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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

But having been born in Essex, at the age of 16, I joined an organization.
Będąc tam urodzonym, w wieku 16 lat dołączyłem do organizacji.


It was 1989, Marrs' Pump up the Volume had changed music and acid house had kicked in. The Essex boys were 17 and on their way to the coolest place in the world, Cafe Del Mar, Ibiza. My friends had booked the holiday weeks before but I was under the thumb or, as my friends would have it, "a love wank". A label that I could never get my head around, but strangely understood its connotations. At 11am on the actual day of the trip I gave in and went down to the travel agent (pre-internet days, you understand) and booked my summer of love.
The most successful male model in the world currently is David Gandy, a ridiculously muscular Essex boy who made his name frolicking semi-naked in a rowing boat for a 2007 Dolce & Gabbana perfume ad. A year ago I interviewed David Gandy about his career. He told me he had no idea why he was suddenly successful â?? he'd struggled for a long time to get jobs in a fashion climate that favoured Slimane's skinny boys. "No one was using me, and my mum was going: 'I don't understand why! You're so handsome!' But I was like: 'Mum. There is a reason.' No one wanted the big guys. It was all the skinny, androgynous look. People would look at me very, very strangely when I went to castings."
It has long been responsible for the metallic twang that runs across American country, blues, and rock'n'roll. Over here, in the hands of an Essex native named Wilko Johnson, it contributed the distorted buzz to the best records by the British R&B band Dr Feelgood â?? a sound that bled into punk â?? and became a constant in 21st-century indie-rock.
Dawn Woodhouse, festival co-ordinator at next month's V festival in Essex and Staffordshire, said both sites would have uniformed and undercover police.
The compensation, of course, was the money â?? and the opportunities it brought to self-invent: "When I started in the City, tastes were blingy, a bit Essex â?? 'Look at my big watch.' Then people got into shooting, country estates, wine cellars, wearing a lot of tweed." Preston shakes his head in theatrical disbelief: "I went shooting!" What does he think this change in bankers' spending habits was about? "It's saying to the rest of the middle class, 'We are the bosses.'"
There are several other possible cases, including law student Pamela Exall, 22, who vanished in Norfolk in 1974, schoolgirl Patricia Morris, 14, who went missing in Essex in 1980, and Suzanne Lawrence, 14, last seen in Essex in 1979.
And former Essex county council leader, Lord Hanningfield, who is also known as Paul White, 69, of West Hanningfield, near Chelmsford, Essex, faces six charges of making dishonest claims for travelling allowances.
Recent research by the Institute for Social and Economic Research at Essex University found that children of mothers who went back to work within the first three years were slower learners, and a 2008 Unicef study recommended that mothers stay at home for the first 12 months or "gamble" with their children's development. The Pew Research Centre in Washington found high levels of anxiety among women over the issue.
In fact Witchalls is one of elite base jumping's least shadowy figures and the sport's most visible public face. Previous portraits have tended to emphasise the contrast between his vertiginous hobby and the amiable normality of his daily life as an Essex roofer; albeit one who prepares for a night of urban freefall by laying his parachute out on the bed in the spare room of the semi he shares with his girlfriend.
When I first came to St Osyth, or "Toosey" as it's known locally, it wasn't for the delights of the "Essex Sunshine Coast"; this is the driest recorded place in Britain. No, it was to see the magnificent 15th-century gatehouse and ruins of St Osyth's Priory, one of the great religious settlements of medieval Europe.

The South Essex can fire two on a good day.
Południowy Essex potrafi strzelić dwa razy, gdy ma dobry dzień.

What I wouldn't give to have my youth again in Essex.
Wiele bym dał, aby jeszcze raz przeżywać młodość w Essex.

What are you doing in rifle green if you're South Essex?
Co robisz w tej zielonej kurce, skoro jesteś z South Essex?

That is, unless you got a better plan, Essex?
To jest chyba to, masz lepszy plan, Essex?

And then tell him, Essex will not return from Ireland alive.
I przekażesz, że Essex nie wróci z Irlandii żywym.

Dick tells me you want to break up the South Essex.
Dick mówi mi, że chcesz podzielić South Essex.

In exchange for my testimony against Essex, I don't go to jail.
Za zeznania przeciwko Esseksowi nie pójdę do więzienia.

The South Essex crossed over the bridge and engaged the enemy.
Południowy Essex przekroczył most i wdał się w walkę.

Not bad for a poor lad from Essex.
Nieźle jak na biednego chłopaka z Essex.

I'm from Essex, in case you couldn't tell.
Jestem z Essex, w przypadku jakbyście nie zauważyli .

