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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

That he is in a position to do so is yet more testimony to a stellar golf game and a mind so hard-wired for success and self-belief that he has no idea how anyone could have doubted that the man who showed up here for his rather pathetic showdown with the media a week ago was not going to be able to perform well. Peter Alliss, whose treacly tones help illuminate the BBC television coverage from Georgia, has no doubt about how important it would be for Woods to triumph again today. "I may be the only one who doubts that he will ever beat Jack Nicklaus's 18-major benchmark," he says. "Look, he is getting older and he has had injuries and other stuff to contend with. Certainly, I'll tell you this, if he doesn't win a couple of this year's majors then he is in trouble."
9.20am: I've had a dozen emails already asking me who I'm backing for the World Cup. It's about as original as ordering a steak in an Argentinian restaurant, but I stuck a few quid on Spain at 9-2 last week. They've won 43 of their last 47 fixtures, kept 29 clean sheets during that time, and broke their big tournament hoodoo by winning Euro 2008. Their only shock loss since then was against the US in the Confederations Cup, but that was one of those boomerangs that the football gambling odds occasionally hurl at you: Spain dominated that game, had 29 shots to nine and 17 corners compared to three for the US, but it just didn't happen for them that night. It's been a long, hard season and there are doubts over the fitness of Xavi, Cesc Fabregas and Fernando Torres, but odds of 9-2 imply they have a two-in-eleven chance of winning; I think it's better than that. Also am quite sweet on the Dutch, so that would be my dream final. Anyone else? By the way, you can see what Guardian writers have predicted for the tournament here.
The discovery of so much waste has prompted John Large to call for an independent review to remove any doubts about risks that workers and former site residents may have been exposed to.
iPhone4 is sold in the US, Europe and elsewhere, but it was assembled in China. As the world's center for the processing of IT products, China's environment is paying the price. Printed Circuit Board (PCB) and battery power production especially create heavy metal pollution and has particularly serious damage and consequences. To promote the development of a true shift to green business behavior, 34 environmental NGOs conducted research and found data on some heavily polluting suppliers to IT brands. Then they made communications on this issue with 29 IT brands including Apple. Now 50 days has passed and Apple, with all its high-profile environmental commitment, is one of the 8 companies who did not respond. At the conference, Mr. Jobs talked about the new features of the iPhone4 and its relatively low price, which has obviously become a competitive factor for this new phone. With its imagination and large sales, Apple has become the world's most valuable IT company. However people are starting to have doubts regarding Apple's silence on heavy metal pollution problems. Has Apple deliberately ignored its issues with environmental supply chain management in order to control costs and maintain price competitiveness? Of course as consumers we want cheap and good products, however if these production processes are exceeding wastewater discharge standards and even causing heavy metal pollution, they will cause long lasting damage to the ecological environment and public health. Today, even though we enjoy "cheap" IT products, tomorrow our children will have to pay a thousand times the cost to clean rivers, lakes, soil, the ocean and even their own bodies of heavy metals. Therefore Apple and other IT companies will have to pay for the consequences, as British Petroleum is doing today. If we do not agree on such a future, we can in a peaceful, rational and determined way express our expectations and demands to Apple and other companies to strengthen their control over heavy metal emissions. Apple Inc. has a responsibility to respond to our expectations, because they have always made a high-profile announcement of its green commitment. So when you purchase their products, you are also purchasing a commitment. Apple relies almost entirely on outsourcing, so if suppliers are left unchecked, and violate discharge rules and standards, the company also violates their commitment. Thus consumers have a right to request explanations to be made and corrective measures to be taken. There are already a number of successful cases of brand companies controlling suppliers' heavy metal pollution. One aspect is that China's environmental transparency has significantly improved. The pollution map database now contains over 60,000 corporate violation records from government sources. This allows brands to easily compare their list of suppliers with government issued non-compliant records. Currently GE, Nike, Wal-Mart, Esquel, Unilever, Mitsui Property and others have already started to use the database to track the performance of their suppliers in China. Through regular screening, more than one hundred companies with violation records have felt pressure over the past months and they have publicly disclosed their problems and corrective measures. As noted above, currently Samsung, HP, Panasonic, Toshiba and other IT companies have made attempts to use public enforcement records for monitoring and managing their supply chain. But the lion's share of IT brands is still taking a wait-and-see attitude. Perhaps they are waiting for the final signal, that is, a clear-cut message from the consumers. For the ecological environment and public health, and to leave our children with safe and inhabitable land, please raise your voice!
Dogar says she made every effort to portray the events and characters accurately, citing a correspondence with Frank's only surviving relative, Buddy Elias, in which she says she assuaged his initial doubts over the book, and he finished by wishing her well with it.
In their letter to the court, prosecutors said that they had so far revealed only a fraction of the incriminating evidence including scores more intercepted messages between the alleged spies their Russian handlers. The revelation of further evidence may have been prompted in part by widespread doubts in the US that the supposed spy ring should be taken as a serious threat to national security. Increasingly, the alleged Russian agents are seen as incompetent and out of date amid widespread questioning of why they used such elaborate undercover methods apparently in search of the kind of information that is often in the public domain.
Cole is expected to stay in hospital for several days and could take several weeks to recover, raising doubts over her involvement in the rest of the latest series of The X Factor.
Come a cold afternoon on 26 January 1976, the children from Chivenor School on the Castle Vale estate in Birmingham, led by our first farming teacher, Joy Palmer, came stomping up the drive in their blue anoraks. The next few days and weeks and years were a steep learning curve. Difficulties and doubts multiplied. Good intentions were not enough. We kept at it, only because we were inspired by working alongside the children and teachers, who were clearly benefiting so much from it. One thing was for sure: we were not floundering any more. We had our hearts set on making this work. Every week the children came we had one very clear aim in our heads â?? to make it as intense an experience as possible, to make it a week that would build their self-confidence and self-worth as they worked out on the farm, a week full of fun, too, the most memorable week of their young lives.
Banerjee said she and other leading officials were heading to the scene to investigate. "We have some doubts in our mind," she added.
With such bombings a near-daily occurrence in the south, the Anso report also reflected the grave doubts held by most Afghan experts that Nato's concentration of force in southern Afghanistan can possibly work.

