Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

im. Gedeon

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

A protest petition has been signed by 500 academics, including two former education ministers, following recent comments by Israel's education minister, Gideon Saar, that the government intends to take action against the boycott's supporters. A proposed bill introduced into the Israeli parliament â?? the Knesset â?? would outlaw boycotts and penalise their supporters. Individuals who initiated, encouraged or provided support or information for any boycott or divestment action would be made to pay damages to the companies affected. Foreign nationals involved in boycott activity would be banned from entering Israel for 10 years, and any "foreign state entity" engaged in such activity would be liable to pay damages.
Gideon Levy, a liberal Israeli commentator, was quoted as saying: "I would like to raise only one question with the judge. What if this guy had been a Jew who pretended to be a Muslim and had sex with a Muslim woman?
Gideon Levy, a leading liberal Israeli commentator, backed the actors' stance. "Yes, there is a difference between legitimate, sovereign Israel and the areas of its occupation," he wrote in today's Haaretz, which first reported the story. ". "Yes, there is a moral difference between appearing here and appearing there in the heart of an illegal settlement â?? built on a plot of stolen land, in a performance designed to help settlers pass their time pleasantly, while surrounded by people who have been deprived of all their rights."
â?? Photographer Gideon Mendel travelled with ActionAid. See his Pakistan film at

The police will never be able to find gideon's killer.
Policja nigdy nie będzie mogła znaleźć zabójcy Gideona.

A neighbor saw her going into gideon wallace's place The night he was killed.
Sąsiad widział, jak wchodziła do mieszkania Gideona Wallace'a w noc jego zabójstwa.

Which means that somebody else used stephanie's guitar to kill gideon.
Co oznacza, że ktoś inny użył gitary Stephanie aby zabić Gideona.

That means killing Gideon didn't get it for him.
To znaczy zabicie Gideona nie dało mu tego.

Just you, because whoever k- killed gideon, he's out there.
Tylko do ciebie, bo ktokolwiek zabił Gideona, jest na wolności.

You know, after the Gideon, this could turn the entire fleet against you.
Po Gideonie to może obrócić całą flotę przeciwko panu.

You can see what happened to poor Gideon.
Zobaczcie, co się stało biednemu Gideonowi.

Abel Gideon is having a difference of opinion about who he is.
Abel Gideon ma odmienną opinię na temat tego kim jest.

This man is void of all normal human feelings. Gideon:
Ten mężczyzna unika wszelkich zwykłych ludzkich uczuć.

Gideon had it narrowed down to 57 male employees in the west wing
Gideon zawęził do 57 męskich pracowników w zachodnim skrzydle.

I once lost a grand on a horse named Gideon's Trumpet.
Kiedyś przegrałem 1000 na konia, który nazywał się Trąbka Gideona.

Dr. Gideon escaped this morning after killing three people.
Dr. Gideon zbiegł dziś rano zabijając przy tym 3 osoby

I think what's messing you up is Gideon.
Nie, myślę, że to Gideon cię niepokoi.

He probably didn't want Gideon to know.
Pewnie nie chciał, by Gideon wiedział.

Are you sure there are two L's in dollar, Gideon?
Gideon, czy jesteś pewien, że w dollar są dwa L?

Gideon is just a tabloid rumor right now.
Gideon jest tylko pogłoską brukowców w tym momencie.

Because I really suspect Gideon, and it's always the person you don't suspect.
Ponieważ naprawdę podejrzewam Gideona, a zawsze jest to osoba, której się nie podejrzewa.

Why were you at gideon wallace's apartment?
Dlaczego byłaś w mieszkaniu Gideona Wallace'a?

Gideon's pawnshop just burned down to the foundation.
Lombard Giliona spłonął aż po fundamenty.

Amanda, you were with Cecil the night Jill lost Gideon.
Amando, byłaś z Cecilem w noc, kiedy Jill straciła Gideona.

Because agent gideon believed in me.
Bo agent Gideon we mnie wierzył.

