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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

"I can't fathom this, it reminds me of when the pope died â?? five years ago this month," said Zofia, recalling the death of Pope John Paul II on 5 April 2005. Kaczynski had been flying to Smolensk to attend the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre, when Soviet secret police executed 15,000 Polish officers in one of the most notorious incidents of the second world war. In a tragic twist, family members of the Katyn victims were on board the president's plane. Others were waiting at the airport.
Polish officials have long discussed replacing the planes that carry the country's leaders but said they lacked the funds. The presidential Tu-154 that crashed was 26 years old. It was overhauled in December in Russia, with Russian experts yesterday insisting that it was airworthy and blaming pilot error and bad weather.
Libl Dem leader fears that if Labour or Conservatives tried to impose cuts after narrow win it 'could spark Greek-style unrest'
In an interview with the Observer, the Liberal Democrat leader says he fears "serious social strife" would break out on the streets if a government with limited support at the election on 6 May then raised taxes, laid off public-sector workers and froze wages.
In his own constituency city of Sheffield, where there are no Conservative MPs or councillors, and a high proportion of public-sector workers, he fears a ferocious backlash against potential Tory cuts.
Soaring obesity levels and rapid rises in the damage caused by alcohol have blighted Labour's 13-year record on health, according to the most comprehensive assessment of the NHS's performance during the 13 years since Tony Blair came to power.
On the battle against excessive drinking, the King's Fund is damning. It sees "no sign that the government's aims to reduce harmful alcohol consumption have been achieved". Ministers, it points out, took six years from the time they promised an "alcohol harm reduction strategy" in 1998 to the point where they finally published one. Hospital admissions related to alcohol consumption have increased by 69% between 2002-03 and 2007-08, to 863,000.
Meanwhile KJ Choi, Korea's favourite golfer, was sliding quietly through the pines. While everyone was watching everyone else this beautifully balanced, metronomic golfer was clipping his way up the rankings. As was Fred Couples. Now 50, his hair steel grey, his feet so tender he wears sneakers rather than golf shoes to negotiate Augusta's demanding hills, Couples is playing as well as he did when he won here 18 years ago.
"Our friends in Zimbabwe say this is how it starts," he said on the day that, about a hundred miles away, Terre'Blanche was being buried. There have been 19 murders of white farmers since January. "If the trend continues, more than 80 will die this year," said Van Zyl, "far more than have been killed in Zimbabwe since President Robert Mugabe started his land grab 10 years ago."
McDaid told Associated Press he had left the chapel believing Benedict had grasped the scale of the problem and the pain caused by it. But two years of subsequent inaction by the church left him disillusioned. "Was it a PR move? Looking back at that now, I have to say it was. Everything they do is not about the children. It's about the church. It's always the church first," he said.

I was here and heard it with my own ears.
Byłem tu obecny i słyszałem to osobiście.

He became my eyes and ears in the real world.
On stał się moimi oczyma i uszami w świecie realnym.

I said she looked at her husband and saw he had big ears.
Powiedziałam, że ona spojrzała na jego męża i zauważyła jego duże uszy.

You were the eyes and ears of the chief on this project.
Byłeś oczami i uszami szefa na tym projekcie.

Later it became clear to anyone who had eyes and ears.
Później stało się to jasne dla każdego kto miał oczy i uszy.

He's sitting over that but his eyes and ears are right here.
Skupia się na tym co robi, ale uszy i oczy ma tu.

Should I take you to a doctor for your ears?
Zabiorę cię do doktora od uszu.

I would hear you speak if it cost me my ears.
Chciałbym usłyszeć jak mówisz nawet jeśli to ma kosztować mnie uszy.

What's the point in having ears if you don't use them?
Jaki jest cel posiadania uszu skoro się ich nie używa?

I can hear you, but their ears aren't strong enough.
Ja was słyszę, ale oni mają za małe uszy.

I was told by somebody who heard it with her own ears.
Od kogoś, kto usłyszał to na własne uszy.

Yes, him with those ears that only a mother could love.
Tak, z tymi uszyskami, które tylko matka mogłaby pokochać.

That's why God gave us two ears but one mouth.
Po to Bóg dał nam parę uszu i tylko jedne usta.

Almost 11 years old and I still have to clean your ears.
Ty masz prawie 11 lat i ja stale musze ci czyscic uszy!.

