Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

im. Grzegorz

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Yemen expert Gregory Johnsen said: "The idea is that Aqap can reach, influence and inspire other like-minded individuals in the west. No longer do these individuals need to travel to Yemen or read Arabic in order to take instructions from Aqap. Now they can just download and read the magazine in English."
Gregory Dumas, an industry veteran who runs an adult portfolio, GEC Media, from Panama, lost his seat on the Free Speech Coalition board as a result of his support for .xxx. He is a robust defender of practices within the sex industry, suggesting critics "need to get their head out of their ass, and you can quote me on that â?? the women in the adult business, they dominate, they reign over the business, they're who everybody wants to see". But he supports Lawley's effort to tighten up age registration: "I do think the marketplace does need to be cleaner and clearer â?? If adult sites can be seen to clean up their act then it will benefit the industry."
The Year of Magical Thinking is an anguished and eloquent account of Didion's grief following the death of her husband, the writer John Gregory Dunne. She recounts with great precision her loss, her disbelief, her memories. It's is in no way a beach read, but it does give the reader a heightened sense of the pleasures of simply being alive.
It's at the literary end of comics you sense a narrowing of the range, the main strand being a sort of studied Pekarian drabness. You could call it mundane realism. Direct or oblique autobiography is the mode, neurosis and alienation the dominant tone. Their archetypal hero is a morose and ill-socialised writer or collector of comics, often subject to sexual humiliation, sometimes sharing a name with the author. These are frequently comics, in one way or another, about comics. It's A Good Life, If You Don't Weaken, by Seth (the pen name of Gregory Gallant), is about his obsession with an old New Yorker cartoonist. Chris Ware's Jimmy Corrigan poignantly juxtaposes his shy hero's inwardness with caped-crusader fantasies.
The Roman Catholic archbishop of New Orleans, Gregory Aymond, said the symbolic funeral would lay to rest "the hurt, the pain, the woundedness, the hopelessness".
While Owen celebrated, Laurie was commiserated. The comedian turned actor has been nominated five times for his role as grumpy doctor Gregory House in the eponymous show. But Bryan Cranston took the title of outstanding lead actor in a drama for his performance in Breaking Bad.
Gregory Watson, the Fun Kids managing director, said: "Fun Kids and the current CBeebies Radio content on BBC Radio 7 complement each other.
The point of the EFS is not, however, just to create strange, food-based works of art. In a south London kitchen, I watch "chocolate artist" Paul Wayne Gregory at work. He creates portraits, and even a nude, in chocolate, at life size. He explains how he begins with a mould of the subject's face or body and then carves exquisite, lifelike details to create the finished chocolate portrait. But each of his sculptures â?? like the collections of chocolates he devises and the chocolate lolly I taste â?? can be, in fact demands to be, eaten. Gregory is no amateur experimentalist but a world-class chocolatier, trained in great European restaurants. His chocs are delicious. I feel I have wandered into the world of Willy Wonka.
Gregory Barrow of the UN World Food Program said: "What we have seen over the past few weeks is a period of volatility driven partly by the announcement from Russia of an export ban on grain food until next year, and this has driven prices up. They have fallen back again, but this has had an impact."
Paver saw off competition for the Â?1,500 award from Maurice Gleitzman's Now, Gregory Hughes's Unhooking the Moon and Eva Ibbotson's The Ogre of Oglefort to take the award. She now joins a distinguished line of past winners, which includes Ted Hughes, Jacqueline Wilson, Anne Fine and Philip Pullman.

Mark Gregory held his mother's head under whatever water was in the car.
Mark Gregory trzymał głowę matki pod wodą w samochodzie.

We should find out who that would be for Gregory.
Musimy się dowiedzieć, kim byłby taki ktoś dla Gregory'ego.

I think you just won a major battle for the Gregory family.
Myślę, że wygrałeś ogromną batalię dla rodziny Gregory!

After what Gregory and his men did, that would be suicide.
Po tym co zrobił Gregory i jego ludzie, to byłoby samobójstwo.

I put her in the other room with Gregory.
Położyłem ją w drugim pokoju z Gregorym.

Mr Gregory, we all have our jobs to do in this life.
Panie Gregory, wszyscy mamy w życiu pracę do wykonania.

Gregory always said that she had too much heart.
Gregory zawsze mówił, że ona ma zbyt dużo serca.

I'm just doing what Gregory tells me to do.
Ja po prostu robię to co mi każe Gregory.

As most of you know, Gregory House recently gave a speech about me.
Jak większość z was wie ostatnio Gregory House wygłosił mowę na mój temat.

The only one who can fire me is Craig Gregory.
Jedyną osobą, która może mnie zwolnić jest Craig Gregory.

Gregory, Donald and I are just getting to know each other.
Gregory, Donald i ja dopiero się poznajemy.

