(Noun) geografia Francja;
geogr. Francja
~, Napoleonic - hist. Francja Napoleona
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
"The pressure to back the west has been intense," said a senior African diplomat. "It was done at a very high level and nothing was written down. It was made very clear by the EU, UK, France and the US that if they did not back them then they would suffer."
It's only the most backhanded of compliments to Rupert Murdoch's endlessly repetitive rolling news operation, but South Africa's SuperSport â?? the country's leading sports coverage provider - does bear the unfortunate distinction of making Sky Sports News look like a world of infinite variety. Last night the same three minute VT package came around three times WITHIN 20 MINUTES. Suffice to say I am now fully across the latest non-developments in the France camp.
I know that our predictions went into the paper this morning but now that I'm safely ensconced in Cape Town, I've got another. The vuvuzelas are going to drive a man insane. The atmosphere is building down here in this beautiful city, ahead of South Africa's big kick-off against Mexico, and that means those infernal horns from sun up to sun down. Actually, make that well before sun up. Still, it's a novel alarm call. Saw Domenech and Tabarez last night, together with Patrice Evra and if they are reflective of the France and Uruguay camps, it's clear that everyone is just desperate to stop the talking and get on with it. Domenech seems to revel in being contrary at press conferences but he's utterly compelling in his own way. Is there a man alive with a thicker skin?
10.05am So, Group A of the Beer World Cup. It's the group of death, but only to your taste buds. This isn't a vintage crop by any means. Uruguay go straight out: I've never had Stinger, but just look at it. It looks about as enticing than a bottle of Newcy Brown, with fag ash in it. And it's called Stinger. France have Kasteel Cru, which is filth, and Kronenbourg is a workaday beer, the John O'Shea of the lager world. So the qualifiers, almost by default, are South Africa (5% Amstel) and, in first place, Mexico (the not unpleasant Dos Equis).
Most states oppose this and President Nicolas Sarkozy of France has clashed with Berlin on the issue. The two leaders abruptly cancelled a Berlin summit this week because of Sarkozy's push to turn the leaders of the single currency countries into a European "economic government". Merkel insists the new regime apply to all 27 and not only to the 16 eurozone countries. The issue of penalising fiscal miscreants is also highly politicised. To try to minimize political interference in deciding how and who to punish, the commission is demanding to be referee and wants a "rules-based" system that would make the penalties almost automatic.
In the ninth minute of the 1938 World Cup quarter-final between France and Italy, Gino Colaussi hoofed a speculative up-and-under into the French penalty area. The ball looped slowly through the air, eventually wafting down, like autumn leaves, towards the waiting arms of Laurent Di Lorto. But at the very last minute, instead of catching the ball cleanly, the goalkeeper decided to punch it clear instead. Oh dear. Di Lorto only succeeded in bumping the ball, volleyball style, back into the top-left corner of his net. He then decided to belatedly chase after it â?? and crashed, nose first, into the post. A slapstick work of art ideally set to barrelhouse piano, it would have made even the French laugh, were global conflict not just round the corner and the Italians wearing black shirts to deliberately get on their nebs.
I agree with the criticism of England on Saturday; they were woeful. But several teams have made sluggish starts to the World Cup - France and Italy in 2006, Italy in 1994, Argentina in 1990, Italy in 1982 all spring to mind - and recovered, so you never know ...
Mouth of the Mersey: "I don't mind a bit of negative play - parking the bus has an intellectual appeal and it was wonderful watching how Mourinho found a way to win the Big Cup again. But it's the sheer ineptitude on the part of the players that makes the heart sink. Why so many misplaced passes? Why is the shooting (Germany excepted) so poor? Why can't teams defend a set piece? I'm not asking for France 1986 or Brazil 1970 here - Wolves 2010 would be an improvement on most of what we've seen."
8.07am: There are also scheduled press conferences and training from most teams today. Some choice highlights: England (9.30am), Germany (11.45am); USA (midday), France (12.30am), Spain (2.15pm), South Africa (4pm), France (4pm).
At the time of the French revolution, half of France didn't speak French and only 12-13% spoke it correctly; while for Spain the issue is still far from resolved. The official language is Castilian, but roughly a quarter of the country also speaks one of the three main co-official regional languages â?? Catalan, Basque or Galician. In the Basque country, defence of the local language has been central to a nationalist agenda that has at times become violent. In 2008, the authorities on the Balearic island of Majorca, a popular tourist destination, planned to set up a "language police" to impose the local Catalan language in restaurants.
Well, could you ask him to call me back in France?
Może pani go poprosić, żeby zadzwonił do mnie do Francji?
I think she's in the south of France since fall.
Myślę, ze jest na południu fracji od jesieni.
She came all the way from France to be with you.
Przyjechała aż z Francji, by być przy tobie.
Do you know any reason he might have wanted to leave France?
Zna pani jakiś powód, dla którego on chciałby opuścić Francję?
And then when we got to France, why, you could show me everything.
I gdy już byśmy dotarli do Francji, mógłbyś mi wszystko pokazać.
I left for France, to start a new life, taking only you with me.
Wyjechałam do Francji, by zacząć nowe życie. Zabrałam tylko ciebie.
France is taking this action and we can see the results.
Francja podejmuje takie działania i widać ich efekty.
I'm giving to this guy for a house in France.
Oddaję je temu człowiekowi, żeby mieć na dom we Francji.
