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Wordnet angielsko-polski

(the propulsion of a ball by repeated taps or kicks)
drybling, dribling
synonim: dribble

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

dnwong: - "I think rubbish would be far too strong. The usual favorites with the exception of Germany have demonstrated only stuttering whispers of their potential, it is true. And there are dire matches like Slovenia-Algeria, and Cameroon-Japan, with balls kicked to nowhere and players dribbling into dead ends like lemmings. But it does seem as though the first 4 groups, A through D, suffer from a particular surfeit of talent that is not as evident in E through H."
Oh my! This is narcissism gone mad. I am at risk of dribbling into my keyboard at the very thought of eating myself, properly roasted.
9.55am: US PGA champion Martin Kaymer is out, calmly knocking his drive down the right-hand side of the fairway. Dustin Johnson... not sure. Rory hits a pin-high beaut on 3. Cink replies with an even better shot, his ball landing six feet, if that, in front of the hole. McIlroy has to hole his tricky downhill right-to-left 12-footer. But he can't, the ball breaking left very early and never troubling the hole. Cink should win the hole, and he does, dribbling in a perfect right-to-left putt from six feet or so. "Take that photo down Scott," demands Guy Hornsby, "it's giving me shivers. We all KNOW what happened, but we don't need reminding of it. How about a picture of Sam Torrance in '85, or Monty at Valderrama, or Canizares at the Belfry? Something that will keep us smiling when the times are bad? God, right now I'd even settle for a photo of Harrington. Anything else. Please." Maybe later. For now I'm tempting fate. It also serves as some sort of Reithian balance to the raging pro-European bias I'll no doubt show somewhere down the line. And anyway, like Teacher or Dad slippering Roger the Dodger, it's hurting me more than it's hurting you.Westwood v Stricker USA 1 UP (3)McIlroy v Cink EUROPE 1 UP (3)Donald v Furyk A/S (1)Kaymer v Dustin Johnson
Kirsty Wark She's cleverer than you are, OK? Do not forget this or she will make you look like a dribbling chimp with a 2:2 from Loughborough wanking in a tyre to the theme tune from Mr Benn. You're a professional politician, right? You just know about politics. That's all you've ever thought about or cared about because if it wasn't you wouldn't be doing this job, you abnormal fucking freak of nature. Kirsty though, she knows about politics, sure she does, but she also knows about fucking opera and fucking art and fucking Japanese Noh Theatre and films and books and all of that shit that other people get passionate about, but which just makes you reach for the fucking Hansard and a Tunnock's wafer.
One of the most enjoyable elements of his memoir is the deconstruction of his own lyrics. He explains the scan and rhyming structure, and uses footnotes to clarify obscure street slang. Again, it's classic Jay-Z â?? the more accessible he makes himself to people, the bigger the potential audience. Early on, he used to rap much faster. Why did he slow down? "In the beginning it was all technique. I was like a trickster, dribbling behind my back, just really trying to impress people. But as I started to get life experiences, I had to tell a story, so the technique had to slow down a bit. It had to make way for the story and the emotion."

Well, it may seem that, but thas called dribbling.
Ta, to może tak wyglądać, ale to właśnie jest dryblowanie.

I don't want that dog dribbling on my seats.
Nie chcę by ten pies ślinił się na moje siedzenia.

This isn't the time for dribbling, footwork or any other soccer nonsense.
To nie pora na dryblowanie, grę nóg czy jakieś inne piłkarskie głupoty.

Eric will have her dribbling behind her back the next time you see her.
Następnym razem jak ją zobaczysz Eric nie będzie chciał jej wypuścić.

Don't be dribbling on my new shirt, Granny.
Babciu, bo mi zemniesz nową koszulę.

Then he starts drooling and dribbling, and it wasn't even in the script...
Potem ślina zaczęła kapać mu z ust, a tego nie było nawet w scenariuszu...