Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) projektowanie;

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Consultant psychiatrist Tim Kendall, director of the National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, which drafts NHS guidance on the drugs, said: "Antidepressants are offered too frequently in primary care because the waiting lists for alternative treatments are too long. Doctors need to think hard about putting people on these drugs because they can be hard to get off and have significant side-effects."
Mitchell drew the comparison between today's diverse community and the past, highlighting Manningham's "stunning" synagogue built in 1880 to an Arabic design, and quoting the writer, J. B. Priestley, whose father introduced Britain's first school meals at the local Green Lane school. Priestley said of the immigrants in his English Journey, published in 1934: "They were different, and brought more to the city than bank drafts and lists of customers. They acted as a leaven, just as a colony of typical West Riding folk would act as a leaven in Munich or Moscow. These exchanges are good for everybody."
There are plenty of dispatches from inside Larkin's head: anguished, indecisive, plaintive, and saucy (he tells her about a fantasy he has been having in which she is wearing a particular pair of black knickers, a pair with a hole in them). But there is also gossip, cricket (a mutual passion), jokes (they use a silly, shared argot: "haddock" for headache, "bogray" for buggery, and so on), an amazing bunch of first drafts ("Church Going", "Myxomatosis", "An Arundel Tomb") and, above all, book talk.
Much of it covers international affairs and there are drafts of some of his most famous speeches such as, "never in the field of human conflict" and "fight on the beaches" â?? both widely reported, but not recorded until after the war.
â?? Annotated drafts of some of his most famous speeches, including two commonly thought to have been broadcast: the "fight them on the beaches" speech, on 4 June 1940, and the "never in the field of human conflict" speech, on 20 August 1940. Both were, in fact, delivered in the House of Commons, although he did record them after the war.
Families forced off their land and into illegal plots as minister drafts tougher trespass powers for police
"For photographers, the ideal book of photographs would contain just pictures â?? no text at all" photographer Robert Adams once wrote. He went on to admit that he "once worked through more than a hundred drafts of a four-paragraph statement for a catalogue, all to find something that would just keep out of the way of the pictures".
The magazine reproduces facsimiles of three drafts of the poem, with one entire version completely scored out, and many lines barely decipherable.
In 1962 a group of writers who were to shape the future of African literature gathered at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda. Those present included Wole Soyinka, Lewis Nkosi, Kofi Awoonor, and from across the Atlantic, Langston Hughes. One evening, an undergraduate approached a conference participant with drafts of his writing. The student was a young Ngugi, the participant Chinua Achebe, and the manuscript, Weep Not Child, was published two years later as the first new novel in the paperback African Writers Series.
The book's conceit is that secret DoSAC files have been found at Euston station. Among embarrassing personnel files and risible policy drafts is Malcolm Tucker's invaluable guide to dealing with journalists, which contains more truth than Campbell could ever manage.

In all the drafts that I have seen there is no mention of transportation.
We wszystkich projektach, jakie widziałem, nie ma wzmianki o transporcie.

Well, I've only written three drafts with the Widow in it.
Cóż, napisałem tylko trzy sceny z tą wdową.

Well, we must watch out for the drafts.
Więc musimy uważać na przeciągi.

Failure after failure, you make drafts and nothing more.
Tak to już jest. Od porażki do porażki i nic nie da się zrobić.

The drafts and reports submitted to us are an excellent basis for a comprehensive homogeneous document.
Przedstawione projekty i sprawozdania są doskonałym materiałem do opracowania zwartego, jednorodnego dokumentu.

Romano Prodi once famously said that these drafts are stupid.
Romano Prodi wypowiedział kiedyś słynne słowa, że te zasady są głupie.

Our only choice is to improve these drafts, because Europe cannot be governed sensibly if such distinctions are beyond us.
Możemy jedynie poprawić te zasady, jako że nie da się sensownie zarządzać Europą, jeśli nie potrafimy dokonać takich rozróżnień.

Bly drafts up into the vacuum behind Brandenburg's car.
Bly dostaje się w próżnię za samochodem Brandenburga.

Like find a place without drafts.
Na przykład znaleźć coś bez przeciągów.