Well, actually, you can just call me at the Hotel Coral Essex.
No, właściwie, możesz poprostu do mnie dzwonić do Hotelu Coral Essex.

Essex hired you tonight, like he hired you to kill her father.
Essex wynajął cię jak do zabójstwa jej ojca.

A test to be a true Essex man
Test prawdziwego członka Essex.

Do you want the South Essex to die?
Chcesz by South Essex zginęło?

Wellington was hoping to have the South Essex in France.
Wellington miał nadzieję mieć South Essex we Francji.

And then there was the Earl of Essex.
A potem był Earle z Essex.

Essex will be convicted, and executed for treason.
Essex zostanie skazany i stracony za zdradę.

Team of two going to Essex.
Drużyna dwa do Essex.

Brood gave me a power cell for you, Essex...
Brood dał mi ogniwo dla Ciebie, Essex...

The South Essex was all I could get.
Południowy Essex był wszystkim co mogłem dostać.

This is the newly formed Essex County narcotics squad.
To jest nowo utworzony oddział antynarkotykowy dla hrabstwa Essex.

But Essex is a stubborn bastard.
Ale Essex to twardy skurczybyk.

We've got both Boden and Essex in custody.
Boden i Essex czekają w areszcie.

Essex would be the first.
Essex byłby pierwszy.

My name is Essex I'm looking for my brother
Mam na imię Essex. Szukam mojego brata.

No, you listen, little Miss Essex no-coat, non-skiing freak show.
Nie ty słuchaj, mała Miss Essex bez płaszcza, nie-narciarko, dziwadło.

Meet me at the diner at Stanton and Essex at midnight.
Spotkaj się ze mną na obiedzie przy Stanton i Essex o północy.

Owner of record in Essex.
Właściciel zapisu w Essex.

Essex tomorrow. Southampton in a week.
Essex jutro, Southampton za tydzień.

Essex didn't know Gorman had failed.
Essex nie wiedział, że Gorman zawiódł. Zapłacił mu.

And that Essex has promised Philip, all of Catholic Ireland in return.
I że obiecał Filipowi zwrot całej katolickiej Irlandii w zamian.

Well, off to Essex House, then.
Cóż, chodźmy do Essex House.

The South Essex will advance slowly and with caution, Major Lennox.
Południowy Essex będzie poruszał się powoli i ostrożnie majorze Lennox.

You got that from Vickers' Work in Essex County.
Vickers. Praca w hrabstwie Essex, str.

Now, rise up, the South Essex.
A teraz, powstać South Essex.

Essex could not, unfortunately, remain in the Privy Council while he is in Ireland.
Niestety, Essex nie mógłby być Tajnej Radzie podczas pobytu w Irlandii.

William Cecil convinced the queen that only Essex can save Ireland from revolt.
William Cecil przekonał królową że tylko Essex jest w stanie opanować bunt w Irlandii.

I shall convince her to send Essex to Ireland to quell the Catholic rebellion.
Muszę przekonać ją, by wysłała Essexa do Irlandii, by stłumić bunt katolików.

You're faster than Peta, 23, from Essex.
Jesteś szybszy niż Peta (23 l.) z Essex.

Not just Essex and Southampton.
Nie tylko Essexa i Southamptona.

Colonel Richard Sharpe, late of the South Essex.
Pułkownik Richard Sharpe. służyłem w regimencie południowego Essex .

My constituents in East Anglia are already deeply concerned at the scale of the traveller and gypsy communities, particularly so in Essex.
Moi wyborcy ze wschodniej Anglii już są poważnie zaniepokojeni rozmiarem społeczności wędrownych i cygańskich, zwłaszcza w hrabstwie Essex.

I could spare the South Essex, but Sir Henry Simmerson isn't up to it.
Mógłbym pożyczyć Południowy Essex, ale Sir Henry Simmerson nie nada sie do tego.

My name is Major Richard Sharpe of the 1st Battalion, the South Essex.
Nazywam się major Richard Sharpe z Pierwszego Batalionu South Essex.

Brian Jackson from Southend in Essex and I'm reading English Literature.
Brian Jackson z Southend w Essex i studiuję Literaturę Angielską.

Sir Henry Simmerson and the South Essex.
Sir Henry Simmerson i Południowy Essex.

And scum of kosher scum, your essex jews, Of which heritage my recently ex-wife,
I scum koszernej piany, twoje Essex skąpi, którego dziedzictwa mój ostatnio była żona,

Oh, please, Ive seen your gun, Essex...
Oh, proszę Cię, widziałam Twoją spluwę, Essex...

South Essex... stand!
Południowy Essex... stój!

So, above Peta, 23, from Essex...
Tak, przede Peta, 23, z Essex ...