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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Seven arrests were made and hundreds of insults traded. At one point a half-dozen communist activists showed up to sell their party newspaper. "It doesn't have to be like this! There is a different way!" one said through a megaphone as he waved a copy of Revolution. It is doubtful that either the supporters or the opponents of SB1070 would care for the way he had in mind. But it was hard to argue with the man's general point.
The ban was, of course, opposed by the rightwing parties. The newspapers on Thursday were deeply divided. The far rightwing La Gaceta on a front page editorial heaped insults on the politicians who had voted for the ban, singling out the man who is likely to become the next Catalan president as "a separatist who hates everything Spanish". The Catalan-language Avui, on the other hand, ran a headline proclaiming: "Goodbye Black Spain". El Pa?­s on its editorial page showed a cartoon of a Spanish bull saying to a Catalan donkey, "Muchas gracias" and the donkey replying, in Catalan "De res", Catalan for "Not at all". At least someone, besides the Catalans, is happy: the bulls. If they were to join forces, perhaps they would get us a fast train line to France.
For Naqeb, who works as a newspaper sales rep, the solution is for New York's Muslim community to accept that the Park51 project â?? the official name of the planned Islamic centre â?? must be elsewhere. Even though Naqeb believes it is unfair and prejudiced that his religious community should be singled out for such treatment, he thinks it is for the best. It is a piece of classic immigrant thinking: get your head down, keep quiet, ignore the insults and they will not send you back. "They should move it. For my family's sake. I want them to have a future here in this country," he repeated.
The ultimatum from Brussels, in a letter to the French government from the European commission, upped the ante in the ferocious row over France's treatment of immigrant Gypsies, a dispute that hijacked a recent EU summit and saw insults traded over the second world war.
So we spoke to an eight-year-old and 10-year-old as well, who knew what shag bands were. "There were a couple of boys who were giving them out as free presents," remembered one, "and saying you had to sex someone if you broke itâ?? nobody told the teachers." (They also informed us that some of the latest playground insults are "you chocolate-flavoured condom" or "you rainbow-coloured condom", both of which will definitely be used in my next argument.)
This just shows the chasm between two sides. No one is interested in listening or understanding each other. The problem stems from the fact that both sides think they are always right, both sides think the other side is a mindless idiot and both sides take pleasure in hurling insults and laughing at the other.
The shocking crime was just one of a series of incidents that have hit the city. Others have even occurred in the heart of New York's vibrant gay scene. In the Chelsea neighbourhood, which has a large gay population, a group of men hugging each other goodbye after a night out were punched and had a rubbish bin thrown at them. Meanwhile in the famous Stonewall Inn, where the modern gay rights movement was founded after a police raid in 1969, a customer was beaten and robbed by men who hurled homophobic insults at him.
Matt Wrack, the FBU's general secretary, said: "We do not want to take this action but we have no choice. The alternative is to allow London's firefighters to become doormats for their employers to walk on. "The long-term safety of Londoners depends on a well-trained, self-confident firefighting force. The chairman of the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority, Brian Coleman, issues calculated insults and says he's relaxed and sacking all of them.

Must I throw them out with insults when they pay visits?
Mam ich wyrzucać z obelgami gdy chcą płacić za wizyty?

I only take random insults from immediate friends and family.
Przyjmuję obelgi tylko od członków rodziny i ich przyjaciół.

And don't lie to me, because it insults my intelligence.
I nie kłam, bo to ubliża mojej inteligencji!

If we're handing out insults for being fat, let's have a go at him.
Jeśli mielibyśmy rozdawać obelgi za bycie grubym, przywalmy jemu.

When you read my smiling at him as a threat, that insults me.
Kiedy odczytujesz mój uśmiech do niego jako zdradę, to mnie obraża.

You know, it's amazing the way people cling onto insults.
wiesz, to jest zadziwianie ludzie drogi trzymają się na obrazy.

You're a lot better at oral insults than writing.
Jesteś lepszy w obrażaniu niż pisaniu.

Because it insults my intelligence, makes me very angry.
Bo to obraża moją inteligencję. I bardzo mnie złości.

I didn't ask you here to trade insults.
Nie zaprosiłem cię tu, żebyś ze mnie żartował.

I'm not as good at insults as she is.
Nie umiem tak dobrze ubliżać jak ona.