I just want to know if smoke came out of his ears.
Chcę tylko wiedzieć czy dym wylatywał z jego uszu.

Go to the ears look. And take our guests along.
Idź do wieży obserwacyjnej i zabierz naszego gościa ze sobą.

Good, 'cause with your big head and my ears, God only knows.
Dobrze, z Twoją wielką głową i moimi uszami, Bóg tylko wie.

We can get all the animals with long ears to sit along the side.
Możemy posadzić wszystkie zwierzęta z długimi uszami przy samym brzegu.

Come on. Another pair of eyes and ears watching the house?
Nie chcesz dodatkowej pary oczu do pilnowania domu?

But your ears are huge, if that helps you out at all.
Ale twoje uszy są ogromne, jeśli ci to w czymś pomoże.

Brian has been talking our ears off about you all evening.
Brian mówił o tobie cały wieczór.

To be the eyes, ears and voice of the Republic.
Byś był oczami, uszami i głosem Republiki.

I am the eyes and ears of this institution, my friends.
Jestem oczami i uszami tej instytucji, moi przyjaciele.

My little lamb has to be all white with black ears.
Musi być cała biała i mieć czarne uszy.

Speak to me. Fill my ears with your beautiful voice.
rozmawiaj z mną. napełnij moje uszy twoim pięknym głosem.

So the ears are low and large in proportion to the head.
Więc uszy są nisko i są duże w porównaniu z głową.

You may be the eyes and ears, but they are the muscle.
Wy może jesteście oczami i uszami, ale oni są mięśniami.

I promised him I'd be his eyes and ears if he'd let us live.
Obiecałam mu być jego oczami i uszami, jeśli pozwoli nam żyć.

But you did have my ears cleaned, which is bad enough.
Ale wyczyściłeś mi uszy, co jest wystarczająco złe.

Will your words ever reach the ears of future generations?
Czy Twoje słowa kiedykolwiek dotrą do uszu przyszłych pokoleń?

I have eyes and ears in the most fascinating of places.
Mam oczy i uszy w najbardziej fascynujących miejscach.

News such as this could not have escaped his ears.
Wiadomości takie jak ta na pewno nie ujdą jego uwadze

I just recognized somebody. –The one with the big ears?
Kapitanie, właśnie rozpoznałem jednego z robotników. -Ten z dużymi uszami?

And the music is just for show since snakes don't have any ears.
A muzyka jest tylko na pokaz, ponieważ węże nie maja uszu.

If I sat there playing quietly, they thought my ears weren't working.
Gdy spokojnie się bawiłem, przeszkadzali mi. Myśleli, że jestem głuchy.

You've been following me for two days and my ears are ringing.
Jesteśmy razem dwa dni, a moje uszy aż dzwonią.

Because elephants have big ears and so does his dog.
Słonie mają wielkie uszy i jego pies też.

Well, my ears are always open, even if it doesn't look like I'm listening.
Cóż, moje uszy są zawsze otawrte, nawet jak wygląda, że nie słucham.

There's one more thing, but it's for your ears only.
Jeszcze jedno, ale to tylko do Ciebie.

Just because he's got those big ears, they call him a freak.
Tylko z powodu tych dużych uszu, nazywają go dziwadłem.

And her ears have gotten a whole lot better since she went blind.
A jej uszy mają się dużo lepiej, odkąd jest ślepa.

And my mother's ears, but the rest belongs to you.
A uszy matki. Ale reszta należy do pani.

This is just music to my ears. I don't need the rifle.
To jest tylko muzyka do moich uszu. nie potrzebuję karabinu.

The way you treat me, I ought to box your ears.
Traktujesz mnie tak, że powinienem ci dać po uchu.

All right, so may we be each other's eyes, ears and fists.
No dobrze, więc może być nawzajem za nasze oczy, uszy i pięści.

All those big ears wondering what old Carl was saying.
Absolutnie milkną w nadziei,że usłyszą co mówi stary Carl.

I would be up to my ears in toe cheese.
Chcesz się z nią przespać. Ja...

All right, she can look in my ears, but that's it.
Dobrze, może zajrzeć mi do uszu, ale to wszystko.

You never heard that blind people see with their nose and ears?
Nigdy nie słyszałaś, że niewidomi widzą węchem i słuchem?

All right, now cover up your ears, 'cause this could be loud.
Dobra, teraz zasłoń uszy, bo może być głośno.