im. Feliks
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
The Africa Biotechnology Stakeholders Forum's senior programmes officer, Felix M'mboyi, said its members are planning to carry out open field trials with GM crops, including BT cotton and maize, later this year.
They are Felix Baumgartner and Michel Fournier, rival daredevils who have long been formulating plans to travel up to 120,000 feet, far higher than any skydiver has yet been, from there to plunge back to Earth. Their plans share similar elements â?? helium balloons attached to mansize cradles, space-faring equipment, lots of complicated parachutes â?? but this pair could not be more different.
Nonetheless, for Fournier, "doing crazy shit for as long as possible is the only way to be". He reveals that le grand saut (or "the big jump"), as he calls his endeavour, has just about bankrupted him, that he has sold his car, his furniture, his war medals, even his house. "The main difference between Felix and me is means," he says. "If he has a problem with his balloon or anything else, Red Bull will cover it."
Red Bull will cover it â?? the company has ploughed billions into the sponsorship of sports as varied as football and Formula One, surfing and sailing. The biggest part of their portfolio, however, has always been extreme sports, and Felix Baumgartner has risen to become one of the company's stars.
They are Felix Baumgartner and Michel Fournier, rival daredevils who have long been formulating plans to travel up to 120,000 feet, far higher than any skydiver has yet been, from there to plunge back to Earth. Their plans share similar elements â?? helium balloons attached to mansize cradles, space-faring equipment, lots of complicated parachutes â?? but this pair could not be more different.
Nonetheless, for Fournier, "doing crazy shit for as long as possible is the only way to be". He reveals that le grand saut (or "the big jump"), as he calls his endeavour, has just about bankrupted him, that he has sold his car, his furniture, his war medals, even his house. "The main difference between Felix and me is means," he says. "If he has a problem with his balloon or anything else, Red Bull will cover it."
Red Bull will cover it â?? the company has ploughed billions into the sponsorship of sports as varied as football and Formula One, surfing and sailing. The biggest part of their portfolio, however, has always been extreme sports, and Felix Baumgartner has risen to become one of the company's stars.
Both companies say they are taking orders for their cars. But Felix Wagner, the leader of the X-Tracer team, told the award ceremony they will not suit every pocket book. "We can not mass produce. We are a small company. The real thing is we are here."
25 December 2010 So I've spent another Â?100K on trying to be Christmassy and all the same people as last year are here, apart from Sophie and Tim, who have been replaced by my equally two-dimensional sisters, Evie and Flo, and their 37 children. I've even asked Pat if she has any sweet, working-class Christmas customs she'd like us to try, but everything still doesn't feel quite right. "I think I'd feel more Christmassy if I knew a bit more about my real dad," I say to Kate. "Well, tough," says Kate. "All I can tell you is he was called Felix and didn't want anything to do with you. But don't worry, because Evie and Flo's dad quite liked you." And we go back to being Christmassy. Oh, I've just remembered. I've got divorced from Sam since last year on the grounds he no longer made me go binkety-bonk. Talking of which, I'm now sleeping with Mr Binkety-Bonk from time to time.
"Oh darling," says Kate. "I've just heard Felix has died and that you've got 198 half-siblings dotted round the globe." I immediately track them down on Facebook and we all agree to hire a private island in the West Indies for Christmas next year. And then Mr Binkety-Bonk sends me a text. I'm finally feeling the Christmas love.
I told you to get out of the way, Felix.
Mówiłam ci, żebyś usunął się z drogi, Felix.
Don't you remember Felix said to leave the lights off?
Felix mówił, żeby nie zapalać świateł?
Look, Felix must be in the machine shop by now.
Dobrze... Felix na pewno jest już w maszynowni.
Look, Felix, if what you're saying is true, you have nothing to worry about.
Słuchaj, Felix, jeśli mówisz prawdę, to nie ma się o co martwić.
You've got a friend named Felix who can fix anything.
Twój znajomy, Felix, będzie w stanie wszystko naprawić.
Felix gave us a message to deliver to the and here you are.
Felix przekazał nam wiadomość by dostarczyć ją do i jesteście.
Oh, Felix was nice enough to invite me to the opening.
Felix był tak miły, że zaprosił mnie na otwarcie.
Now it sleeps under my bed, and its name is Felix.
Teraz śpi pod moim łóżkiem i nazywa się Felix.
Felix, this is no time to have a domestic quarrel.
Felix, nie ma czasu na domową kłótnię.
I can't believe Felix would do this to me.
Klaun w pudełku. Nie wierzę, że Felix mi to zrobił.