This is why the Commission's obligations in this respect are laid down in the new drafts.
Dlatego też w tych nowych projektach zostały ustanowione zobowiązania Komisji w tym kontekście.

And no drafts, that's very important, Julia, dear.
I żadnych przeciągów. To bardzo ważne, kochanie.

Your jail is full of drafts.
Twoje więzienie jest pełne szumowin.

Consequently, these drafts, if they are approved now, will need to be reviewed at the time when the Treaty of Lisbon comes into force.
W efekcie te projekty, jeżeli zostaną teraz przyjęte, trzeba będzie poddać ponownej ocenie, kiedy traktat lizboński wejdzie w życie.

Above all, however, they must have adequate access to documents, analyses and contributions prepared during preparatory work on drafts of delegated acts.
Przede wszystkim jednak muszą dysponować odpowiednim dostępem do dokumentów, analiz i opinii sporządzanych w trakcie prac przygotowawczych nad projektami aktów delegowanych.

The drafts of both the Council and Parliament cover both the deficit and surplus countries.
W projektach Rady i Parlamentu uwzględniono zarówno kraje wykazujące deficyty, jak i nadwyżki.

I believe there is an urgent need to withdraw these drafts, otherwise mobility and freedom of movement between Europe and Africa will remain a pipe dream.
Wierzę, że istnieje pilna potrzeba wycofania tych projektów, bo inaczej mobilność i swoboda poruszania się między Europą i Afryką pozostanie tylko marzeniem.

Having read some of the early drafts of the Commission proposals, I know that, in the Environment DG in particular, there were much more ambitious plans to start with.
Przeczytawszy niektóre z wczesnych projektów propozycji Komisji wiem, że zwłaszcza w DG ds. Środowiska plany były przede wszystkim o wiele ambitniejsze.

I would like to thank the rapporteurs who worked on the drafts of the energy package, especially Mrs Morgan, who did a great deal of important work in the area of consumer protection.
Chciałabym podziękować sprawozdawcom pracującym nad projektem pakietu energetycznego, a szczególnie pani poseł Morgan, która wykonała ogromną pracę w dziedzinie ochrony konsumenta.

As yet, only drafts have been tabled and I hope that they will be improved upon, because these drafts seem very much to have a 'carry on as before' mentality.
Dotychczas przedłożono jedynie projekty i mam nadzieję, że zostaną one poprawione, ponieważ przejawia się w nich mentalność "utrzymywania stanu dotychczasowego”.

The report by the Committee on Constitutional Affairs has changed a good deal since the first drafts presented by the previous rapporteur, now the Finnish Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Stubb.
Od czasu przedstawienia pierwszych projektów przez poprzedniego sprawozdawcę, obecnie fińskiego ministra spraw zagranicznych Alexandra Stubba, sprawozdanie Komisji Spraw Konstytucyjnych uległo znacznym zmianom.

Concerning the question of a further draft directive for the amendment of the legal system, I have already stated that the Commission is working on such drafts and is attempting to apply the most up-to-date scientific knowledge.
W kwestii dotyczącej pytania o przyszły projekt dyrektywy na rzecz zmiany systemu prawnego, to powiedziałem już, że Komisja obecnie pracuje nad takimi projektami i usiłuje wykorzystywać w tym celu najnowszą wiedzę naukową.

The European Commission presents the proposed Community budget, this time for 2008, the Council proposes significant cuts to the Commission proposal, and Parliament comes forward with a proposal for reducing the cuts in the Commission's and Council's drafts.
Komisja Europejska zaprezentuje proponowany budżet Wspólnot, tym razem na 2008 r., Rada zaproponuje znaczące cięcia do propozycji Komisji, a Parlament pójdzie dalej z propozycją redukcji cięć w projektach Komisji i Rady.

Transparency, here, is essential, thanks to which every EU citizen has a right of access to documents, which, in the understanding of Article 15(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, includes not only parts of the prevailing legal order, but also drafts of legal acts.
Zasadnicza jest tutaj przejrzystość, dzięki której każdy obywatel Unii posiada możliwości zapoznania się z dokumentami, które w rozumieniu art. 15 ust.