(Noun) fizyka henr;
(a unit of inductance in which an induced electromotive force of one volt is produced when the current is varied at the rate of one ampere per second)
henr, H
synonim: H
im. Henryk
jednostka indukcji elektromagnetycznej
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
11.39am: My colleagues Henry McDonald and Owen Bowcott have sent me this report from Derry. Sir Reg Empey, the leader of the Ulster Unionist party, which has an electoral pact with the Conservatives, has said that the Saville report has caused pain and division in Northern Ireland. He also demanded there be no more Bloody Sunday tribunals.
10.59am: Henry McDonald, the Ireland correspondent for the Guardian and Observer, has sent me this from Derry:
His answers, all delivered in flat, impassive tones, infuriated committee members. "You are kicking the can down the road," said Henry Waxman, the chairman of the committee. "I find that irresponsible."
She was aged, perhaps, 35 or 36, the same as a famous modern English princess, and, needless to say, Diana comparisons have been made in the last few months. In German sources, our only real clues to her life, it seems she was just as charismatic. She was in her late teens in autumn 929, when an embassy came to England from Germany seeking a bride for Otto, son of Henry I, the founder of the medieval German empire, the First Reich. Unlike the Third Reich, English relations with the First were close and often warm: Germany had been Christianised by English missionaries such as Boniface and they still liked to say they were "of one blood", their languages still close enough to understand each other.
In 936 Henry died, and Otto was crowned, with Eadgyth at his side as queen of the Germans. Together they survived a civil war and, for 10 years, ran the kingdom in partnership, with Eadgyth administering her part of the royal household as strong women did. When she died in 946 "the whole of the German nation mourned her with an intense grief . . . a foreign race that she had come to cherish with kindness. Their dearly beloved mistress was thus entrusted to the earth . . . to lie in the tomb until she could rise again."
Haslett knowledgeably sketches in the financial background and includes lengthy passages of exposition that just stop short of indigestible. The novel, set in 2002, feels prescient: the sort of reckless policies pursued by Doug are precisely those that led to the crash. One storyline involves Henry Graves, chair of the New York Fed, who regulates the markets and ensures problems are patched up. A model of cautious rationality, he provides a moral counterbalance to the bullish Doug. As one character tells him: "It must be an odd job.... To have to keep imagining the real disaster. The whole leveraged shooting match falling to pieces."
Two years later Helen married Charles Henry Jackson, a janitor â?? at 16, Jesse was adopted by his stepfather. Now any questions about his difficult early years are blankly ignored. He is not rude, but simply pretends not to have heard. When I ask about his father, Jackson refers to Charles, not Noah. His 85-year-old mother is the only one of his parents still alive. "Every time I call her she says: 'A lot of people love you now, son, but I loved you first.'" He laughs. "Usually she has a Bible verse for anything I'm going through." He credits her with giving him "a sense of self-worth and self-respect".
Leading Republican politicians and the former American secretary of state Henry Kissinger have called on the president to drop a July 2011 deadline to begin withdrawing US troops, saying that it undermines the effort to defeat the Taliban.
"It's completely amazing, one of the few places where you can actually see evolution happening in real time," said Henry Nicholls, ambassador for the Gal??pagos Conservation Trust. He welcomed the recovery of Espa??ola's giant tortoise population. "They are a flagship species which capture the public imagination."
It is all a far cry from Forte dei Marmi's 16th-century origins, when Michelangelo built a road from quarries inland to load marble on to waiting ships. The artistic tradition continued into the 20th century with the arrival of Thomas Mann, Aldous Huxley, Giacomo Puccini and Henry Moore, followed by industrial dynasties such as the Agnellis and the Morattis.
Henry has a right to know who his father is.
Henry ma prawo wiedzieć kto jest jego ojcem.
Henry, tell them we just came in and found the body.
Henry, powiedz im, że przyszliśmy i tak znaleźliśmy ciało.
I've got to go get Henry and find a judge.
Muszę jechać po Henry'ego i znaleźć sędziego.
Henry, how many times do I have to tell you this?
Henry, ile razy muszę ci to mówić?
Henry and I were no different, even before that night.
Henry i ja nie stanowiliśmy wyjątku, ...nawet przed tamtą nocą.
You're not thinking about Henry or his safety, just ways around me.
Nie myślisz o Henrym ani jego bezpieczeństwie, tylko chodzi ci o mnie.
Because your plan to kill Henry and come see a dead guy?
Ponieważ twój plan. To zabić Henrego i spotkać się z martwym.
You're the one who added the story to Henry's book.
To ty dodałeś opowiadanie do książki Henry'ego.
Henry, you know those days that can change your whole life?
Wiesz, że są takie dni, które mogą zmienić całe życie?
I just want to talk to Henry for a minute.
Chciałam tylko porozmawiać przez chwilę z Henrym.
