Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adverb) intelektualnie, rozumowo, umysłowo, uczenie;

Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy



Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

As ever, the left's besetting weakness is a reluctance to talk truthfully about the case for cuts and where they ought best â?? or least worst â?? to fall in order to bring the deficit under control. This is a strategic inability as well as a tactical reluctance. As Myners illustrates, Labour lacks an intellectually coherent framework for identifying bad or unnecessary spending. It may still be early days in the leadership contest but the general silence among the candidates on such matters is a hostage to fortune.
He says he never intended to practise medicine and went to Bart's â?? which, he was "shocked" to find, was intellectually inferior to Charterhouse â?? to please his mother. He wanted to be either a historian or scientist, and eventually opted for biochemistry, doing postgraduate research at Oxford on skin glands and cystic fibrosis. He adored Oxford, "a perfect community, dedicated to the search for truth, driven not by love of money but by love of ideas". But lab space was limited and he had to leave for Newcastle, which he seems to have regarded as an English equivalent of Siberia. Nearly 30 years on, he still seems oddly upset about the whole thing and admits it formed his unforgiving views of scientists and scientific institutions. "How was it that you could commit yourself to a career in science and forego most conventional perquisites of salary and status and yet be treated like that?" he protests.
Back to this hypothetical boyfriend who, if I'm honest, was actually a real boyfriend. He hunches when I walk past. So I want to see what he's writing. I can't, he's closed his browser. It does not feel evil to go into his inbox afterwards, although I would strongly dis-recommend that initial breach of couple-protocol. Of course, it's an email to a woman. What are the odds? Fifty-fifty, unless he's a mathematician, or a nitwit. Say it's someone you know (it was), it's probably an ex (it was). Say it's someone you don't know, then it's a strange woman. This is a mug's game; now I'm checking all the time. My nearly ex and his ex chat intermittently. Nothing incriminating happens, but the easy familiarity is annoying. And I'm reading everything I can get away with now, so naturally I catch stuff I'd rather not have seen. It's physiologically compelling (high risk, sweaty palms) and intellectually boring, like reading a Dan Brown novel. Unlike a Dan Brown novel, nothing happens, except I can't stop. I never got caught doing it. But we did split up, for maybe 1,000 reasons, some of which were: well, most obviously, this is an act of war. It also creates confusion â?? you're having your regular relationship with your regular boyfriend, and a secret, antagonistic relationship with the boyfriend as expressed in his correspondence. Those are two different people, not least because one of them doesn't know you're there.
Byatt, who won the Booker prize in 1990 and was shortlisted for last year's award, said it was very hard for women to be accepted if they wrote intellectually challenging fiction. "If you are trying to think, there are always reviewers who take the attitude that it's like a dog standing on its hind legs, as Samuel Johnson put it: it would be better if you didn't do it."
"I certainly, I would imagine, fall into the intellectually challenging box, and I don't think it has been particularly difficult because I am female. I don't think it is an easy thing to write and expect to be commercial, even if you are from Venus and a hermaphrodite."
He added: "As a reader I would say it was false. I did my PhD on Muriel Spark, the most intellectually demanding writer I know; there is no finer surgeon of the human heart than her. And she was taken seriously, she was reviewed in the Times Literary Supplement and the New York Times. And from a crime perspective, women have always been seen as better than men. Recently Patricia Highsmith was voted best crime writer of all time."
11.09am: Wow. That might be the best conference speech David Miliband has ever delivered; it was powerful, intellectually coherent, unifying and strongly political, but without at any point becoming glib or meretricious.
A month later, Peracha was summoned to Malakand Fort to meet some more boys. "The skies swarmed with helicopters. I knew a bigwig was coming." In strode the chief of the army, staff general Ashfaq Kayani. "He was very curious about these boys," she says. "Many of them were compromised intellectually and had psychological problems. He asked me, 'Would a school help?' I replied, 'Yes' and then he said, 'This is the site. You will be the director.'"
And Assassin's Creed has proven that historical games don't need to be literary or intellectually worthy. The games are smart and engaging, they pique your curiosity about the Templars and the nobles of the Renaissance, but they don't shove it down your throat. For the most part, Brotherhood, like its predecessors, is about leaping from rooftop to rooftop, chasing down enemy targets and putting them to the sword. You can also use your power and influence to rebuild areas of the city and encourage commerce, but you don't have to. You can just kill people.