Well, he's already focused on Gideon as his adversary . Don't fool around.
Cóż, on już zwrócił uwagę na Gideon'a jako swojego przeciwnika .

You're a better profiler than Gideon's a lecturer.
Jesteś lepszym profilowcem, niż Gideon wykładowcą.

She's playing with Gideon still, right?
Nina... nadal gra u Gedeona, nie?

Thank you for your time, Dr. Gideon, I won't waste it.
Dziękuję za poświęcony czas, Dr. Gideon. Nie zmarnuję go.

Gideon, that was a meeting.
Gideon, to było spotkanie.

Well, if Gideon isn't the Chesapeake Ripper, he's certainly trying to get his attention.
Jeśli Gideon nie jest Rozpruwaczem Chesapeake, z całą pewnością stara się przykuć jego uwagę

Abel Gideon is still at large.
Abel Gideon jest wciąż na wolności.

What do you think will happen if Gideon finds the Chesapeake Ripper?
Co myślisz, że się stanie gdy Gideon znajdzie Rozpruwacza z Chesapeake?

I swear on Gideon's Bible, I will not touch you.
Przysięgam na biblię Gideona, że cię nie dotknę.

Ten years ago her husband John Gideon
Dziesięć lat temu, jej mąż John Gideon...

And we know The Chesapeake Ripper is not doctor Gideon.
I wiemy że Rozpruwacz z Chesapeake to nie doktor Gideon.

It's taken Gideon, Tex, and Scobie all this time to catch up with him.
Wtedy Gideon, Tex i Scobie wszyscy razem, postanowili je znów odzyskać.

Find amanda's baby daddy, and gideon's murderer.
Znajdź ojca dziecka Amandy i mordercę Gideona.

Abel Gideon didn't kill this man; the Chesapeake Ripper did.
Abel Gideon nie zabił tego człowieka; zrobił to Rozpruwacz z Chesapeake.

Gideon. His name was gideon Wallace, and he writes for the sun.
Nazywa się Gideon Wallace i pisze dla Sun.

Gideon's gone, Chris and Wyatt are safe.
Nie ma już Gideona, Chris i Wyatt są bezpieczni.

So, does Abel Gideon still believe that he's the Chesapeake Ripper?
Abel Gideon wciąż wierzy, że jest Rozpruwaczem z Chesapeake?

Good job, Agent Gideon.
Dobra robota agencie Gideon.

Dr. Gideon, you told me you were the Chesapeake Ripper.
Doktorze Gideon, ty powiedziałeś mi, że jesteś Rozpruwaczem z Chesapeake. Dr.

Dr. Gideon is a psychopath.
Gideon jest psychopatą.

Yesterday, Gideon Rachman wrote in the Financial Times that you cannot cure alcohol poisoning with a bottle of vodka.
Gideon Rachman napisał wczoraj w "Financial Times”, że zatrucia alkoholem nie można leczyć butelką wódki.

Okay, target's name is Gideon Van Vactor.
Dobrze, cel nazywa się Gideon Van Vactor.

Dr. Gideon wasn't in my bedroom;
Dr. Gideon nie był w mojej sypialni;

Our fugitive is Abel Gideon.
Naszym zbiegiem jest Abel Gideon.

you used stephanie's guitar to kill gideon epp, didn't you?
Użyłaś gitary Stephanie do zabicia Gideona Epp, zgadza się?

When Dr. Gideon began
Gdy Dr. Gideon zaczął

I want to do what I used to do... ...before Gideon.
Chcę robić to, do czego przywykłem zanim... ...przed Gideonem.

Nothing except the Gideon Bible,... ..which I, of course, read religiously.
Nie ma nic z wyjątkiem Biblii, którą oczywiście sumiennie czytam.

I took this off Gideon's dead body... ...Dr. Kendricks' good friend.
Zabrałem to ze zwłok Gideon'a... Dobrego przyjaciela doktor Kendricks.