Henry and I will be back before you even know it.
Henry i ja będziemy z powrotem zanim zauważysz.
Henry and I were playing with each other that opened the phone.
Henry i ja byliśmy w trakcie seksu oralnego, a on odebrał telefon.
Henry don't have any other kind of friends, so yeah.
Henry nie ma innego rodzaju przyjaciół , więc jak?
Henry, you're not to think of those things any more.
Henry, nie powinieneś już myśleć o tych rzeczach.
When was the last time you got it up, Henry?
Kiedy ostatnim razem ci stanął, Henry?
They wanted to talk to Henry about this or that.
Chcieli porozmawiać z Henrym o tym czy o tamtym.
Two years later, Henry came along and soon you arrived.
Dwa lata później na świat przyszedł Henry Wzieliśmy ślub i wkrótce pojawiłeś się Ty.
Henry, will you come and sit here like a normal person?
Henry, możesz tu zejść i usiąść, jak normalna osoba?
We'll be here for the rest of your life, Henry.
Owszem. Będziemy tu do końca twojego życia.
Henry, what the hell happened, and where are the others?
Henry, co do diabła się stało, i gdzie są inni?
Henry was lost in that dark, too, because of me.
Henry też był zagubiony w tej ciemności, przeze mnie.
This isn't the first thing Henry's asked me to do.
To nie jest pierwsza rzecz, o jaką poprosił mnie Henry
Or, do you still have a problem with that, Henry?
Albo wciąż masz problem z tym Henrym?
Henry's getting too old to be going to jail every week.
Henry jest już za stary, by co tydzień lądować w więzieniu.
We get to my truck, Henry goes free, you understand?
Kiedy dotrzemy do ciężarówki, puszczę Henrego wolno, rozumiecie?
I think you have a bright future in this town, Henry.
Myślę, że szykuje ci się świetlana przyszłość w tym mieście, Henry...
Well, Henry, the thing is, there are just too many reasons to go into.
Cóż, Henry, jest zbyt wiele powodów, żeby o tym mówić.
I loved you more than Henry, and it's cost me everything.
Kochałam cię bardziej niż Henryka. Wiele mnie to kosztowało. Czego chcesz?
In fact, so good that things have even improved with Henry.
Tak naprawdę, tak dobrze, że rzeczy poprawiły się z Henrym.
Something for you and Henry to laugh about on your second date.
Będziecie się z tego śmiali z Henrym na drugiej randce.
Henry had to prove that Richard was a bad king.
Henryk musiał udowodnić, że Ryszard był złym królem.
Henry, we've been planning this dinner for a long time.
Henry, planowaliśmy tę kolację od dawna.
A dangerous thing that can only hurt Henry and others.
Niszczę coś, co może zranić Henry'ego i innych.
In addition, Henry here would like a toy from each of you.
Poza tym Henry oczekuje na zabawkę od każdego was.
I mean, we believe henry strauss is now a work of art.
Chodzi nam o to, że Henry Strauss jest teraz dziełem sztuki.
That is, if you're up for taking care of him, Henry.
To znaczy,jeśli jesteś chętny żeby się nim zająć, Henry.
I love spending time with Henry, but it's not worth it.
Uwielbiam spędzać czas z Henrym, ale nie jest to tego warte.
Henry is probably one of the most curious people that I've ever met.
Henry jest prawdopodobnie jedna z najbardziej ciekawskich osób jaką spotkałem.
No, today is the 4 year anniversary of my son Henry's death.
Dzisiaj jest 4 rocznica śmierci mojego syna.
Matt, Henry's father came by to see me at the office today.
Matt, ojciec Henrego przyszedł się ze mną dziś zobaczyć.
Henry must come home, if I have to fetch him myself.
Henry musi wrócić do domu, nawet jeśli ja muszę go przywieźć.
Henry said Robbie's been living down here all this time.
Henry powiedział że Robbie przychodził do nas cały czas.
When Henry asks us about his book, we're at it.
Henry pytał o swoją nową książkę. Mamy się w niej znaleźć.
If henry wakes up,i want A clear shot at your head.
Jeśli obudzi się Henry, chcę mieć czysty strzał w twoją głowę.
I don't care what people know, but this hurts Henry.
Nie obchodzi mnie, co wiedzą, ale to zraniło Henry'ego.
But Henry wouldn't take it because they rape white women there.
Ale Henry nie chciał tam iść, bo gwałcą tam białe kobiety.
Why not? - Henry wants us to open the bags inside.
Henry chce, żeby otworzyć torebki w środku.
Henry pleaded with him to come back next week, but he wouldn't have it.
Henry prosił go o wizytę w przyszłym tygodniu ale on nie mógł.
I was thinking maybe it's not time to publish Henry's book just now.
Myślę, że może to nie jest dobry moment by opublikować już książkę Henry'ego.