We feel that you need a more intellectually diminished environment.
Sądzimy, że potrzebujesz bardziej... intelektualnie zredukowanego środowiska.

It is not intellectually honest to attack the Commission all the time.
Ciągłe atakowanie Komisji nie jest intelektualnie uczciwe.

I need a man who can keep up with me intellectually and creatively.
Jak wszyscy w liceum. Potrzebny mi facet, który dorówna mi intelektualnie i twórczo.

The most intellectually exhausting battle known to the mind of man.
Najbardziej wyczerpująca intelektualnie bitwa znana człowiekowi:

And they appear to be intellectually superior to our captors.
I wygląda na to, że intelektualnie przewyższają naszych porywaczy.

They always pick the most intellectually devoid movie on the racks.
Zawsze wybierają najbardziej odmóżdżony film, jaki znajdą na półce.

Therefore, let us be intellectually honest in our assessment.
Zachowajmy zatem intelektualną szczerość w naszej ocenie.

Mark, you are a strong and attentive man, but Jason is more stimulating intellectually.
Mark, jesteś silnym i dbałym mężczyzną, ale Jason jest bardziej pobudzający intelektualnie.

We just weren't on the same level intellectually.
Nie byliśmy intelektualnie na tym samym poziomie.

Tesla believed that Einstein was taking us intellectually in the wrong direction.
Tesla wierzył, że Einstein prowadzi nas w intelektualnie złym kierunku.

I just thought it was really intellectually interesting.
Sądziłem, że pomysł naprawdę jest niezwykle interesujący.

How can a young person develop physically, intellectually and spiritually without access to the necessary nutrition?
Jak młody człowiek może rozwijać się fizycznie, intelektualnie i duchowo bez dostępu do koniecznej porcji żywności?

But we know, if not intellectually, we know instinctly that this is wrong.
Ale wiemy, jeśli nie intelektualnie wiemy instynktownie, że to jest złe.

You have a fun, exciting, intellectually stimulating career.
Masz zabawną, ekscytującą, intelektualnie stymulującą karierę.

People can be cruel... to people intellectually challenged, such as yourself.
Ludzie potrafią być okrutni... dla osób ociężałych umysłowo, jak ty.

I shouldn't have seduced you. Intellectually, that is.
Nie powinienem był Cię uwodzić, nawet intelektualnie.

Therefore, simply to identify the problem as a problem of confidence in the European institutions is intellectually dishonest.
Z tego względu stwierdzenie, iż problemem jest brak zaufania dla instytucji europejskich byłoby nieuczciwe pod względem intelektualnym.

It is intellectually and politically dishonest to suggest that the problem is with the euro.
Sugestie, jakoby problemem było euro, są intelektualnie i politycznie nieuczciwe.

I'm not intellectually stimulating, like your university people...
Nie jestem partnerem intelektualnym dla was, akademików...

That would be intellectually dishonest and factually incorrect.
Byłaby to intelektualna nieuczciwość i błąd w stwierdzeniu faktu.

To do otherwise would not be intellectually rational, it would not be open-minded.
Czynienie czegoś przeciwnego byłoby nieracjonalne, nie byłoby bezstronne.

I mean, I think I'm intellectually limber enough.
Jestem dość giętka intelektualnie.

Their paragraph 3 states that the ineffectiveness of the sanctions is an encouragement to the Uzbek regime, which makes no sense either intellectually or politically.
Ustęp 3 tych konkluzji stwierdza, że nieskuteczność sankcji stanowi zachętę dla uzbeckiego reżimu, co nie ma sensu ani z punktu widzenia intelektualnego ani politycznego.

It is intellectually rational.
Jest to racjonalne.

