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This was a shock to me back in 2000. But now I'm an old hand. It's almost as if I have never been away - the same faces have reappeared like ghosts from the past. The first day I walked into the dialysis unit, I saw the same people in the beds, the same nurses, the same support staff, and I was greeted like an old friend.
Skellig, for all its wondrousness, was in technical terms a small tale simply told. Kit's Wilderness, by comparison, is an opera. The old mining community of Stoneygate, where the novel is set, becomes the locus for a tale which digs back through the land's recent history all the way to the ice age; in which the ghosts of former pit disasters mingle with the industry's modern-day victims (an unemployed father, "muttering and cursing, leaning against the pub wall"); in which class, family and heritage all have a part to play. The whole thing is wound about with Kit's Granpa's songs and stories of his time underground, and the symbolic weight of the caves which honeycomb the landscape, acting as shelter for the characters of Kit's stone age imaginings, bringing death to the miners who are trapped in them, becoming a place of memory and forgetting for Granpa, who likens his Alzheimer's to having a "head full of caves and tunnels". "I remember going for a walk when I was writing it and feeling like there were 27 different storylines to keep straight," Almond says. "If Skellig was like wrestling with an angel to extract a blessing, Kit was like wrestling with a gorilla. When I finished, I was knackered. I was in bed for a week."
Oh dear, I am in such a tizzy, bashing my typewriter in the basement surrounded by the chattering ghosts of the servants who once lived in my Dorset home. I see I haven't even got round to mentioning the kehua â?? the Maori spirits of the wandering dead â?? that have been following Beverley and her family all these years. But that's the trouble with writing a novel. It's all so complicated. You start writing one thing and then you write another.
Dear reader, I can only apologise. I know you are waiting for Scarlet to meet Jackson in Soho. Believe me, I am too. But the ghosts in my basement are making an awful din. Though not nearly as much as Beverley's kehua who are going wild, so I'd first better tell you a bit about Beverley's three husbands â?? Max the Trot, who died with Che, Jack the gay architect who committed suicide after he was outed, and the drunk Marcus who walked in front of a train.
The shadow energy secretary said New Labour had become "ideologically beached" because it was haunted by old ghosts from the past, when the party was viewed as tax-raising and anti-American. Its desire to hide the views of some of its members from voters had led to a damaging "control freak" mentality.
Reawakening the ghosts of her past for the book gave her no pain. "When you are very old, you accept what has happened. You cry over some things, but not a lot. It's too distant. It's as if part of you gets nearer to it yourself, and then you think the churchyard here [in Edensor] is very handy, whereas Andrew [her husband] had to come all the way from Chatsworth. Paddy Leigh Fermor [the writer and one of her greatest friends, now 95] insisted on walking behind his coffin. Well, he won't have very far to walk for me." Lucian Freud, who has painted her on several occasions, is another close friend. "I see him when I go to London and I leave him eggs on the doorstep. He seems to like that. I really love him and I always have."
For Barb, Alice is more racist today than when she was growing up: "It's gone backwards," she says. Partly, she thinks, the Howard government's controversial 2007 "intervention" â?? instituted after allegations of widespread child abuse in Aboriginal communities â?? has "given permission to people to treat us differently". But it was an event 12 weeks before the killing of Ryder that, Barb feels, had a more menacing effect: the violent death of a white local man. Two Aboriginal men have since been ordered to stand trial for the alleged murder that shook the town and threatened, in the minds of some, to wake the ghosts of the Coniston massacre.
Buy The Winter Ghosts from the Guardian bookshop
"Spirits and apparitions, headless monks and white ladies, the traditional ghost story still exerts a hold on our imaginations. Their habitat is ancient woods, ruined abbeys, isolated old houses and crumbling monasteries. But what makes a ghost story? Though purists might quibble, I'd say there are three distinct types of ghost story â?? as opposed to tales of horror, which have a different dynamic and purpose, or novels that have ghosts in them, such as Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude or Ben Okri's The Famished Road.
"The traditional ghost story is often inspired by folklore and a sense of decaying history, and is similar in tone to the Gothic novels that came before it. In the psychological ghost story, the emphasis is on the mental state of the victim rather than the actions â?? the existence, even â?? of the ghost or poltergeist. These stories implicitly, sometimes explicitly, question the reliability and sanity of the heroine or hero, and often reference social or political issues of the day. Finally, there's the antiquarian ghost story which is associated with a certain sort of Edwardian Englishness. Like their traditional counterparts, they draw on old mythologies and folklore, but are rooted in realism and the sense of the ordinary disrupted or made extraordinary. I see the influence of all three traditions in my own books â?? though The Winter Ghosts is my first pure ghost story â?? but in the end, as with the choices that follow, what matters is that each has what the great Edith Wharton called 'the fun of the shudder'."

Let us all fight together the ghosts of the past.
Walczmy wspólnie z upiorami przeszłości.

You've been living with all these ghosts for so long.
Zbyt długo żyłeś z tymi duchami. Powinieneś pojechać do domu.

One day the ghosts will come and take you away.
Pewnego dnia duchy przybędą i zabiorą cię daleko.

I run this group for ghosts, meet once a week.
Prowadzę spotkania dla duchów, raz w tygodniu.

However, we must finally lay the ghosts of the past and look to the future.
Musimy jednakże przestać zadręczać się przeszłością i spojrzeć w przyszłość.

You know I'm talking to ghosts, so people don't pay attention to me.
Wiesz, Spójrz na mnie, Rozmawiam z duchami więc ludzie będą zwracać na mnie uwagę.