In reality, France no longer has the power to force it on anyone.
W rzeczywistości Francja nie posiada już takiej władzy, by kogokolwiek do czegoś zmuszać.
The interests of France were more important than a common foreign policy.
Interesy Francji były ważniejsze niż wspólna polityka zagraniczna i bezpieczeństwa.
The people aren't so afraid now the war with France is being won.
Ludzie już się tak nie boją, zaczynamy wygrywać wojnę z Francją.
One that hasn't worked in France, so he won't have a police record.
Takiego, który nigdy nie pracował w Francji, tak, aby nie miał policyjnych akt.
We're getting married next summer, at my parents' in France.
Bierzemy ślub następnego lata, u moich rodziców we Francji.
I know it's France, but see what you can do.
Wiem, że to Francja, ale zobacz, co da się zrobić.
Had we gone to war with france, Matters might have been very different.
Gdybyśmy poszli na wojnę z Francją, sprawy mogłyby mieć się inaczej.
The boy is beginning to believe that he should rule France instead of me.
Chłopak uważa, że to on ma rządzić, nie ja.
France's policy goes in the right direction and could serve as an example.
Polityka Francji zmierza we właściwym kierunku i może posłużyć za przykład.
I do not know how many of these 700 000 entered through France.
Nie wiem, jak wielu z tych 700 000 przybyło z Francji.
If this were to happen now in France, it would amount to 1.3 million people.
Gdyby coś takiego stało się teraz we Francji dotyczyłoby 1,3 miliona ludzi.
You were in France and didn't do any dating for four months?
Byłaś we Francji, a nie wyszłaś na randkę przez cztery miesiące?
I once knew a soldier like you who went to France.
Znałam raz żołnierza jak ty, który pojechał do Francji.
That is an award given to me by the president of France.
To jest nagroda dana do mnie przez prezydenta Francji.
For an hour, he completely forgot France and gave himself to me.
Na godzinę zapomniał całkowicie o Francji i oddał się mnie.
I was convinced i'd win and that we'd leave france.
zarobiłam sporo kasy. byłam przekonana, że wygrywałabym i opuścilibyśmy Francję.
France understands Europe and has done a lot for it.
Francja rozumie Europę, robi i zrobiła dla niej dużo.
France will follow me to the stars, if I give her another victory.
Francja pójdzie za mną nawet do piekła, jeśli dam jej następne zwycięstwa.
You seem to have been so keen to get back to France this summer.
Wydawałaś się taka zadowolona z powrotu do Francji tego lata.
Not even in France, for example, do we dare to go so far.
Tak daleko nie posunęliśmy się nawet, na przykład, we Francji.
This return will result in France taking on heavy obligations.
Powrót ten spowoduje poważne zobowiązania po stronie Francji.
France and Britain - two nation states - took the lead.
Francja i Wielka Brytania - dwa indywidualne państwa - objęły przywództwo.
Perhaps they've grown bored of you and run away to France.
Może się tobą znudzili i wyjechali do Francji.
Should be enough to remind you France is our enemy.
Powinno wam wystarczyć przypomnienie, że Francja jest naszym wrogiem.
It is established in France, where all the nasty things come from.
Po mojemu przyszła z Francji, skąd się biorą wszystkie wstrętne rzeczy.
Use it to stay in France and rent an apartment.
Sprzedaj go abyś mogła zostać we Francji i wynajęła sobie mieszkanie.
In France, the law is very strict on those matters.
W Francji, prawo jest bardzo ścisłe pod tym względem.
France thought the same as the Commission, but we have to be realistic.
Francja myślała podobnie jak Komisja, lecz musimy być realistami.
I therefore thank France, but it is a drop in the ocean.
Dlatego dziękuję Francji, ale to kropla w morzu potrzeb.
In France, there is a system of independent regulators who do a very good job.
We Francji istnieje system niezależnych organów regulacyjnych, które bardzo dobrze spełniają swoje zadania.
The preparations for these attacks are thought to have been made in France.
Uważa się, że przygotowania do tych ataków zostały przeprowadzone we Francji.
And France is most deeply honoured to be so received.
A Francja jest zaszcycona takim przyjęciem.
When France wakes up tomorrow, it must have a government.
Gdy jutro Francja przebudzi się, musi mieć rząd.
I would fight and die gladly to make France free.
Będę walczył i chętnie zginę, by uczynić Francję wolną.
Unto our brother France, health and fair time of day.
Naszemu bratu Francji, zdrowia życzymy i dnia pogodnego.
Denmark has more strike days than France, but never mind that.
W Danii odbywa się więcej strajków, niż we Francji, ale to nieważne.
In France, there are 160 000 new sufferers each year.
We Francji rozpoznawanych jest 160 tysięcy nowych przypadków rocznie.
I've decided to ally to a nation most threatening to France.
Zdecydowałem sprzymierzyć się z państwem najbardziej zagrażającym Francji.
And on the other side of the… “magic door”, it's France in 1727?
A po drugiej stronie tych ‘magicznych drzwi’ jest Francja w roku 1727?
You must make ready with your army and prepare to sail from France.
Musicie przygotować armię i być gotowi do wypłynięcia z Francji.
France played an important role in the birth of the modern Czech state.
Francja odegrała ważną rolę w narodzinach nowożytnego państwa czeskiego.
But I would ask you to go back to France.
Ale proszę was, byście wrócili do Francji.