He insults me, but one day there'il be a payoff!
Znieważa mnie, ale pewnego dnia odpłacę mu się!

All whites ever gave me and Ma was mean looks and insults.
Wszyscy bieli kiedykolwiek dali mi i Mamie mniemanie obserwowania i znieważenia.

I have taken her insults and her sarcasm, but last night was it.
Znosiłem jej obelgi i sarkazm, ale ostatnia noc, to była porażka.

Who insults me by dealing under my nose without my permission?
Kto handluje pod moim nosem bez mojego pozwolenia?

I regret that he is hurling what I consider to be insults at me.
Przykro mi, że pan poseł obrzuca mnie obelgami.

That day, the masters would tolerate insults and threats.
Tego dnia, właściciele tolerowali zniewagi i pogróżki.

Everywhere, there would have been awkward questions... gossip and perhaps even insults.
Wszędzie zadawano by kłopotliwe pytania... plotkowano, a być może nawet znieważano.

Rick, I told you before, somebody insults you, you hit him!
Mówiłem ci, Rick, gdy cię ktoś obrazi, uderz go!

Is there no end to his insults?
Czyż nie będzie końca jego zniewagom?

I presume you've prepared new insults for today?
Zakładam, że masz przygotowane nowe obelgi na dziś.

I don't want to trade insults with you
Nie chcę przerzucać się z tobą obelgami.

The touch of your hands insults them.
Twój dotyk znieważa je.

But their insults just give us strength.
Ale ich wyśmiewanie dodało nam sił.

He ridicules our laws, Insults the traditions of our fathers.
On ośmiesza nasze prawa i obraża tradycje naszych ojców.

For centuries, we have endured abuses and insults.
Przez wieki, byliśmy znieważani i źle traktowani.

I happen to be an American... and I'm getting extremely bored by your insults.
Zdarza mi się być Amerykaninem... i jestem już znudzony Twoimi obelgami.

All the facts about you are insults.
Wszystkie fakty o tobie są obrazą.

instead of insults, you should give my poor boy a job.
Zamiast obelg, powinieneś dać mojemu biednemu chłopakowi pracę.

Or what they think are insults.
Albo tego, co myślą że jest obraźliwe.

Countess, you can not let someone who insults you in this manner go unpunished.
Hrabino, nie możesz pozwolić by ktoś, kto tak cię obraził, pozostał bez kary.

What more insults do you have?
Ile obelg jeszcze mam wysłuchać?

They do say, Mrs M, that verbal insults hurt more than physical pain.
Mówi się, pani M, że słowa mogą sprawić większy ból niż obrażenia fizyczne.

Insults and violence towards a police officer.
Obelgi i przemoc wobec oficera policji.

Your insults are as pitiful as your efforts to escape.
Twoje zniewagi są równie żałosne jak twoja cielista powłoka.

The blasphemy law in that country is particularly worrying: anyone who insults Mohammed is sentenced to death.
Szczególnym powodem do troski jest obowiązująca w Pakistanie ustawa o bluźnierstwie: ktokolwiek obraża Mahometa jest skazany na śmierć.

And the insults aren't far off.
A te obelgi są tak odległe.

I can bear no more insults!
Nie zniosę więcej zniewag.

We talked insults on your wife.
Obraziliśmy twoją żonę.

He's annoyed by her, doesn't respect her as a doctor, constantly insults her.
Ona go drażni, nie szanuje jej jako lekarza, ciągle ją obraża.

Just let their insults motivate you.
Niech ich obelgi beda dla was bodzcem.

Your flagrant flirtation insults my wife... and thereby you insult me.
Pański jawny flirt obraża moją żonę, a tym samym obraża i mnie.

Tanaka, it is you who insults this councill.
Tanaka, to ty nalegałeś na to zebranie!

If anyone cheats on me or insults me i'il gouge their eyes out!
Jeśli ktoś mnie oszuka lub znieważy wydłubuję mu oczy!

A coyote howls insults and is a coward.
Kojot wyje swoimi i jest tchórzem.

The cougar screams insults and is brave.
Kuguar rzuca obelgi i jest odważny.

Him with the insults, right?
Miał ją obrazić?

I can't stand injustice... insults or power games!
Nie mogę znieść niesprawiedliwości... zniewag i gierek o władzę!

His every breath insults me.
On mnie znieważa każdym oddechem.

The boy insults my importance.
Ten chłopiec znieważa moją godność.