Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adverb) łaskawie, miłosiernie, miłościwie;

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy



Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

9.50am Speaking of Italy, one of the Guardian Fans' Network members Rocco Cammisola considers how the Azzurri will get on without Andrea Pirlo (answer probably not too badly at all). Apparently Genaro Guttuso has an outside chance of taking his place in the starting line-up tonight - and I, for one, hope he does. Because four years ago, at about 1am in the Olympic Stadium mixed zone following Italy's World Cup victory over France, he came out clutching the trophy and very graciously let the few journalists speaking to him hold it. (It was surprisingly heavy - and yes, I did manage to resist the urge to lift it high above my head. But only just).
I'd certainly be interested in buying a talking t-shirt. King, though, graciously apologises. "Criticism is a gift," he quips.
Haverstock doesn't look anything like it did back in the 70s and 80s when the Milibands and King were there. Gone are the straggle of run-down Victorian buildings, and in has come a slick modernist exterior, modern classrooms and wide corridors after a complete rebuild six years ago. Yet for all its glitzy facelift, it is still very much what Alastair Campbell would graciously call a bog-standard comprehensive with just 38% of pupils achieving five GCSEs (including English and maths) at grade C or above.
Location It graciously allows a Berkshire riverside town to share its premises
King graciously accepted defeat by pledging to work on Livingstone's 2012 campaign: "No one in London wants to see Ken beat Boris more than me." She took four months' unpaid leave from her job as Channel 4's head of diversity to spearhead a campaign which has left her thousands of pounds in debt. An email on the eve of the result urged contacts to stump up Â?25 or Â?100, saying the campaign had cost her Â?200,000.
In it, host Sarah Murdoch (wife of Rupert's oldest son, Lachlan) announces to the two remaining contestants that: "It's you, Kelsey!" Kelsey duly embarks on an emotional speech of gratitude and appreciation; the loser, Amanda, smiles, claps and graciously thanks the programme-makers for the opportunity and then, off screen, you can hear Murdoch give a tiny gasp. By the time the camera cuts back, she looks stricken. "I'm so sorry," she keeps stammering. "I don't know what to say right now . . . No . . . Oh my God . . . It's Amanda . . . It was read to me wrong . . . I'm so sorry, this is insane . . ."

In the lounge, waiting to welcome them graciously to our home.
W salonie. Czekając, aby ich łaskawie powitać w naszym domu.

The Chinese government will not accept a secondary position so graciously.
Chiński rząd nie przyjmie tak wdzięcznie drugorzędnej pozycji.

Take, for example, this sandwich and coffee you so graciously offer me.
Na przykład ta kanapka, kawa, które mi pan zaproponował.

I can tell you now that the King has graciously conceded to your request.
Mogę wam powiedzieć, że król wspaniałomyślnie przystał na wasze prośby.

Some of us know how to take defeat graciously.
Niektórzy z nas wiedzą, jak przyjąć porażkę z godnością.

Our Great King graciously gives you leave to rise.
Nasz wielki król w swej miłości pozwala wam wstać.

I respect her and her advice, but I graciously say no.
Szanuje ja i jej opinie, ale z wdziecznošcia mówie 'nie'.

For security reasons, they graciously arranged my death.
Dla celów bezpieczeństwa zaaranżowano moją śmierć.

Two days into Tibet 's western frontier and we are graciously klcked out.
Dwa dni po przekroczeniu zachodniej granicy Tybetu... mamy się z niego łaskawie wynosić.

I want you to graciously accept my apologies.
Chcę abyś uprzejmie zaakceptował, moje przeprosiny.

For those of you who fight tomorrow, I graciously lend you these lovelies.
Tym, którzy jutro walczą, pożyczam łaskawie te ślicznotki.

Avery handsome testimonial, offered with great delicacy, and graciously received.
Znakomity dowód uznania... oferowany z ogromną delikatnością i z wdzięcznością przyjęty.

Well, my parents have graciously permitted me to bunk at their abode...
Więc, moi rodzice pozwalają mi mieszkac u siebie na piętrze...

A date with Her Highness, who'il graciously pose for some pictures.
Randka z Jej Wysokością pozującą mi łaskawie do zdjęć.

So, I graciously accepted their offer.
Łaskawie przyjąłem więc ich propozycję.

We must accept defeat graciously.
Musimy z honorem przyjąć przegraną.

From Rags to Riches, and he graciously consented.
Od lumpa do bogacza, a on się zgodził.

Lord Kasigi Yabu has graciously spared all your lives-- all except one.
Pan Kasigi Yabu dobrodusznie oszczędził wasze życie-- oprócz jednego.

(ES) Mr President, the referendum in Venezuela has ended in a victory for the 'yes' campaign, which has been graciously acknowledged by the democratic opposition.
(ES) Panie przewodniczący! Referendum w Wenezueli zakończyło się zwycięstwem kampanii na "tak”, co zostało uznane przez opozycję demokratyczną.