The only reason Gregory came was for the cake.
Gregory przyszedł tylko ze względu na ciastka.

My friend Gregory wants to take you to the Halloween party.
Mój przyjaciel Gregory chce cię zabrać na zabawę w Halloween.

Honestly, Gregory, an affair might have been easier to swallow.
Szczerze mówiąc, Gregory, sprawa może były łatwiejsze do przełknięcia.

Gregory used different forms of torture with each one.
Gregory użył różnych form tortur przy każdej z nich.

One of Gregory's guys a few years ago.
Był jednym z chłopaków Gregory'ego kilka lat temu.

Eyewitness saw her leaving a parking lot with a man resembling Gregory.
Świadek widział ją opuszczającą parking z mężczyzną przypominającym Gregory'ego.

And w,h, our son gregory would ke to say a few words.
A teraz nasz syn, Gregory, chciałby powiedzieć kilka słów.

Okay, John had nowhere to go, so Gregory invited him.
John nie miał planów, więc Gregory go zaprosił.

I received word of my brother Gregory's death.
Otrzymałem wiadomość o śmierci mojego brata, Gregory'ego.

If I understand well, you two would like to obtain custody of Gregory?
Jeśli dobrze rozumiem, wy dwoje chcecie uzyskać opiekę nad Gregorym?

I thought his name was Gregory, and believe me, I remember everything.
Myślałam, że Gregory i wierz mi, pamiętam wszystko.

Listen, I never told you about Gregory and me.
Słuchaj, nigdy Ci nie mówiłem o Gregorym i mnie.

It seems you know more than just our language, Mr Gregory.
Wygląda na to, że znasz więcej niż tylko nasz język, Panie Gregory!

I think everything he does Gregory Crewdson did better, except years ago.
Wcześniej Gregory Crewdson robił to samo, tylko lepiej.

Dr. Gregory said that he envied the innocence of children.
Doktor Gregory powiedział, że zazdrości dzieciom ich niewinności.

Gregory, I cannot tolerate one of your disappearing acts.
Gregory, nie mogę tolerować jeden ze swoich ginących aktów.

Mr Gregory, we are still waiting for an explanation.
Pan Gregory, ciągle czekamy na wyjaśnienia.

Gregory, get this idiot out of here now.
Gregory, wywal tego idiotę stąd.

I am surprised that you did not look at the article, Mr Gregory.
Jestem zaskoczony, że nawet Pan nie spojrzał na artykuł, Panie Gregory.

He had a roommate by the name of Gregory Milanese.
Mamy jego współlokatora, nazywa się Gregory Milanes.

All 4 women were killed by this man... Mark Gregory.
Wszystkie 4 kobiety zostały zabite przez tego człowieka... ...Marka Gregory.

If Miss Gregory doesn't feel free to walk around her own apartment...
Jeśli panna Gregory będzie się czuć skrępowana we własnym mieszkaniu...

No-one else in the company will know you as Bridget Gregory.
Nikt inny w firmie nie będzie znał pani pod nazwiskiem Bridget Gregory.

She nearly banned Gregory's parents from our wedding.
Omal zbanowany Gregory'ego rodziców z naszego ślubu.

Mr. Gregory hired me to handle this for him.
Pan Gregory wynajął mnie, bym to zrobiła.

There's no Gregory Burke at the address you gave.
Pod tym adresem nie mieszka żaden Gregory Burke.

Take some money and get Gregory something.
Weź trochę i kup coś Gregoremu.

You know what Gregory told me about you?
Wiesz co Gregory powiedział mi o tobie?

If Dr Gregory dropped his glasses, why wouldn't he pick them up?
Dr Gregory upuścił okulary... Dlaczego więc ich nie podniósł?

The headline reads that Elizabeth Gregory died in a crash.
Nagłówek mówi, że Elizabeth Gregory zginęła w wypadku.

God damn it, gregory, you had one task.
Gregory, do cholery! Miałeś do zrobienia jedną rzecz.

It's too risky, and I don't care what Gregory wants,
Zbyt ryzykowna i na dodatek nie wiadomo czego chce Gregory,

Make sure your children go to university, Mr Gregory.
Spraw, żeby twoje dzieci poszły na studia Panie Gregory... ...

How were things with your wife, mr. Gregory?
A jak miały się sprawy z Pańską żoną, panie Gregory?

Dr Gregory, there's someone to see you from the
Doktorze Gregory, ktoś chce się z panem zobaczyć. Ktoś z

Elizabeth Gregory's official cause of death was asphyxia caused by immersion in fluid.
Oficjalnym powodem śmierci Elizabeth Gregory było uduszenie przez zanurzenie w wodzie.

I remember when Gregory bought this place.
Pamiętam kiedy Gregory kupił ten dom.

I also could with Sleep Gregory Peck or otherwise whom.
Może ty jesteś Gregory Peck albo ktoś inny.