Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adjective) drgający, migotliwy, migoczący;

Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski



ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy




Wordnet angielsko-polski

(shining unsteadily)
synonim: aflicker (p)

Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

In the art deco cathedral home of the Chicago Tribune we watched in awe as a journalist summoned up rudimentary pictures and text on a flickering screen. At the time there were about 20 American newspapers online. Some (including the Boston Globe) had decided on an open internet route â?? available to everyone via early browsers like Netscape or Mosaic. The Tribune had gone down the proprietary route, forming a partnership with America Online (now AOL). You paid a subscription (around $9, or Â?6, a month plus $3.50 per hour for additional usage), in return for which the Tribune sent you a CD in a box to boot it up. They had 29,000 subscribers.
"I'm fully trained," agrees Ayda at one point, robotic monotone briefly flickering with panic until her new husband readjusts a loose wire at the back of her head. Retraining fully implemented, Ayda claims that she and her husband are "like John and Yoko!"
Fringed by dozens of tiny flickering night-lights, the stage of Lucerne's sleek white lakeside concert hall was transformed last weekend into a grey, shambolic dungeon for a semi-staging of Fidelio, conducted by Claudio Abbado with his elite Lucerne Festival Orchestra and a dream line-up of soloists led by Nina Stemme and that most serious of star tenors, Jonas Kaufmann.
The installation moves from harrowing recordings of emergency calls at the time of the tragedy to lovely images of Beijing-born master calligrapher Gong Fagen at work; there are ghost stories, reconstructions of pre-war Shanghai movies, and flickering images of Pudong, the Shanghai district that has become China's hub of crony capitalism (one economist recently described Shanghai as "the world's most successful Potemkin metropolis" â?? meaning there is little behind the moneyed facade). Julien fits a great deal into 50 minutes: not just the tragedy of human trafficking, but a shorthand, parodic account of China's march towards modernity.
"I have to believe that God will find a solution," he says as I leave his village, shaking his hand for the final time. The sun has set and the silhouette of his mud hut is barely visible through the thickening darkness. As he walks back towards the flickering embers of the fire, he turns and adds, almost as an afterthought: "Who else will?"

I can see a flickering light in the music.
Widzę światło migoczące w muzyce.

Sometimes it arrives in the form of an old flame, flickering back to life.
Czasami przybywa w formie starego płomienia, powracającego do życia.

And there were civilian reports of strange, flickering lights in the sky.
Pojawiły się też doniesienia cywilów o dziwnych, migoczących światłach na niebie.

I was waiting in my darkness... and you were bringing the flickering light.
Czekałam w swoich ciemnościach... a ty przyniosłeś migoczące światło.

I saw the flickering shadows of love on her blind
Ujrzałem migoczące cienie miłości na jej zasłonie

She said every flickering wick stood for an unanswered prayer.
Mówiła, że każdy migoczący płomyk, odpowiada nie wysłuchanej modlitwie.

You know like discos with flickering lights that make everything go wild and crazy?
Wiesz, jak jest na dyskotece z migoczącym światłem, które sprawia, że wszystko jest zwariowane?

This wasn't flickering on the security tape.
Na kasecie to nie mrugało.

Why is the light table flickering?
Czemu światło w stole migocze?

You're fading like a flickering fluorescent light.
Gaśniesz jak migoczące światełko odblaskowe.

See this here? This flickering?
Widzicie... to migotanie?