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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Most importantly, the fact that she didn't offer any explanation indicates that she is not ready to discuss this with you. Incidentally, just because a woman calls herself "a virgin" doesn't mean she's not enjoying erotic experiences other than intercourse; she might be involved in a passionate m?©nage ?  trois. We think we know our friends, but my clinical experience has taught me we often have no idea what they're really getting up to!
In the course of the book you see Kauzlarich â?? "Lost Kauz", as he becomes known â?? and other good men "disintegrate before your eyes". Their efforts are heroic and futile. Wright's idea of the donkey is enlarged so that the experiences of one group of soldiers encapsulate the larger quagmire of the US in Iraq â?? a quagmire that is tactical, strategic, moral and political. (Frederick does something similar in Black Hearts.)
Books of this kind make one feel thoroughly duped by Kathryn Bigelow's Oscar-winning The Hurt Locker. As with the HBO adaptation of Evan Wright's Generation Kill (written by David Simon and Ed Burns), the viewer is immersed totally in the experience of the American military in Iraq. Both film and TV series are relentlessly gripping, especially The Hurt Locker, where every bit of trash â?? and there's a lot of trash â?? is potentially life-threatening. Indeed, the film is so nerve-shreddingly tense that it's only when you re-emerge into the safety of daylight that you realise how you've been manipulated, how shallow the experience has been. There is a thematic continuity here within Bigelow's work: The Hurt Locker serves up a military equivalent of the thrill-trips that Lenny Nero was hustling in her earlier Strange Days. Lenny sells virtual reality experiences of everything from a girl showering to armed robbery. And that â?? right down to the same camera techniques â?? is what we get here. The new twist is in the nature of the simulated environment: all the thrills and spills of combat and bomb disposal in the privacy and safety of your own home-entertainment environment. So impressive is the technical accomplishment that one forgets that the action, while ostensibly unfolding in the context of a real and recognisable war, is operating safely within the absurd liberties of Hollywood convention. As if life as a bomb-disposal expert were not adrenalin-inducing enough, we are treated to a Bourne-style interlude in which William James implausibly pulls on a hooded sweatshirt, takes a pistol and goes on a one-man search for vengeance/justice at night, in Baghdad â?? and makes it back in one piece.
The series Generation Kill is, along with everything else, a sustained critique of the structural and conventional fictions of The Hurt Locker. Taking no liberties with the facts of Wright's account, it follows a convoy of US marines as they make their way from Kuwait to Baghdad. Certain characters have more screen-time than others but there are no heroes. As in a platoon, everything comes down to teamwork and ensemble playing. The action is never contrived to assume the shape imposed by the demands of a good story. This is one of the reasons why, ultimately, the immersion in the experience of war is more complete than in The Hurt Locker. Despite their expertise and marksmanship, the extent to which the marines control their own destinies is minimal; it pretty much ended, in fact, before the series began, when they signed up. From the start we are sealed within the acronym-intensive argot and worldview of the USMC. Our point of view is absolutely that of the marines. The lessons dished out by their experiences are never moralistic but, as the situation deteriorates around them, the larger ethical and strategic impossibility of their position and purpose becomes unavoidable. We are back to the quandary observed by Finkel in The Good Soldiers. We are also back, more generally, to the relative strengths of non-fiction over fiction. Of course one could easily imagine a novelist doing without any of the liberties enjoyed by Bigelow â?? but we would be left, then, with a novel that was almost a carbon copy of the best of these non-fiction books. For the assumed skills of the novelist â?? an eye for telling detail, stylistic flair and so on â?? are deployed in abundance by many of these reporters, at least the ones who are (there's no dodging this bullet) American.
Kiley is "mad keen" to get the job done, but even when the experiences he records are terrifying, the writing is always comfortably unthreatened, except by clich?©s which are often, as they say in the military, danger-close. "The air fizzes and crackles with bullets. There seems to be no space between them as if they are being poured from a hose. Rounds are smacking into the ground; the dust is leaping around their feet. Des can hear the fizzing sound made by bullets which are within a foot of his ear. He can feel the hot whip of them on his face." Junger is as experience-dependent as Kiley but his prose ("he saw a line of bullets stitching towards him in the dirt . . .") works like one of Lenny Nero's virtual trips, sealing us within the experience he describes.
Among those with positive experiences were Alex Hunter and Lee Hewetson, both 25 and from Newcastle, who have quit their jobs to visit 20 countries, starting with South Africa and the World Cup. They went to Port Elizabeth for the world's biggest bungee jump, then took a 22-hour train back to Johannesburg.
It is here, perhaps, that I should declare an interest. During my talks with Figes I tell her that for so many people entering marriage â?? including me, first time round â?? they have no real idea what it truly means. I got married at 27, after six years of happy cohabitation. By the age of 30, I was divorced, scarred by the failure of it all (no children, crucially). My wedding five years ago to the man who is now my husband was my second (37% of the marriages recorded in 2008 were remarriages, a fall of 4% in 10 years). The failure of my first marriage was not enough to put me off doing it again, although second time round I thought long and hard about what it really meant. Today I am very happy, although it is by no means always easy. I think Elizabeth Gilbert gets somewhere close to it when she quotes Kant in his assertion that we humans are so emotionally complex that we go through two puberties in life: the first when our bodies are mature enough for sex, and the second when our minds are. "I do wonder if perhaps our emotional maturity comes to us only through the experiences and lessons of our youthful and romantic failures," she writes. "To ask a 20-year-old girl to somehow automatically know things about life that most 40-year-old women needed decades to understand is expecting an awful lot of wisdom from a very young person. Maybe we must all go through the anguish and errors of a first puberty, in other words, before any of us can ascend to the second one."
But his childhood experiences of racial discrimination left a lasting impression. When Jackson was six, his stepfather, who had fought for the Allies in the Second World War, was forced to take a part-time job mowing the lawn of a white German ?©migr?©. "I said: 'Dad, this guy talks funny,' and I turned around and saw that he was crying. It crushed me to see my father cry. He said: 'I went to fight the war â?? we were fighting him and now I'm cutting his grass,' and he was humiliated by it."
Southern China experiences flooding almost every summer, but the Beijing climate centre says extreme weather events have increased in recent years, with droughts becoming longer and rain falling in more intense and damaging bursts.
Elly Jackson from La Roux shares some of her festival experiences with Glastonbury first-timer Paul Morley