What do you know about the ghosts in the machine?
Co wiesz na temat duchów istniejacych w maszynach?

You're trying to tell me that you suddenly believe in ghosts?
Próbujesz mi powiedzieć że uwierzyłaś w duchy?

Within several hours it won't be ghosts who will attack.
Za kilka godzin nie będzie duchów, które będą atakować.

Whether ghosts or human, having a conversation is most important.
Tak czy owak, przy duchach czy ludziach, rozmowa jest najważniejsza.

If there really are ghosts, why do they always have clothes on?
Jeśli duchy istnieją... czemu zawsze są w ubraniu?

Well, I know nothing about ghosts, or any of that.
Cóż, nic nie wiem o duchach, ani niczym takim.

There's something very wrong. Even if you don't believe in ghosts.
Z dzieckiem jest coś nie tak, nawet jeśli nie wierzysz w duchy.

How long did it take you to realize that ghosts were real?
Ile czasu tobie zajęło uświadomienie, że duchy istnieją?

No ghosts can get in here without me knowing about it.
Żadne duchy nie mogą wejść tutaj beze mnie wiedzącego o tym.

Because ghosts are dead people, so they're, like, human energy.
Bo duchy to zmarli ludzie, mają jakby ludzką energię.

This opened the doors to another world ghosts and more.
To było jak otwarcie drzwi do innego świata.

Doesn't that change history, if he writes about blue ghosts?
Czy to nie zmieni historii, jeśli napisze o niebieskich duchach?

Ghosts aren't attached to places but to people, to the living.
Duchy nie są przywiązane do miejsc, tylko do ludzi, do życia.

I'm one of his ghosts, and he wouldn't even know it.
Nie wie, że jestem jednym z tych widm.

Okay, so the house is haunted by a lot of ghosts.
Ok, więc dom jest nawiedziony przez wiele duchów.

These ghosts and demons were only ideas, but people saw them.
Te potwory i demony to były tylko wyobrażenia, ale ludzie rzeczywiście je widzieli.

That's what my mama said, but I still believe in ghosts.
To właśnie mówiła moja mama, ale ja wciąż wierzę w duchy.

I'm going to find some other black ghosts and organize a march.
Znajdê parê innych czarnych duchów i zorganizujemy marsz.

You think that I can do this, kill other ghosts just to save myself?
Myślisz, że mogę to robić, zabijać inne duchy by ratować siebie?

Ghosts don't exist and there's nothing to be afraid of.
Duchy nie istnieją i nie ma się czego bać!

We came all this way for a legion of ghosts.
Przebyliśmy całą drogę do legii duchów.

This is a special camera that can trap every kind of ghosts.
To specjalna kamera w którą złapiesz każdego ducha.

In a few hours, it won't just be ghosts haunting you.
Za kilka godzin nie będzie duchów, które będą atakować.

But even ghosts can avoid the laws of physics and nature.
Ale nawet duchy nie mogą omijać praw fizyki i natury.

Could there be ghosts? I wouldn't mind a female ghost!
Mógłby tam być duchami? nie miałbym coś przeciw żeńskiemu duchowi!

You know, where she's, like, a call girl for ghosts or some shit.
Wiesz, ten gdzie dzwoni do ducha, czy jakieś gówno.

But when it's in space, is the advertisement for ghosts?
Ale jak będzie w kosmosie... to będziemy to reklama dla duchów?

Oh, honey, you know there's no such thing as ghosts.
Och, miód, ty wiesz jest nic podobnego jak duchy.

They also say that people who believe in ghosts should be on Prozac.
Mówią też że ludzie którzy wierzą w duchy powinni dostawać Prozac.

What do you think these ghosts want when they talk to you?
Czego chcą duchy, kiedy do ciebie mówią?

Like sometimes he drives through the streets all night, hunting for ghosts long past.
Czasami całymi nocami jeździ samochodem po ulicach, polując na duchy, które dawno już odeszły.

But when a psychic rolls into town,we get a good few ghosts back here.
Ale kiedy psychiczni napływają do miasta, dostajemy z powrotem sporo nowych duchów.

Said if you looked through it you could see ghosts.
Jeśli spojrzy się przez otwór, można zobaczyć ducha.

Do you want to know what the ghosts eat?
Chcesz wiedzieć co duchy na prawdę lubią jeść?

What if there is such a thing as ghosts?
Co, jeśli jest taka rzecz jako duchy?

There are no ghosts She died of a natural cause
Duchy nie istnieją. Zmarła z przyczyn naturalnych.

I don't go clubbing when I'm running away from ghosts.
Nie imprezuję gdy uciekam przed duchami.

You told me that you live in the company of 20,000 ghosts.
Powiedziałeś mi, że żyjesz w towarzystwie 20,000 duchów.

You see, people who die this way turn into ghosts
Bo widzi pani, ludzie, którzy umarli w taki sposób, wracają jako duchy.

No ghost in all the long history of ghosts ever hurt anyone physically.
W całej historii żaden duch nie zranił nikogo fizycznie.

There's no such thing as ghosts or the other world.'
Nie ma czegoś takiego jak duchy lub inny świat

The little boy is gone and two little ghosts are walking with us now.
Chłopiec zniknął i dwa małe duchy idą teraz z nami.

Did we all just have some kind of freaky dream or was it ghosts?
Czy wszyscy mieliśmy jakiś dziwny sen, czy to były duchy?

This is not just the pathology of being possessed by ghosts.
To nie jest tylko patologia bycia opętanymi przez duchy.