ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Call me an old busybody if you like, but I would be failing in my duty if I didn't warn you there's something terrible going on with the climate. On a visit to the polar regions in 2007, during which the Canadian prime minister awarded me the Supreme Medal for Services to Droning on About Things Everyone Already Knows, I saw for myself just how quickly the ice cap is melting, and it left me very worried indeed. You see, everything in Nature is connected and if we carry on filling the atmosphere with C02 emissions, the albatross â?? a bird with which I curiously identify â?? will become extinct.
"When I was about seven I made up a song called Go Away, directed at my sister. I recorded it on my Fisher-Price tape recorder for 20 minutes and then played it outside her bedroom. At 15 I started singing my poems over the only three guitar chords I knew; they were really wordy and unstructured, endlessly droning about this boy Daniel. The first proper verse-and-chorus song I wrote was called Jungle. I was at high school, listening to everything from Fiona Apple to Dr Dre, and I wrote it about people who smiled to your face then talked about you behind your back. It's sort of a bitter song, quite confrontational! If my friends were over I'd play it to them. It's actually pretty good in terms of the melody, chords and structure, although if I were to sing it now I'd change a lot of the words. Afterwards I thought, 'Wow, that was good!' It helped me move forward and structure my songs better."

I couldn't listen to another word of that droning either.
Ja też nie mogłabym słuchać tej brzęczącej mowy.

That's â˜cause you weren't sitting next to the droning clock.
Bo nie siedziałeś obok warczącego zegara.

What you call droning on, most people would call working.
To co ty nazywasz nudą, większość ludzi nazwałoby pracą.