Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Connective) zakładając, że;

Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski

zakładając, że

Słownik finansowy angielsko-polski Iwona Kienzler, 2010r

dotowany~ patent przyznany patent

Słownik prawniczo-handlowy angielsko-polski Iwona Kienzler, 2010r

adj. dotowanyto be granted być dotowanym, pobierać dotację

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy



Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

adj. przyznany

Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Procopius's view on Theodora, which was not published until the 17th century, certainly influenced later writers, yet she remains an enigma. What we do know about her seems fascinating, often highly modern, apparently feminist, and almost always controversial. The more I read, the more I realised she was an ideal candidate for fiction, and for the last three years I have been writing a novel about her. She was born to the bear-keeper of Constantinople's hippodrome in about AD500. Her father died when she was five and her mother married another animal-keeper. When he failed to land her dead husband's job, she rehearsed her three little girls in arm movements and the silent gestures of supplication that would have been recognised by theatre audiences of the time. Then, she dressed them up and took them to the hippodrome â?? a vast complex, housing a capacity crowd of 30,000 men â?? to formally request a job for their new stepfather. The wish was granted and Theodora went on to become an actress, dancer, mime artist, comedian.
11.10am "I can vouch for Mythos and am glad to see Greece make it through the group stages, though you've got to have Quilmes as a favourite to win the tournament," hics Tim Leach. "That is some mighty tasty beer, even without the hometown advantage granted by the nostalgia of your degraded, alcoholic childhood. It's a shame India didn't qualify - I once had a bottle of Godfather beer, which had an ABV of "between 5.1 and 7.6%", according to the bottle. That's the beer equivalent of having Crouch up front - brilliant/disastrous, depending on atmospheric conditions."
Kyrgyzstan's interim government has granted its security forces shoot-to-kill powers after a third night of violence left at least 83 people dead and more than 1,100 wounded in the country's worst ethnic violence in 20 years.
The leaders of all three main parties have pledged to restrict immigration from outside the European Union, with access granted only to those who possess skills in short supply.
His original asylum claim was refused by a judge who described it as "not credible". Campaigners point out that the asylum system is not wholly reliable, characterised by a "culture of disbelief", the onus being on asylum seekers to prove that they are not lying. Last year, 28% of people who appealed against refused asylum cases were granted leave to remain, a figure that campaigners say reflects serious flaws in the initial decision-making process. Besides, whether or not someone's claim is legitimate is not relevant to the question of whether they should be forced to live on the streets, campaigners argue.
Unlike the Â?70m budget granted to the Chinese film director Zhang Yimou for the 2008 Beijing games, the London team will have a total of Â?40m for all four ceremonies. Yimou's four-hour peace and harmony ceremony was largely judged a success, apart from a rumpus over a little girl miming.
His original asylum claim was refused by a judge who described it as "not credible". Campaigners point out that the asylum system is not wholly reliable, characterised by a "culture of disbelief", the onus being on asylum seekers to prove that they are not lying. Last year, 28% of people who appealed against refused asylum cases were granted leave to remain, a figure that campaigners say reflects serious flaws in the initial decision-making process. Besides, whether or not someone's claim is legitimate is not relevant to the question of whether they should be forced to live on the streets, campaigners argue.
The high court case pits Qatari Diar against the company of Monaco property magnate Christian Candy, the Qataris' former development partner. Candy claims Qatari Diar owes him up to Â?81m which would have been paid had the scheme been granted planning consent. His lawyers argue that the Qataris breached their contract by withdrawing the application on the order of the emir. Qatari Diar argues it was withdrawn because of planning and commercial concerns. One email details a meeting in London between Qatari Diar's director of investment, John Ward, and the prince's private secretary, Sir Michael Peat, which reveals that Peat told Ward "that if the current planning application was to be pursued, QD would still be at risk from a refusal of planning permission by the politicians at Westminster and/or the mayor of London".
The school itself, by ordinary standards, was not good enough either â?? a failing comprehensive (it has since become the West London Academy). But Mohammad has not a word to say against it. He was tremendously helped there by his head of year, a maths teacher, Ben Samuel (one of the few characters in the narrative granted a name), who "found me a desktop computer". Samuel arranged for him to sit an ICT GNVQ exam, against the advice of the ICT teacher. Mohammad says: "I put my heart and soul into it and, to my own shock and surprise, got a distinction." It was his first success â?? and he went on to complete his GCSEs in an intensive, single year.
What of his own days of sorrow? Does he feel as if he is looking through the wrong end of a telescope when he thinks of the life he left behind? He laughs in recognition at the thought of the telescope â?? his life in Kabul is at such a distance. It is his dearest wish now that his mother will be granted a visa and come to Cambridge to see him graduate later this year. When Mohammad first told his mother he had got into Cambridge, it did not mean much to her. What she wanted to know was: "Are you happy?" When he said he was, she said: "Then I am happier than happy."

And I am never going to take any of you for granted ever.
I nigdy nie zamierzam brać każdego z was za pewnik kiedykolwiek.

We had all the time in the world, so I took you for granted.
Mieliśmy dla siebie cały czas świata... więc się nie śpieszyłem.

You take me for granted just like almost everyone I want to love.
Nie bierzesz mnie na poważnie, tak jak prawie wszyscy, których chcę kochać.

And how I should always remember not to take him for granted.
I że powinienem zawsze pamiętać, żeby mieć dla niego czas.

People saying that we had finally been granted our rights.
Wszyscy mówili, że wreszcie uzyskaliśmy nasze prawa.

If I ever start taking you for granted, do something about it.
Jeśli kiedykolwiek się do tego przyznam, zrobisz coś.