I really like you two, but the others have doubts.
Naprawdę was lubię, ale pozostali mają wątpliwości.

I would also like to share with you my doubts and questions over other points.
Chciałbym także podzielić się z Izbą moimi wątpliwościami i pytaniami dotyczącymi tych kwestii.

I would like to say one thing to those of you who have specific doubts and questions.
Wszystkim, którzy mają określone wątpliwości i pytania chciałbym powiedzieć jedno.

But if that woman put any doubts in your mind, you tell me now.
Ale jeśli ta kobieta, zrodziła w tobie jakieś wątpliwości powiedz mi to teraz.

And now I have good reason to doubt those doubts.
A teraz? A teraz mam dobry powód, żeby wątpić w te wątpliwości.

I have doubts about your ability to keep us safe.
Bez hrabiego Dooku śmiem wątpić w twoje możliwości chronienia nas.

There would have been no doubts by anyone, except me.
Nikt nie miał by wątpliwości, oprócz mnie.

It is time to bring an end to the doubts about the election result.
Nadszedł czas, aby położyć kres wątpliwościom dotyczącym wyników wyborów.

John, there's not a person in Boston who doubts your education.
John, w Bostonie nie ma ani jednej osoby, która wątpi w twoje wykształcenie.

But everything was so weird, even I started having doubts.
Ale wszystko zdawało się być takie pogmatwane, że nawet ja zacząłem wątpić.

And if you'd married her, even though you had doubts, that would've been better?
A jeśli ożeniłbyś się, pomimo tego, że miałeś wątpliwości, to byłoby lepsze?

As you can hear, these doubts are shared in this House.
Jak może pan usłyszeć, ta Izba podziela te wątpliwości.

However, like some of the speakers, I also have a few doubts.
Niemniej ja także, podobnie jak niektórzy moi przedmówcy, mam kilka wątpliwości.

This leaves doubts as to the direction of the changes.
Pozostawia to wątpliwości co do kierunku zmian.

No one doubts the man's ideals, I am talking about his behavior.
Nie mówię o jego ideałach, a o zachowaniu.

When it comes to an execution, there shouldn't be any doubts.
Ale kiedy dochodzi do egzekucji to nie powinno być żadnych wątpliwości.

This is absolutely clear and therefore cannot, or at least should not, give rise to any doubts.
Jest to zupełnie jasne i dlatego też nie może to lub przynajmniej nie powinno wywoływać jakichkolwiek wątpliwości.

I know that there are doubts and debates going on in several of your groups.
Wiem, że kilka spośród grup w Parlamencie ma wątpliwości i toczą się debaty.

Based on the above doubts, I voted against the proposal.
W oparciu o powyższe wątpliwości, głosowałam przeciwko temu projektowi.

There is also something else about which I have serious doubts and, moreover, that seems to be the way things are going.
Jest jeszcze jedna rzecz, co do której mam poważne wątpliwości. Poza tym wygląda na to, że sprawy idą właśnie w tym kierunku.

