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Słownik slangu Zbigniewa Parzycha

zły, wściekły, wkurzony, podminowany

Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.





Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

BP is facing a bill of up to $34bn from the Gulf of Mexico disaster after US senators demanded the oil company deposited $20bn into a ring-fenced account to meet escalating compensation costs.
Senate leaders insisted the $20bn ring-fenced account should be exclusively for "payment of economic damages and clean-up costs" and should not be seen as a cap on BP's other legal liabilities. With punitive damages pending too, the theoretical total of $34bn is equivalent to more than half the corporation tax paid by all British companies last year.
The credit rating agency Fitch yesterday downgraded BP's debt to just two levels above junk status as its liabilities from the disaster continue to escalate. Obama is planning to order the company to deposit up to $20bn (Â?13.5bn) into a ringfenced fund to pay for the clean-up operation and damages.
It also wants an estimated Â?40bn from sale of permits to pollute under the European trading scheme from 2012 to 2020 to be ringfenced to support the drive to decarbonise Britain's economy.
Professor Dinesh Bhugra, president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, said: "Some types of processed foods are harmful to the physical, and consequently mental, health of individuals. There ought to be serious consideration given to banning advertising of certain foods and certain processed foods and to levying tax on fatty, unhealthy foods, which would be ring-fenced for the NHS, which deals with the consequences of fatty foods."
It is only 36 floors up on the roof just across from Tower Bridge that this solitary aspect of base jumping becomes clear. After a brief hunched pause during which it seems Witchalls might be saying a prayer or silently psyching himself up â?? but is in fact simply fiddling with his harness â?? it is finally time for the man who jumps of buildings to jump off a building. "Come over here and watch," he says, indicating the outermost six inches of unfenced tower block roof.
Last weekend, one of the UK's funds for disasters â?? the CERF â?? was included in a list of items sent by DFID's director of policy to international development secretary Andrew Mitchell as possibly expendable. His department insists the list was only a speculative part of due process, since the department, like all others, is expected to consider value for money, despite DFID being ringfenced from cuts.
5. The footpath follows a stone wall back towards Ringmore. Go through two gateways and, after the third, head downhill following the path by the fenced bank to the woods.
Clegg, whose government has ring-fenced aid and promised to increase it to the UN target of 0.7% of GDP by 2013, will call on other nations to play their part while offering to lead the way, particularly in helping women become active contributors to their own society and economy.
In a letter to culture secretary Jeremy Hunt the outgoing BBC Trust chairman, Sir Michael Lyons said: "The trust remains committed to the principle of ring-fenced multi-year licence fee settlements. It is a key part of the BBC's independence that the government grants such settlements and does not reopen them before they come to an end. We also recognise that the British public is facing an exceptionally tough financial climate."

Please could you therefore discuss with the Bureau how this time can be ring fenced.
Czy zatem moglibyśmy ustalić z Prezydium, jak można ten czas zagwarantować?

I've fenced with real blades many times but... killing a man is a first.
Wiele razy walczyłem przeciw prawdziwemu mieczowi, ale... człowieka zabiłem po raz pierwszy.

We have three acres, it's all fenced in.
Mamy trzy akry, wszystko jest ogrodzone.

The land is fenced and guarded.
Ziemia jest ogrodzona i pod strażą.

Marian, they've fenced me out here.
Marian, odgrodzili mnie od Ciebie.

We've contained it, sir, fenced them in.
Opanowaliśmy to, sir, zamknęliśmy ich w środku.

We're all fenced in.
Wszyscy jesteśmy tu za płotem.

It's fenced in, completely private.
Jest ogrodzona, całkowicie prywatna.

Big backyards, fenced, some hedges. Why?
Obszerne ogrody, ogrodzone... ...trochę żywopłotu, czemu pytasz?

So, what was a temporary holding zone... ...soon became fenced,became militarized.
To, co miało być strefą przejściową, stało się ogrodzonym obozem, wkrótce zmilitaryzowanym.