Never take for granted the things that matter least in life.
Nigdy nie bierz za pewnik rzeczy, które najmniej się liczą w życiu

You have to learn not to take anything for granted. Before it's too late.
Musisz się nauczyć by nie brać niczego za oczywiste zanim będzie za późno.

Maybe I am just taking for granted that it does.
Może po prostu biorę to zbyt dosłownie.

He was your real dad and you just took it for granted.
On był twoim prawdziwym tatą a ty, po prostu, przyjąłeś to jak naturalną rzecz.

Stop taking it for granted that I want to get out.
Nie bierz tego na poważnie, że chcę stąd odejść.

The thing that we in this country take for granted.
Rzecz którą my w tym kraju bierzemy za darmo.

We can no longer take our relationship with Africa for granted.
Nie możemy dłużej brać naszych stosunków z Afryką za pewnik.

Who do I turn to in order to be granted family benefits?
Do kogo mam się zwrócić w celu uzyskania świadczeń rodzinnych?

If you're granted leave, it means that is His will.
Jeżeli dadzą panu ten urlop, to znaczy, że taka jest jego wola.

And what you're good at, you don't take for granted.
A tego w czym jesteś dobra, nie przyjmujesz za pewnik.

But even rights according to their own Constitution are not granted.
Lecz nawet prawa zawarte w ich własnej konstytucji nie są zagwarantowane.

That would indeed be the case if support were granted to these countries, as some people wish.
Tak faktycznie stałoby się w przypadku udzielenia wsparcia tym krajom, czego niektórzy się domagają.

Throughout the course of the process, we could not take it for granted that this would be the case.
W trakcie całego procesu nie mieliśmy pewności, czy tak będzie.

Because men will take love for granted and then not prize it.
Bo mężczyzna weźmie miłość za pewnik i nie będzie się starł.

I thank God for certain favors he has granted me.
Dziękuję Bogu za pomoc, jakiej mi udzielił.

Before you say anything, know that I have granted his request.
Zanim pan coś powie, niech pan wie, że przychyliłem się do jego prośby.

It would be a mistake to take any of this for granted.
Błędem byłoby uważać ten dobrobyt i ten wpływ za rzecz oczywistą.

Therefore, those who have been granted speaking time can now begin straight away.
Dlatego też posłowie, którzy uzyskali czas na wypowiedź, mogą w tym momencie od razu rozpocząć.

One hundred years ago, the fight was about women's right to vote, among other things - something that we take for granted today.
Sto lat temu walka toczyła się między innymi o prawo kobiet do głosowania - coś, co dziś uważamy za oczywiste.

He took it for granted that I would marry him.
Dla niego było oczywiste, że go poślubię.

Don't take yourself for granted, without you life is such a bore.
Nie traktuj siebie tak poważnie, życie bez ciebie to nuda.

It is the number of people in a house to whom he granted assistance.
To jest liczba mieszkańców w domu do kogo on przyznał pomoc.

I took for granted that you were a scientist or doctor.
Wziąłem za pewnik że jesteś naukowcem lub lekarzem.

Freedom is precious and must not be taken for granted.
Wolność jest cenna i nie wolno zakładać, że jest rzeczą oczywistą.

Be glad I never took you for granted, silly woman.
Ciesz się, że nie biorę cię za pewnik, głupia kobieto.

I'm grateful that the committee has granted me a hearing.
Jestem wdzięczny, że komitet zgodził się mnie wysłuchać.

In 2006, half of the loans granted were made without a check on income.
W 2006 roku połowa pożyczek została udzielona bez sprawdzenia dochodu.

I know, that it wouldn't have been granted to me, in Berlin.
W Berlinie nie przyznano by mi go.

Because a family is a precious gift you can't take for granted.
Ponieważ rodzina jest cennym darem którą nie możesz brać za pewnik.

I appeal to the new administration not to take this support entirely for granted.
Apeluję do nowej administracji, aby nie traktowała tego poparcia za rzecz oczywistą.

Many years had they longed for a child, and finally their wish was granted.
Przez wiele lat pragnęli oni dziecka.... W końcu ich życzenie się spełniło.

Everything depends on how quickly the person in question is granted the relevant status.
Wszystko zależy od tego, jak szybko dana osoba uzyska odpowiedni status.

I hope that the Council will be granted enough time, as in previous debates.
Mam nadzieję, że tak jak w przypadku poprzednich debat, Rada otrzyma wystarczającą ilość czasu.

Simple stuff that the good people of Gotham take for granted!
Zwykłe sprawy, na które dobrzy ludzie z Gotham nie zwracają uwagi!

And I did have someone special who I'd been taking for granted all night.
Miałam kogoś specjalnego, którego brałam za pewnik całą noc.

Escape is granted only to those who can solve the secret of the room.
Ucieczka jest tylko dla tych którzy nie mogą rozwiązać sekretu pokoju.

I don't think he ever took that for granted.
Myślę, że nigdy nie uznawał brania niczego za przesądzone.

Like the person you do everything for takes that for granted.
Gdy osoba, dla której robisz wszystko, po prostu bierze to bez słowa.

I have asked for this dispensation and he has granted it.
Poprosiłem o tę dyspensę, i on mi jej udzielił.

I met you, and you weren't taking anything for granted.
Spotkałem ciebie a ty niczego nie brałaś za oczywiste.

That we take all we have in life for granted.
To co weźmiemy od życia to mamy.

However, we cannot necessarily take the euro for granted in future.
Nie możemy jednak uznawać euro za pewnik w przyszłości.

It is a fact that, in the wake of 11 September 2001, no human being takes his or her security and physical safety for granted.
Faktem jest, że po 11 września 2001 r. nikt nie traktuje swojego bezpieczeństwa ani ochrony fizycznej jako pewnik.

When you were sure of all those things that you took for granted.
Kiedy byłeś pewny, że wszystkie te rzeczy były oczywiste.