Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) Flamand(ka), Flamandczyk;

Słownik angielsko-polski PARK Copyright: © wersja książkowa słownika dostępna w wydawnictwie PARK

n C Flamandczyk

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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Among the highlights is Carter's diary from the period in which he discovered Tutankhamun's tomb. When I ask to see it, Malek's assistant Elizabeth Fleming pulls the yellowed notebook from a stiff cardboard case, and with white-gloved hands settles it on a pillow on the table in front of me.
Then on Saturday 4 November 1922, the dig revealed a step cut into the rock of the valley floor, beneath the foundations of a group of huts. It was the beginning of a stairway that led to a walled-up doorway: Tutankhamun's resting place had been found. Fleming shows me two words from the next day's entry â?? "seals intact" â?? the crucial sign that the tomb had lain undisturbed since the second millennium BC.
Elizabeth Fleming also shows me one of Carter's plans â?? the valley's contours, neatly conveyed in sparse yet graceful black-ink lines. The dig site was located in the deepest point of the valley, where floodwater dumps debris when it rains. This, along with the fact that the later tomb of Ramses VI was built almost on top of it, kept Tutankhamun hidden from robbers over the centuries, and from the wholesale dismantling of royal tombs by Ramses XI in the 11th century BC.
After inoculating several dishes with the bacterium staphylococcus, Alexander Fleming forgot to cover them up before going on holiday. On his return, one of the dishes had grown mould. Fleming observed that the bacteria around the mould were all dead, thus discovering that the mould Penicillium had antibacterial properties.
Jamaica at that time was famous as a playground for the rich and glamorous. No??l Coward and Ian Fleming both had homes on the island and threw legendary parties for friends, while Frenchman's Cove in Port Antonio was gaining a reputation as the favoured retreat of stars such as Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. "I remember playing at Frenchman's Cove and seeing Elizabeth Taylor in the audience," recalls Minott. "Another time when Dr No was being filmed here the band were playing at the Jamaica Inn and Sean Connery was there, with Dean Martin."
But it is not just an issue in advanced medicine. Antibiotics are vital to abdominal surgery. "You safeguard the patient from bacteria leaking into the body cavity," he says. "If you lose the ability to treat these infections, far more people would die of peritonitis." Appendix operations would carry the same risk as they did before Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928.
I worked for film producer Andrew Macdonald a few years ago. My favourite thing about him is that, even after having five kids together, he still talks about his wife Rachael Fleming as if they've only just started dating. I turned to her for advice. "The worst time was when Andrew had lunch with Cameron Diaz and he invited me along," she said. "After lunch, we all walked out of the restaurant and our picture was taken by the photographers outside. It was published with the caption 'Cameron Diaz, film producer Andrew Macdonald and friend.' Not wife, just friend. It was soon after I'd had our third child, so at least it didn't say 'fat friend'."
The movie kicks off with three bloody murders, of which we're only shown the results. Framed as the key suspect, Lisbeth Salander goes on the run using her technological gifts, her skill at martial arts and her sheer determination to pursue her quarry. Along the way the lives of two of her closest friends are put on the line, and she has brutal encounters with Hells Angels, transgressive cops and, most memorably, a giant killer called Niederman. As extraordinary as any Fleming villain, the latter is an unstoppable psychopath who suffers from a condition called congenital analgesia that makes him impervious to pain.
The magazine's deputy editor Tom Fleming today confirmed the genre-busting nomination for the prize, which celebrates "poorly written, redundant or crude passages of a sexual nature". According to Fleming it is the first time a work of non-fiction has been up for the award. "It's absolutely unprecedented," he said. "He's groundbreaking in every way."
Although the judging process is at an early stage, Fleming suggested that Blair would be a strong contender in a "good year" for the award, with Ian McEwan's Solar and Martin Amis's The Pregnant Widow already under consideration for the shortlist.

You know all about Fleming and what happened to me.
Wiecie o Flemingu wszystko, także to, co stało się ze mną.

As a Fleming I can offer a word or two on the subject.
Jako Flamandczyk mogę powiedzieć kilka słów na ten temat.

I went to the Fleming School uptown, a small private, you know.
Chodziłam do szkoły Fleming School, wiesz, takiej małej, prywatnej.

Oh, I've gone well beyond the docks, Fleming, as you will soon see.
Oh, mam wykracza daleko poza doków, Fleming, jak będzie można zobaczyć już wkrótce.

And Fleming, he couldn't lead a pig to mud with a bucket of apples.
A Fleming? On nie zaprowadziłby świni do błota nawet z wiadrem jabłek.

It may not work, Mrs Fleming, but we must try!
Może to nie podziała, pani Fleming, ale musimy spróbować!

That's all the photos in the Fleming case.
To wszystkie zdjęcia w sprawie Fleminga.

