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Słownik gospodarki wodno-ściekowej angielsko-polski

IS kłaczki
~, macroscopic - kłaczki makroskopijne

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Groups always tend to work better than individuals in nature. Ant colonies, beehives, termite mounts, flocks of birds, schools of fish are healthier, smarter and stronger when working in teams, the sum much greater than the parts. Ants, in particular, have become the poster creature for social society, to the extent that their social behaviour is so highly evolved that nothing an ant does makes sense outside of how it serves its colony. They have perfected a life that is more collegiate than anything achieved by humans, and had developed architecture and built farms millions of years before our primate ancestors had even considered walking on two legs. Now scientists are looking at how ants and other creatures that function efficiently in colonies or swarms might help humans better manage complex systems and logistical problems of their own â?? from boarding an aeroplane to large-scale truck routing.
It's all bollocks, of course. And in case you're ever on the receiving end of this kind of ignorant rant, allow me to clarify. Almost all the same veterinary interventions are available to organic farmers as to conventional ones. What doesn't happen often â?? because it isn't usually necessary in the natural, extensively outdoor environment of organic farming â?? is the automatic dosing of whole flocks and herds with strong prophylactic antibiotics and other drugs. Rather, the animals are treated according to their needs and symptoms. Having said that, if an organic farmer has a persistent worm problem in his sheep, say, he may decide to treat the entire flock, but they will then not be allowed to go to slaughter for three times longer than in conventional farming. This is an extra precaution to ensure that the medicines involved do not enter the human food chain.
It's all bollocks, of course. And in case you're ever on the receiving end of this kind of ignorant rant, allow me to clarify. Almost all the same veterinary interventions are available to organic farmers as to conventional ones. What doesn't happen often â?? because it isn't usually necessary in the natural, extensively outdoor environment of organic farming â?? is the automatic dosing of whole flocks and herds with strong prophylactic antibiotics and other drugs. Rather, the animals are treated according to their needs and symptoms. Having said that, if an organic farmer has a persistent worm problem in his sheep, say, he may decide to treat the entire flock, but they will then not be allowed to go to slaughter for three times longer than in conventional farming. This is an extra precaution to ensure that the medicines involved do not enter the human food chain.
And it wasn't only female companions who came forward. Berlusconi's security detail had something to say as well. Some of them, interviewed anonymously by the newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano, said that they had had enough of standing guard to flocks of call-girls, many of them probably minors. The head of one of Berlusconi's TV news programmes, Emilio Fede, is now accused by Macri of selecting young girls for his friend Silvio.

My father has many flocks and no son to tend them.
Mój ojciec ma wiele stad, ale nie ma syna, który by się nimi zajmował.

Three different flocks of birds flew into our house the other day.
Trzy różne stada ptaków wleciały na nasz dom.

Great numbers of fish sustain vast flocks of water birds.
Wielka liczebność rybNutrzymuje ogromne stada wodnych ptaków.

I'il live like some new Abraham, just myself, my flocks and herds.
Żyłbym jak nowy Abraham, tylko ja, moje stada i trzody.

If I owned more flocks, I would bet them all.
Gdybym miał większe stado, założyłbym się o nie.

While other species migrate in aerodynamic flocks or majestic V's, she flies alone.
Kiedy inne gatunki migrują w majestatycznym kluczu w kształcie V, on leci samotnie.

Your assets are tied up in your flocks.
Twój majątek jest powiązany z twoim stadem.

Give him of our flocks.
Damy mu nasze stada.

Gather your families and flocks.
Zbierzcie rodziny i trzody.

France, however, has seen its flocks decline from nearly 13 million animals some 25 years ago to about 8 million today and this will decrease further to a mere 5 million by 2015.
Jednakże Francja zaobserwowała spadek liczebności swych stad z blisko 13 milionów zwierząt jakieś 25 lat temu do około 8 milionów dzisiaj, a spadnie to dalej do ledwie 5 milionów do 2015 roku.

In addition, since the total number of cattle herds and sheep flocks affected by the disease increased from 695 in 2006 to 6 857 in 2007 in Belgium alone, would the Commission state what measures it intends to introduce for the development of an antiviral treatment, for vaccination campaigns, and for the financing of the foregoing?
Ponadto, skoro całkowita liczba stad bydła i owiec dotkniętych chorobą wzrosła z 695 w 2006 r. do 6875 w 2007 r. w samej tylko Belgii, czy Komisja mogłaby podać jakie środki zaradcze ma zamiar wprowadzić w celu opracowania leczenia antywirusowego, kampanii na rzecz szczepień i ich finansowania?