And try to be a little more open to life experiences.
I bądźcie bardziej otwarci na doświadczenia życiowe.

Having a baby is one of the most beautiful experiences in life.
Posiadanie dziecka to jedno z najpiękniejszych życiowych doświadczeń.

Do you want to tell me about your college experiences?
Chcesz mi opowiedzieć o swoich doświadczeniach z college'u?

You are a woman of many sexual experiences, I think.
Jesteś kobietą z dużym doświadczeniem, jeśli chodzi o sprawy seksu.

We can use present perfect to talk about our past experiences.
Możemy użyć present perfect, żeby opowiedzieć o naszych doświadczeniach w przeszłości.

That is why I let him share all my experiences.
To dlatego dzielę się z nim swoimi przeżyciami.

But that doesn't mean I'm not open to new experiences.
Ale to nie oznacza, że nie jestem Otwarta na nowe doświadczenia.

And has anybody else in your family or at work had similar experiences?
A czy ktoś z twojej rodziny lub może z pracy miał podobne przeżycie?

Let's just say recent experiences have taught me to keep an open mind.
Powiedzmy, że niedawne przeżycia nauczyły mnie, że trzeba mieć otwarty umysł.

I don't think anyone ever felt worse after talking to me about their experiences.
Na pewno nie czuły się gorzej, gdy opowiedziały mi o swoich doświadczeniach.

I know that there have been similar experiences in a number of other countries.
Wiem, że wiele innych krajów ma podobne doświadczenia.

Many come to me to share their experiences with evil.
Przychodzi do mnie wielu ludzi, którzy doświadczyli zła.

We tried to see what could be done on the ground in order to make the situation move forward, not to have only negative experiences.
Próbowaliśmy określić, co można zrobić, by poczynić postępy w tej sprawie, aby nie mieć jedynie negatywnych doświadczeń.

She's working on a book about experiences in the judicial system.
Pisze książkę o doświadczeniach z systemem prawnym.

That should be one of the lessons we learn from these experiences.
Mógłby to być jeden z wniosków wyciągniętych z tych doświadczeń.

Have we learned from the recent negative experiences and will these be taken into account?
Czy wyciągnęliśmy wnioski z ostatnich negatywnych doświadczeń i czy zostaną one wzięte pod uwagę?

I hope you will write about your experiences and impressions.
Mam nadzieję, że opisze pan swoje doświadczenia i wrażenia.

I would want her to avoid me though part usual children's experiences.
Chciałabym, żeby mnie ominęła chociaż część zwykłych dziecięcych doświadczeń.

