(Adjective) wszechobecny;
adj. stale obecny
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Grant sobered up, retreated to New York and joined mainstream society, working in a hospital as a Russian medical interpreter and waiting tables, though he still kept up the song writing. That stability is one of the reasons why it took Midlake several attempts to persuade him to return to music, along with Grant's ever-present self-doubt. He's now glad he did, his confidence boosted by indulging his Abba obsession during a promo tour of Sweden at the beginning of the year, and by the reception for Queen of Denmark.
Most of the early days were spent getting to know each other and having endless meetings about how we were to live on Taransay. Many rows ensued regarding the work rota and how to spend the community budget â?? even some punch ups between some of the men. It all seemed so surreal because of the ever-present cameras.
These are large and unmusical claims. But music is a language of communication. Mendelssohn said it was a more precise language than words â?? a potent thought. And, as Lebrecht says, Mahler is not authoritarian. He is a kind of symphonic blogger, a composer seeking unmoderated responses, anxious for feedback and interaction. So why not a symphony about ecology or race? Since Mahler's music also often feels as if it is written on the cusp of a transition from a settled past into an unsettled future, and since that sense of transition is also an ever-present sensibility in our own era, it is hardly surprising that Mahler sometimes seems to have found a hotline to the modern psyche.
Walking the corridors of the Children's Zone's two schools â?? both classed as "charter schools", which get public money but are free of many of the rules of the public school system â?? it is no wonder so many Harlem families want their kids to go there. For most kids going to school in Harlem, the idea of going to college is a distant dream, but in HCZ schools it is an ever-present aim. The walls are lined with motivational posters. "Failure is not an option," reads one poster hanging from a ceiling, while on the reverse it states: "I am on a path to success. I am college bound." That message is backed up each morning when pupils ("scholars") recite a chant: "I will go to college; I will succeed; this is my promise; this is my creed."
Another day, I came across a fish soup so different I could have been in another country. Tomato-based and broth-like, it came with Finnish pike-perch, green olives, mushrooms, and (something of a revelation to this cook) sliced gherkins â?? the sassiest addition I have ever had to a fish soup. Any associations with the Med were slashed with the inclusion of the ever-present chopped dill (it is their parsley) and a last-minute curl of soured cream. The effect was clean-tasting and piquant. In trendier places fish soup isn't overlooked either, it will just come in a (very) much smaller portion and with a degree or two more elegance. Either way, it's a bowl worth the trip.
How does his piercing eye see through the ever-present darkness?
Jak jego ostre oko przegląda kiedykolwiek-obecną ciemność?
Unfortunately, Turkey's relations with its neighbours cast an ever-present shadow over the negotiation process.
Niestety, na proces negocjacyjny cały czas padają cieniem stosunki sąsiedzkie.
Events at Frankfurt and in Denmark are a reminder of the ever-present threat of terrorism.
Wydarzenia z Frankfurtu czy Danii stanowią przypomnienie stale obecnego zagrożenia terrorystycznego.
The promotion and effective protection of fundamental rights are at the root of our democracy and should be an ever-present objective across all European policies.
Promowanie oraz skuteczna ochrona praw podstawowych stanowią podstawę naszej demokracji i powinny być celem zawsze obecnym we wszystkich europejskich politykach.
He heard the wind... ...the ever-present Wyoming wind, for the Iast time.
Słyszał wiatr, zawsze obecny wiatr Wyoming. Po raz ostatni.
(FI) Mr President, I spent my childhood and my youth living next door to a communist dictatorship, the Soviet Union, and fear was ever-present.
(FI) Panie przewodniczący! Dzieciństwo oraz młodość spędziłem w sąsiedztwie komunistycznej dyktatury, Związku Radzieckiego, gdzie panował wszechobecny strach.
Fake goods and fake medicines not only undermine EU business, they are a grave and ever-present threat to our consumers' health and safety, an issue which the Consumer Protection Committee is deeply concerned about.
Podrabiane towary i leki nie tylko wpływają negatywnie na przedsiębiorstwa, lecz także stanowią poważne zagrożenie dla zdrowia i bezpieczeństwa naszych obywateli, co jest niezwykle ważne dla Komisji Ochrony Konsumentów.
I believe we have managed to create the conditions to minimise the ever-present legal uncertainty which was why all the issues of mutual recognition of authorisations for rolling stock and locomotives constantly kept running into barriers and obstacles.
Wierzę, że zdołaliśmy stworzyć warunki dla minimalizacji zawsze obecnej niepewności prawnej, z powodu której zagadnienia wzajemnego uznawania zezwoleń dla taboru kolejowego i lokomotyw napotykały bariery i przeszkody.