Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

However, the sheer complexity of the overlapping laws and authorities means that protesters can continue to chance their arm and hope to find a loophole. So it was this May Day, when the founders of Democracy Village detached themselves from the day's traditional leftwing festivities in the capital and occupied Parliament Square.
The explosions came an hour after the main militant group in the oil-rich southern delta, the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (Mend), threatened in an email to attack the festivities and warned people to evacuate the area.
Once in, nine lifts will take the guests from the lobby to upper levels, where the festivities will take place.
Another classic of ghost-story writing, with a doomed family and a crumbling, historic house at the heart of it. The narrator, Sarah, returns to her childhood home as a guest, having been obliged to work as a governess. There, although the halls are brightly lit and the old servants delighted to see her, a sense of disaster hangs over the festivities and Sarah's glimpse of a ghostly hunt forewarns of tragedy to come.
The stampede happened during celebrations that formed part of a three-day festival to mark the end of the monsoon season, for which as as many as 2 million people were believed to have come to the capital. As festivities came to a close on Monday night, tens of thousands made their way to a free concert on an island in the Bassac river.

On the other hand, politicians can distance themselves from the opening festivities.
Z drugiej strony, politycy mogą zdystansować się od uroczystości otwarcia.

I'd take you, but it's the town's festivities and they won't let me.
Zabrałbym cię, ale są miejskie uroczystości i nie przepuszczą mnie.

Give you a chance to, uh, participate in the town festivities.
Daję ci szanse uczestniczenia w lokalnej uroczystości.

And now we introduce you to the little Virgins of these festivities.
A teraz przedstawiamy wam małe Najświętsze Panienki tych uroczystości.

It's strange for anyone to die before the festivities.
To dziwne by któs umarł przed uroczystościami.

Yes, were the ethnic festivities to your liking today ?
Tak, etniczna uroczystość jak na twój gust?

And what a perfect night for our festivities.
Cóż za wyborna noc dla naszych godów.

The money those humiliated nobles spend on festivities and hunts.
Pieniądze tych poniżanych arystokratów wydaje na świętowania i polowania.

The rest is just festivities, no more rituals.
Reszta to tylko świętowanie, rzadnych więcej rytuałów.

My people don't like strangers at their festivities.
Moi ludzie nie lubią obcych na swoich uroczystościach.

The night's festivities hold not your interest, dear?
Wieczór świętowanie nie interesuje cię, moja droga?

They will prepare you for the festivities.
Przygotują cię na uroczystości.

No one invited them to the festivities.
Na uroczystość nikt ich nie zapraszał.

He's gonna be helping us out with the, uh, festivities this weekend.
Będzie nam pomagał z imprezami w weekend.

Not taking part in the festivities?
Nie bierzecie udziału w zabawie?

During festivities is a bad time.
Podczas uroczystości to zły moment.

Welcome,if I may be so bold, to our humble, nay, lowly festivities.
Witam, jeśli mogę się ośmielić, na naszych skromnych uroczystościach.

It's time to begin the festivities.
Czas rozpocząć uroczystości.

Tomorrow morning, after the festivities.
Jutro rano, zaraz po uczcie.

Welcome to this final night of festivities celebrating the Miss Twin Peaks...
Witam państwa na dzień przed wyborami... ...Miss Twin Peaks.

My fearless and faithful warriors! ...let the festivities begin.
Moi nieustraszeni i wierni wojownicy, niech rozpoczną się uroczystości.

l`m your host for the festivities tonight and perhaps the ultimate Hellworld fanatic.
Jestem waszym gospodarzem na dzisiejszą uroczystość i być może największym fanatykiem Hellworld.

Ma'am, Miss Ruby and Miss Pearl have plans to spend the festivities in Paris.
Panna Ruby i panna Pearl chcą spędzić święta w Paryżu.

Ultimately, I believe that, with the Christmas festivities only a few days away, the adoption of this regulation represents a nice gift for European citizens and Europe itself.
Wreszcie sądzę, że teraz, gdy zaledwie kilka dni dzieli nas od świąt Bożego Narodzenia, przyjęcie tego rozporządzenia stanowi miły prezent dla obywateli i samej Europy.