Emotionally, sexually and intellectually.
Emocjonalnie, seksualnie i intelektualnie.

We are about to launch an above-ground, intellectually serious,... ..fascist movement.
Mamy zamiar stworzyć jawny, poważny intelektualnie ruch faszystowski.

I'il never forget that intellectually stimulating talk... ...that you gave to our club.
Nigdy nie zapomnę tej porywającej prelekcji, którą wygłosił pan w naszym klubie.

As Mr Verhofstadt said, many intellectuals, many Hungarian writers have supported us politically and intellectually for years.
Jak powiedział pan poseł Verhofstadt, wielu intelektualistów - wielu pisarzy węgierskich - przez całe lata wspierało nas politycznie i intelektualnie.

Europe must also undertake partnership with ACP countries, if they do not threaten to impoverish those countries, intellectually, socially or economically.
Europa musi także zawrzeć umowy o partnerstwie gospodarczym z państwami AKP, jeżeli w ich wyniku państwa te nie zostaną zubożone intelektualnie, społecznie lub gospodarczo.

You are physically repulsive, intellectually retarded... ...morally reprehensible, vulgar, insensitive, selfish, stupid.
Jesteś odpychający fizycznie, opóźniony umysłowo... zgniły moralnie, wulgarny, gruboskórny, samolubny, głupi.

Madam President, President of the Commission, President-in-Office of the Council, the link between the two debates that we have just had is intellectually coherent.
Pani przewodnicząca, przewodniczący Komisji, urzędujący przewodniczący Rady! Związek między tymi dwoma debatami, które właśnie odbyliśmy, jest z intelektualnego punktu widzenia spójny.

Often, children - even gifted children - are written off as intellectually weak or clumsy by well-meaning teachers and education authorities because they do not have the expertise to tell the difference.
Często nauczyciele i władze szkolne, kierując się dobrymi intencjami, spisują dzieci - nawet te uzdolnione - na straty jako niewydolne lub upośledzone intelektualnie, ponieważ nie posiadają wiedzy potrzebnej, aby dostrzec tę różnicę.

The Council, the Commission and the political groups have all pitched in with their tuppence-worth and, as usual, the rhetoric is intellectually pitiful, politically disgraceful and morally perverse.
Rada, Komisja Europejska i grupy polityczne, wszystkie wykazały się na tym polu aktywnością, wnosząc do tej debaty jakiś wkład i jak zwykle retoryka jest godna pożałowania, jeśli chodzi o poziom intelektualny, kompromitująca politycznie i perwersyjna moralnie.

I wish, however, to make a small clarification in relation to your request for the EU to have a policy that differs from that of France, since otherwise this would not be intellectually honest on my part.
Chciałbym jednak udzielić pewnego wyjaśnienia w sprawie wniosku o to, by UE miała politykę różną od polityki Francji, ponieważ w przeciwnym wypadku nie byłoby to z mojej strony uczciwe.

Incidentally, it is not unusual to repeat referenda: that has been done previously on domestic issues, and in certain Member States you can come back several times on a domestic issue too, so let us be intellectually honest about this whole procedure.
Tak się składa, że powtarzanie referendów nie jest niczym nadzwyczajnym: przeprowadzano je już w odniesieniu do spraw krajowych, a w niektórych państwach członkowskich wielokrotnie powraca się do pewnych kwestii krajowych, a zatem nie miejmy uprzedzeń co do tej procedury.

Ladies and gentlemen, we all know that holding the Presidency is particularly challenging, and I know that Prime Minister Topolánek finds it not only intellectually but also emotionally very touching, with his political experience in the years of communism, to now be delivering his report for the European Union as its representative.
Panie i panowie! Wszyscy mamy świadomość, że sprawowanie prezydencji jest szczególnie trudnym wyzwaniem, a wiem, iż dla posiadającego doświadczenia polityczne z lat komunizmu premiera Topolánka fakt, że prezentuje teraz sprawozdanie Unii Europejskiej jako jej przedstawiciel, jest bardzo poruszający zarówno intelektualnie, jak i emocjonalnie.