They're gone, after Felix went to find you and then didn't come back
Odeszli zaraz po tym, jak Felix wyruszył cię szukać i nie wrócił.
Part of a distribution network that hooks up to Felix.
To był niewielki gracz,pracował w dystrybucji, miał powiązania z Felixem.
I know Felix is going to try something crazy.
Wiem że Felix zrobi coś szalonego.
Felix, if she gives your men the slip… - Relax.
Felix, jeżeli ona wam się wymknie... - Uspokój się.
I'm asking you nicely, Felix, as a friend, stay out of my way.
Proszę cię po dobroci, Felix, jako przyjaciel, staraj się schodzić mi z drogi.
Be careful, Felix. You need me for the success of your little project.
Potrzebujesz mnie dla sukcesu twojego małego projektu.
No, I'll give you a couple more in a few hours, Felix.
Nie, dam ci więcej za parę godzin, Felix.
As I told Felix, we should send troops to punish them.
Jak mówiłem Feliksowi, trzeba tam posłać wojska, by dać im nauczkę.
Felix isn't. The one tape that could verify him is defective.
To jedno nagranie, które mogło go zweryfikować, jest wadliwe.
These people and their rep here, Felix, well, you tell them I'm sorry.
Ci ludzie, i ich przedstawiciel tutaj, Felix... Powiedz im, że przepraszam za to.
Felix needs to be on the roof because he's about to get his medal
Felix musi być na dachu, bo za chwilę dostanie medal.
Felix found the drugs a few days ago.
Felix znalazł te narkotyki kilka dni temu.
I said, Felix, tell me, are they good or evil ?
Powiedziałem, Felix, powiedz mi czy oni są dobrzy, czy źli ?
Felix, tell me. Is this opera or a spectacle?
Felix, powiedz mi, czy to jest opera czy spektakl?
If you want to discuss it, I'll be at Felix's.
Jeżeli będziesz chciał o tym porozmawiać, będę w Felix.
Well, it got us a connection between Felix and the priest, didn't it?
Cóż, dostaliśmy jakieś połączenie pomiędzy Felixem i księdzem, prawda?
Well, you know where to find me, Felix.
Więc wiesz gdzie mnie znaleźć, Felix.
Felix, we just need to examine your eye.
Felix, musimy zbadać ci oko.
Felix, this is not the real White House, and he’s not the president.
Felix, to nie jest Biały Dom, a on nie jest prezydentem.
It took me three hours to figure out that was Felix Ungar.
Zajęło mi 3 godziny zgadnięcie że te to Felix Ungar.
Felix told me there'd be moments like this.
Felix mówił mi, że będą chwile takie jak ta.
Felix, you might find out if there's a Fillet of Soul restaurant in town.
Felix, dowiedz się czy jest w mieście restauracja Filet z Duszy.
Felix did some digging-- there's three companies in the area working with nanotechnology.
Felix trochę poszperał i znalazł na tym terenie trzy firmy, pracujące nad nanotechnologą.
I just had a little run-in with Felix.
Właśnie miałem małą sprzeczkę z Felix'em.
Felix and I were going to get food, but...
Felix i ja kupimy coś do żarcia...
Felix, how are we gonna get out of here?
Felix, jak my stąd wyjdziemy?
Felix, are you really gonna move in with them?
Felix, naprawdę zamierzasz się do nich wprowadzić?
Do you have a problem with America, Felix?
Masz problem z Ameryką, Felix?
Felix the Cat and his bag of tricks.
To jest kot... i jego podróżna torba.
So many people in this town are phonies, but Felix Hanson, he was real.
Wiele osób w tym mieście to oszuści, ale Felix Hanson... był prawdziwy.
His name is Felix and Mother Mathilde said you might have him.
Nazywa się Felix i matka Matylda powiedziała, że możesz go wziąć.
We went to the warehouse with Felix's brother, Steven.
Pojechaliśmy do magazynu z bratem Feliksa, Stevenem.
That might be Felix's sleep study results.
To mogą być wyniki Felixa.
Hey, how about this guy, Felix Hausman, what's he doing?
Hej, a co z tym Felixem Hausman, co on robi?
Felix, when did you take these pills?
Felix, kiedy brałeś te pigułki?
Did you see that right hook, Felix?
Widziałeś ten prawy sierpowy, Felix?
Whatever it is, I'm not in the mood, Felix.
Cokolwiek do mnie masz, nie jestem w nastroju, Felix.
It was actually very good acting, Felix.
Właściwie to było świetne aktorstwo, Felix.
Or people that Felix worked for.
Albo ludzie, dla których pracuje.