If you have any doubts about this, it's my fault.
Jeśli masz wątpliwości, to moja wina.

I do not suppose we can raise any doubts about this, today.
Nie sądzę, że możemy dzisiaj mnożyć wątpliwości.

However, I do have doubts over the qualitative assessment of work which has been done.
Mam jednak wątpliwości, jeśli chodzi o jakościową ocenę podjętych działań.

To those of you here in this assembly with doubts, I say: look at how your own countries have developed!
Zwracam się do tych w tej Izbie, którzy mają wątpliwości: popatrzcie, jak wasze kraje się rozwinęły!

However, the order of priorities raises doubts in my mind.
Jednak moje wątpliwości budzi ustawienie priorytetów.

Indeed, there are now doubts over the viability of the project.
Faktycznie istnieją wątpliwości dotyczące wykonalności projektu.

My group has not found the conclusive answer, but we certainly have many more doubts.
Moja grupa nie znalazła ostatecznej odpowiedzi, ale z pewnością mamy o wiele więcej wątpliwości.

It depends on the Poles, who have their own doubts.
Zależy to od Polaków, którzy mają swoje wątpliwości.

I must stress that the Presidency does not have any reason or evidence to support those doubts.
Muszę podkreślić że prezydencja nie ma żadnego powodu lub dowodu, by poprzeć te wątpliwości.

Whenever there are doubts or questions, we will have new missions.
W przypadku jakichkolwiek wątpliwości i pytań w przyszłości, przeprowadzane będą nowe misje.

Doubts persist over this, and they need to be addressed.
Istnieją co do niego wątpliwości, którymi należy się zająć.

I really do have my doubts about the promises made by these same leaders on good governance.
Naprawdę wątpię w obietnice składane przez tych samych przywódców dotyczące zarządzania.

A number of doubts emerged back in 2007, however, regarding funding.
Jednak w 2007 roku pojawiło się wiele wątpliwości, dotyczących kwestii finansowych.

There are, therefore, a considerable number of threats and doubts.
Zagrożeń i wątpliwości jest więc sporo.

However, among those doubts, we do have a few certainties.
Wśród tych wątpliwości znajdujemy jednak kilka pewników.

My group and I have justified doubts about this prediction.
Moja grupa i ja sam mamy co do tego uzasadnione wątpliwości.

Merlin, the only person who ever doubts your powers is you.
Merlinie, jedyną osobą, która kiedykolwiek wątpi w twoje moce jesteś ty.

I had doubts about coming here, but I like it.
Miałem wątpliwości, czy tu przyjechać, ale podoba mi się tu.

After all that effort, can she still have doubts?
Po tym całym wysiłku, ma wciąż wątpliwości?

I would like to reassure those of you who have any doubts concerning a certain matter.
Chciałbym uspokoić każdego, kto ma jakiekolwiek wątpliwości związane z pewną kwestią.

However, you will permit me to say that I have doubts about their realism.
Jednak proszę pozwolić mi powiedzieć, że wątpię w ich realizm.

Some aspects of it are positive, but we have serious doubts about other amendments.
Niektóre aspekty tego sprawozdania należy uznać za pozytywne, ale mamy poważne wątpliwości co do pozostałych poprawek.

You know, Michael, I don't really have any doubts about our future together.
Wiesz, Michael, ja naprawdę nie mam wątpliwości co do naszej wspólnej przyszłości.

However, we have major doubts about, and other strong disagreements with, some of the points in the resolution.
Niektóre punkty rezolucji budzą jednak nasze wątpliwości, a nawet zdecydowany sprzeciw.

However, over time, they have entertained serious doubts about the benefits it might bring to their daily lives.
Z czasem nabrali oni wszakże poważnych wątpliwości co do korzyści, jakie miał przynieść im w życiu codziennym.

Any other activities on various boards will always provoke questions and doubts.
Wszelka inna działalność w różnych radach zawsze będzie budziła pytania i wątpliwości.

I had my doubts. - what are you doing here?
Ja miałem wątpliwości. - Co ty tu robisz?

All you do all day is have doubts about what everyone else thinks.
Wszystko, co robisz cały dzień, posiadanie obaw o opinii innych.

Someone who already doubts their own identity can be more susceptible to manipulation.
Ktoś kto już wątpi w swoją tożsamość może być bardziej podatny na manipulacje. Dr.

All my doubts have come true in Sravanthi'a matter since her childhood.
Wszystkie moje podejrzenia się spełniają. Ta sprawa ciągnie się już od dzieciństwa Sravanthi.