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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Fortunately for all the above, peak fat seems very far off. More people are getting bigger, in more parts of the world and they are, with the help of fashion and celebrity culture, made to feel so miserable about it that they are supremely easy to fleece. Gym memberships they will never use â?? yes please! Untested surgical procedures â?? ditto. Diet and exercise regimes promoted by personalities who are, themselves, fat or even dead â?? why not? And the fat-fleecing industry is so young.
If you follow the rule of thumb that no book on a matter of political controversy is worth buying until it has been roundly denounced, then The Spirit Level is an essential purchase. The Taxpayers' Alliance warns that it legitimises a fleecing of the middle class. David Cameron's favourite thinktank, Policy Exchange, published a book-length condemnation which claims that The Spirit Level's authors had produced a shabby, shallow work which threatened to "contaminate" our presumably honest political debate, as if it were an oil slick heading towards a pristine coast.

Village leaders got only more powerful and started fleecing us.
Liderzy na wsiach dostali więcej władzy i zaczęli nas okradać.

My God, but I know the art of fleecing men.
Mój Boże, już ja wiem jak się doi ludzi.

Still fleecing us out of our bevvy, huntsman?
Nadal masz na pieńku ze starym Beithem, łowco.