salute him cordially.
In March 1860, Thomas Henry Huxley FRS, famed as "Darwin's bulldog", wrote privately to his friend, the great geologist Charles Lyell FRS: "Five-sixths of women will stop in the doll stage of evolution, to be the stronghold of parsonism, the drag on civilisation, the degradation of every important pursuit in which they mix themselves â?? intrigues in politics and friponnes in science."

Tales of dirty and duplicitous intrigues in our first election.
Opowieści o brudnych i fałszywych intrygach podczas naszych pierwszych wyborów.

But it's what you want that intrigues me.
Natomiast intryguje mnie, czego ty chcesz.

This man intrigues me, Watson. He's got Adler on edge.
Ten człowiek mnie intryguje Watson, która odbyła się na krawędzi.

You have your intrigues, I have mine.
Ty masz twoje intrygi, mam mojego.

What intrigues you in this poem?
Co cię pociąga w tym utworze?

Our vast height difference intrigues me.
Intryguje mnie nasza różnica wzrostu.

One item on your list intrigues me:
Jedyna intrygująca mnie pozycja na twej liście:

Nevertheless, your presence intrigues me.
Pomimo to twoja obecność intryguje mnie.

I see Sharpe still intrigues you, Anne.
Widzę, że Sharpe nadal cię intryguje, Anne.

Given the intrigues and scheming which went on in 2004, we cannot blame her, except for the fact that this time, international election observers have confirmed the results.
Biorąc pod uwagi intrygi i spiski, do jakich dochodziło w 2004 roku, nie możemy mieć o to do niej pretensji, przy czym tym razem wyniki potwierdzili międzynarodowi obserwatorzy.

I think that Mr Schulz and the whole group have much to learn about Russian methods, Russian intrigues and Russian propaganda.
Sądzę, że pan poseł Schulz i cała jego grupa muszą się jeszcze wiele nauczyć na temat rosyjskich metod, intryg i rosyjskiej propagandy.