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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Last week I took these pictures of rock rose, helianthemum, in Dorset.
W ostatnim tygodniu, będąc w Dorset, zrobiłem zdjęcia posłonkowi, helianthemum.


I photographed this thing last week in Dorset.
Temu zrobiłem zdjęcie w tamtym tygodniu, będąc w Dorset.


And I had these legs made a little over a year ago at Dorset Orthopedic in England and when I brought them home to Manhattan, my first night out on the town, I went to a very fancy party.
A te nogi zrobiono dla mnie ponad rok temu w angielskiej firmie Dorset Orthopaedic.


Mary Portas, dressed in a gold bomber jacket and a pair of dominatrix boots, striding into a Dorset village shop and starting to order everyone about is a terrifying sight. And that's watching it on the telly. The problem, she tells the owners, Juliet and Chris, on Mary Queen of Shops, is "everything".
Small Steps is showing at Camp Bestival in Dorset on 31 July and Hampstead Town Hall (www.interchange.org.uk) on 3 August
REFERRAL! Farhat 0 lbw Anderson (1st over: Pakistan 0-0) Oh my. The second ball pitches on leg stump and straightens up, beating the inside edge as Farhat plays a backfoot defensive. Umpire Erasmus shakes his head but England are unconvinced and ask for the review. It soon becomes clear that the ball hit the pads just a touch too high though, and was passing over the top of the stumps. So that is decision upheld, and Farhat bats out the rest of a maiden over. Seeing as I'm still rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, this seems an appropriate first email of the day from Mark Hughes: "I just wanted to let you know that I achieved culinary nirvana this morning. My wife left for work expecting me to tuck into Dorset crunch muesli. Instead, I cooked myself a fish finger and processed cheese sandwich, with an auxiliary bag of onion rings. Reap the skills." Sorry, I was with you until that last line. What the what?
Oh dear, I am in such a tizzy, bashing my typewriter in the basement surrounded by the chattering ghosts of the servants who once lived in my Dorset home. I see I haven't even got round to mentioning the kehua â?? the Maori spirits of the wandering dead â?? that have been following Beverley and her family all these years. But that's the trouble with writing a novel. It's all so complicated. You start writing one thing and then you write another.
A potential template for the future was seen in Dorset last month. Billed as the UK's first classical music festival, thousands of fans descended on a site outside the village of Kimmeridge to dance, drink and celebrate their favourite soprano. Visitors described scenes at the Serenata festival as being more reminiscent of a rock festival. Organisers said they wanted a more diverse audience, comparable with the folk-tinged Green Man festival in south Wales.
Although unquestionably a treasure, it is not covered by treasure law which would give a British museum the automatic right to acquire it by paying compensation to the finder and land owner. The old Treasure Act applied only to gold and silver. The new law includes bronze, but only when it is found in hoards. A heap of corroded bronze axes found on a Dorset hilltop two years was declared treasure, but the helmet cannot be so classified.
The energy company W4B has been given permission to build a 17.8MW plant at Portland in Dorset to burn palm sterin â?? a by-product of palm oil â?? and oil from jatropha plants grown in tropical areas of Africa. It is also waiting for the result of an appeal over a second such 50MW plant near Bristol.
Walking my dog twice a day across the fields of Dorset around our house is better exercise than I could ever get in a gym â?? I don't have to compete with everyone and though the route may be repetitious, the natural cycles of the countryside make every day different. What I wouldn't get at a gym is me time, an escape from a crowded cluttered day and a chance to recalibrate my senses all the way to the far horizon. Walking is a time for contemplation and, on good days, inspiration.

You change your mind though and decided to report it our name is Dorset.
A jeśli zmieni pan zdanie i postanowi o tym zameldować, nazywamy się Dorset.

The three of them were very often seen in a tavern in dorset street.
A trzy z nich bardzo często widywano w tawernie przy Dorset Street.

An elderly woman in Dorset, I seem to remember.
To od starszej kobiety z Dorset, pamiętam ją.

We just thought we better go and see her in hospital down in Dorset.
Po prostu pomyśleliśmy, że lepiej pojedziemy ją odwiedzić w szpitalu w Dorset.

They all frequented a tavern in dorset street.
Wszystkie uczęszczały do tawerny przy Dorset Street.

Dorset street. the black horse?
Dorset Street. Czarny Koń?