I want you to stay on Scales and Fleming.
Chcę, żebyś na Skale i Fleming.

My God, Fleming has lifted shamelessness to an art form.
Mój Boże, Fleming zniosła bezwstyd do formy sztuki.

Fleming sentences Jeff to five years in prison.
Fleming skazuje Jeffa na pięć lat więzienia.

That she's always been and always will be Aubrey Fleming.
Ona zawsze była... i zawsze będzie Aubrey Fleming.

Mr Fleming would like you to represent him.
Pan Fleming pragnie, żebyś to ty go bronił.

Peter Fleming will be helping you with security on the slips from now on...
Peter Fleming będzie pomagać poczucie bezpieczeństwa na odcinki od teraz ...

I spoke to Jimmy Fleming after Jefferson got beat up.
Rozmawiałam z Jimmym Flemingiem po tym jak Jefferson był pobity.

You tell Fleming I want lots of them.
Powiedz Flemingowi, że chcę takich dużo.

McCullaugh's innocent and Fleming won't look at the evidence.
McCullaugh jest niewinny, a Fleming nie chce patrzec na dowody.

Peter fleming tied to arms in iran.
Peter Fleming powiązany z handlem bronią w Iranie.

Professor Fleming is one of us.
Profesor Fleming jest jednym z nas.

Alexander Fleming had his penicillium fungi, I have this.
Alexander Fleming miał swoje grzyby pędzlaki, ja mam to.

You got Scales and Fleming at war.
Masz Wagi i Fleming w stanie wojny.

Miss Fleming was at his apartment last night... - I heard.
Pani Fleming była u niego wczoraj... - Słyszałem...

He introduced me to that Fleming.
To on zapoznał mnie z tym Flamandczykiem.

Dr. Fleming has been conducting her research in
Doktor Fleming prowadzi swoje badania w Szwajcarii.

Mr. Fleming, can I talk to youfor a minute?
Panie Fleming, możemy chwilę porozmawiać?

Do you remember a man called Reginald Fleming Johnston?
Czy przypominasz sobie człowieka nazwiskiem Reginald Fleming Johnston?

Mr. Fleming, I'm gonna have to take that computer from you.
Panie Fleming, będę musiał zabrać od pana jej komputer.

Peter Fleming, head of Ark, he's also Chess, the crime boss.
Peter Fleming, szef Arki, Jest także szachy, szefa mafii.

Fleming was, without doubt, a proper petrol-head.
Fleming był, bez wątpienia, prawdziwym maniakiem motoryzacji.

I'm Dr. Roger Fleming, and I seem to have lost my way.
Jestem doktor Roger Fleming i wygląda na to, że zabłądziłem.

Peter Fleming thinks you're a pawn.
Peter Fleming uważa jesteś pionkiem.

I just got Scales on tape outing Fleming as Chess...
Właśnie Wagi na taśmie wycieczka Fleming jak szachy ...

Wait, what about Professor Fleming?
Chwila, może to profesor Fleming?

Can I get a picture here, Mr. Fleming?
Czy mogę otrzymać zdjęcie tutaj Fleming Pan?

Yeah, or Fleming discovering penicillin.
Tak, albo Fleming który odkrył penicylinę.

Aubrey Fleming, session number one, 10:30 a.m.
Aubrey Fleming, sesja numer jeden.

And Judge Fleming agrees, right?
I sędzia Fleming się z panem zgadza?

This is Duke Fleming of the East India Company.
To jest książę Fleming z Kompani Wschodnio - Indyjskiej

In the right corner, Leanne Fleming.
W prawym rogu, Leanne Fleming.

Doing what? Behavioral modification therapy or psychological rehabilitation, as Dr. Fleming calls it.
Co robią? Terapia modyfikacji zachowań. Lub rehabilitacja psychologiczna, jak nazywa to doktor Fleming.

Like Fleming in Gone With the Wind.
Jak Fleming w Przeminęło z wiatrem.

These photos are disgusting, but not proof that Fleming raped Leah Shephard.
Zdjęcia są obrzydliwe, ale to nie dowód, że ją zgwałcił.

Bob Fleming, the lnternational council, Hockey.
Bob Fleming, Zgromadzenie Międzynarodowe, Hokej

Fleming's clipping us twice!
Fleming's wycinek nas dwa razy!

Fleming has contacts in L.A.
Fleming ma kontakty w Los Angeles.

Are Mr. Monk and Miss Fleming still there?
Czy pan Monk i pani Fleming są tam jeszcze?

Nana, this is Sharona Fleming.
Babciu, to jest Sharona

You can't beat us, Dr Fleming!
Nie można nas pokonać, Dr Fleming!

Scales is gonna out Fleming as Chess.
Wagi zamierzam się Fleming jak szachy.

It's not incredible, it's Fleming.
Bardzo wiarygodne. Taki jest Fleming.