ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy



Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.


Słownik środowiska angielsko-polski


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Elezovic and his family are sitting in their modest but homely flat above a Habsburg-era post office in East Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina, which for nine months from May 1993 was probably one of the most dangerous places on earth to call home. The sitting room looks out over the mellifluous Neretva river, from the west bank of which Bosnian Croat militias closed off the Muslim east, and submitted it to the most ferocious siege of the Bosnian war, levelling it almost literally into the dust of its own stone. The Muslims were trapped in a tiny enclave: for above, in the easterly direction, were mountaintops from which Serbian guns pounded the enclave throughout all three years of Bosnia's slaughter. The moment in Mostar the world remembers best, however, was not the carnage wrought, but when Croat guns finally shelled and felled the glorious arch of the city's proud hallmark, its Ottoman bridge, to join the river's current below, leaving only two stumps of ancient stone â?? a moment of triumph for barbarism over civilisation.
"The idea that all these forests will be clear-felled is simply unrealistic," he says. "You have to apply for permission to do so and there is a stipulation to replant the site with the Forestry Commission returning after five years to check it has been done. Also, the CRoW Act means that 'on foot only' access must be guaranteed. There is a huge presumption against developing by planners. Our guide prices at John Clegg & Sons would be at least five times higher if we could sell plots with development potential. All this talk this week of building golf courses and resorts on woodland is just ridiculous."

But he spoke too late and the thing felled his daughter Dani.
Ale powiedział za późno i rzecz spadła na jego córkę Dani.

I have been felled by a winged beast of destruction!
Zostałem powalony przez uskrzydloną bestię zagłady!

They are ever more efficiently sought out and felled.
Są coraz skuteczniej wyszukiwane i wycinane.

According to a study recently published, one third of the timber used in Hungary is felled illegally.
Według niedawno opublikowanego badania, jedna trzecia drewna wykorzystywanego na Węgrzech jest pozyskiwana nielegalnie.

He came back and ordered the mushrooms felled.
Wrócił i rozkazał ściąć te grzyby.

Anybody else felled from them canned peaches?
Ktoś się zatruł tymi brzoskwiniami z puszki?

The arrow which felled the boar... belonged to Lord lchimonji.
Strzała, która powaliła dzika... należała do pana Ichimonji.

We would be taking an enormous step backwards if we felled tropical forests in order to cultivate biofuels.
Wycięcie lasów tropikalnych pod uprawę biopaliw oznaczałoby dla nas ogromny krok wstecz.

It is estimated that 20 to 40% of the timber felled and exchanged in the world is illegal timber.
Szacuje się, że 20-40 % drewna pozyskiwanego i trafiającego na światowy rynek to drewno nielegalne.

We lose few... ...but each felled is a friend, or dearest blood.
Straciliśmy kilku. Ale każdy jest przyjacielem lub krewnym.

We in the EU are called on to ensure that only lawfully felled tropical timber is imported and distributed on the European market.
Mamy w UE zapewnić, że tylko legalnie ścięte tropikalne będzie importowane i wprowadzane na rynek europejski.

Tropical forests have been felled en masse, along with the Amazon Rainforest - in other words, the desire for biofuels outweighs the desire for a reduction in world hunger.
Wycinane są masowo lasy tropikalne i Puszcza Amazońska, czyli są większe preferencje dla biopaliw niż dla redukcji głodu na świecie.

This agreement will in theory ensure that the basic rules of forest conservation, such as sound monitoring by government of timber felling, are respected - and at present, we have to note, the Ghanaian forests are being felled at an annual rate of almost 2%.
Umowa ta teoretycznie zapewnia respektowanie podstawowych zasad ochrony lasów, takich jak odpowiednie monitorowanie wyrębu lasu przez rząd - a musimy zdawać sobie sprawę, że lasy w Ghanie są wycinane w tempie około 2% rocznie.

The idea behind the voluntary partnership agreements is to put an end to the trade in illegally felled wood and products made from this wood and to help to stop deforestation, forest degradation and their effects in the form of CO2 emissions, as well as the loss of biodiversity, throughout the world.
Celem dobrowolnych umów o partnerstwie jest powstrzymanie handlu nielegalnie pozyskiwanym drewnem i produktami wykonanymi z tego drewna oraz przyczynienie się do powstrzymania wylesiania, degradacji lasów i skutków tych zjawisk w postaci emisji CO2 i utraty bioróżnorodności w wymiarze światowym.