Why don't we all talk about our best sexual and romantic experiences?
Czemu nie pogadamy o naszych najlepszych seksualnych - i romantycznych doświadczeniach?

There are four lessons that can and need to be learned from these experiences.
Z opisywanych tu doświadczeń można i należy wyciągnąć cztery lekcje.

Another option would be to hold a conference to bring together all these people and their different experiences in this area.
Kolejną opcją może być zorganizowanie konferencji w celu zgromadzenia wszystkich tych ludzi i wysłuchania ich doświadczeń w tej dziedzinie.

I mean, the core of man's spirit comes from new experiences.
Chodzi mi o to, że rdzeń ludzkiego ducha rodzi się z nowych przeżyć.

Look, I know you've had bad experiences with some of our operatives.
Słuchaj, wiem że miałeś złe doświadczenia. Z kilkoma naszymi agentami.

Yes, but as empty experiences go, it's one of the best.
Tak, ale jako doznanie, nawet puste, jest jednym z najlepszych.

Know how many humiliating experiences before I thought of that?
Wiesz, ile przeżyłam poniżających chwil, zanim na to nie wpadłam?

There are many fascinating experiences I wish to share with you.
Istnieje wiele fascynujących doznań którymi chcę się z tobą podzielić.

There are practices and experiences from other countries with tragic results.
Mamy przykłady i doświadczenia innych krajów, gdzie doszło do tragicznych skutków.

Listen to me. I know you've had some bad experiences trusting people.
Posłuchaj mnie. wiem że miałaś złe doświadczenia ufając ludziom.

That is a good thing, also in view of the experiences we had during the last parliamentary term.
To dobrze, również jeśli uwzględnimy nasze doświadczenia w ostatniej kadencji Parlamentu.

They have recorded their experiences with the Doctor on tapes.
Nagrali na taśmach to, co przeżyli z Doktorem.

We are born unique. Our experiences mold and change us.
Rodzimy się wyjątkowi.Nasze doświadczenia kształtują i zmieniają nas.

We have had experiences in the past of commodity boards.
Mamy doświadczenia z branżowymi radami towarowymi.

These programmes are creating very positive experiences and we should extend them for that reason.
Wynikiem tych programów są bardzo pozytywne doświadczenia i z tego powodu powinniśmy je rozszerzyć.

He doesn't exactly seem open to new learning experiences.
które On dokładnie nie wydaje się otwarty do nowych doświadczeń nauki.

I've not had good experiences with the legal system.
Mam kiepskie doświadczenia z systemem prawnym.

Based on the true experiences of one American family.
Film oparty na prawdziwych przeżyciach pewnej amerykańskiej rodziny.

Similar in many ways, but experiences focused our beliefs differently.
Podobni w wielu kwestiach, ale nasze życie i doświadczenie skupia się na odmiennych przekonaniach.

Two of the most wrenching experiences. You went through them in seconds.
To są dwa najbardziej traumatyczne przeżycia, a ty doświadczyłaś ich w odstępie kilku sekund.

We should learn from past experiences for the future.
Powinniśmy wyciągać z przeszłości lekcje na przyszłość.

But many other girls have had experiences like that.
Ale wiele innych dziewczyn miało podobne doświadczenia. To nic.

It's never helped me remember anything about my experiences.
Nigdy nie pomogło mi przypomnieć sobie nic z moich doświadczeń.

I make a note of all my great experiences.
W ten sposób zapisuję wszystkie moje wielkie przeżycia.

It's when an addict experiences acceptance for the first time.
Ma to miejsce wtedy, gdy uzależnieni po raz pierwszy doświadczają akceptacji.

All of her experiences make her the person that she is.
To jej doświadczenie uczyniło ją dokładnie taką osobą, jaką jest.

But some of my own experiences found their way into it
Ale niektóre z moich własnych doświadczeń przedostały się do niej

And I hope you find yourself no worse for your distressing experiences.
I chyba nie czujesz się gorzej po tych stresujących doświadczeniach.

And your teacher has been telling me many things about your experiences.
Przeczytałam wasze listy, a wasza nauczyciela dużo mi opowiadała o waszych doświadczeniach.

It's funny how the mind can help us block out certain unpleasant experiences.
To zabawne, jak umysł pozwala nam wyrzucić z pamięci złe doświadczenia.

Are you open to new experiences, like becoming the face of the
A ty jesteś otwarta na nowe doświadczenia? Takie jak zostanie nową twarzą

What kind of experiences have there been with it?
Jakie doświadczenia zebrano w tym kontekście?