Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

im. Dorota

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

The three-year-old boy was either bitten or scratched on the arm as he played outside at a party at Dorothy Stringer pre-school playgroup in Brighton, East Sussex, on Saturday afternoon.
I love the weeks before a summer holiday. Specifically, I like planning what books I'll be taking. As I write, with three weeks to go, the floor of my office resembles a busy section of the Pennine Way, books that might make it into my suitcase stacked in wobbly heaps, like cairns. It is important to get this right. What could be worse than opening that pristine hardback only to find it's a dud, and that you wish you'd brought along an old pal â?? Evelyn Waugh or Dorothy L Sayers â?? instead?
The government has asked Sir Philip Green, the billionaire owner of high street retail chains including Topshop and Dorothy Perkins, to carry out an external review of its drive to cut public spending, it was announced today.
Dave Brown, the Independent's cartoonist, depicts protesters gathering outside the pope's window as he taps his red slippers together like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. "There's no place like Rome," the pope says to himself.
Art saved him, Hoyle says. It wasn't high art, though. It was the glorious, gaudy summer seasons at Blackpool, where he grew up watching comedian Ken Dodd and singer Dorothy Squires. The circus was his favourite. "I thought its performers were the most glamorous people. Beyond beautiful. That timing. That poise." He adored the Amazonian women with their feather head-dresses, the Chaplinesque clown, Charlie Cairoli and his white-faced sidekick Paul.
I first read O'Connor when I was maybe 10, maybe 12 years of age. I chose his story "The Mad Lomasneys" for the way it stayed with me, quietly, ever since. If you wonder whether this is the selection of a 12-year-old, I admit she is certainly here too, that the reason the short story remains an important form for Irish writers of my generation is because the work of O'Connor and O'Faol??in and Mary Lavin were commonly found on Irish bookshelves, alongside, in my own house, "The Irish Republic" by the nationalist historian Dorothy Macardle, and Three to Get Married by the Rev Fulton J Sheen (the third in question, I was disappointed to discover, being God).
My romantic idea of Ireland did not survive the killings in the north, and the realisation, in the 80s, that Irish women were considered far too lovely for contraception: it foundered, you might say, between Dorothy Macardle, and Canon Sheen. Perhaps as a result, I found it difficult to lose myself in the dream that was the recent economic boom. My romantic idea of the writer, meanwhile, did not survive the shift into motherhood â?? I might have felt lonely and wonderful, but with small children, I just never got the time. But though I am not a romantic, I am quite passionate about the whole business of being an Irish writer. O'Faol??in was right: we are great contrarians. When there is much rubbish talked about a country, when the air is full of large ideas about what we are, or what we are not, then the writer offers truths that are delightful and small. We write against our own foolishness, not anyone else's. In which case the short story is as good a place as any other to keep things real.  
It is also true that by the turn of the 21st century, there had been more than 60 distinguished women fellows of the society. Many have become household names, such as the brilliant crystallographer Dorothy Hodgkin, who famously won a Nobel prize in 1964, and whose whirling portrait by Maggi Hambling (1985) now hangs in the National Portrait Gallery. Her heroic life â?? she mapped the structure of penicillin and then dedicated 35 years to deciphering the structure of insulin â?? is told in a superb, biography by Georgina Ferry.
Dorothy Bishop is a professor in developmental neuropsychology at the University of Oxford and blogs at BishopBlog
"I do get very nervous. Very nervous. And the pressures are much bigger now. There was a lovely actress called Dorothy Tutin and she always said that there were three categories of actor. The first one was "young and talented", which is a great category to be in. You've got youth on your side, and you're the rank outsider in the race. You've got everything to play for, nothing to lose. Then you become, if you're lucky, "experienced and successful". You've got work, you're making a living, and you're also getting wonderful experience. And then there's the last one, which is "distinguished and acclaimed". And that's where the pressure is. Now you're the favourite in the race, you have to win or come a good second. Now people are putting money on you to win."

The third way would have been to focus on Dorothy herself.
Trzecią drogą interpretacji będzie skupienie się na samej Dorothy.

I want to get the last Dorothy on the back of my truck.
I chce ostatnią Dorothy z mojego bagażnika... i wszystko to migiem!

I ain't never heard you talk about Dorothy that way.
Nigdy nie słyszałam byś mówił w ten sposób o Dorothy.

Dorothy, get over to the window and shut the blinds.
Dorothy, podejdź do okna i zasuń żaluzje.

It's Dorothy, she's sure of 7,000 different things a day.
To Dorothy, jest pewna co do 7,000 różnych rzeczy na dzień.

Dorothy said that all these hallways lead to the same place.
Dorothy mówiła, że wszystkie korytarze prowadzą do tego samego miejsca.

You know, darling, whatever happens, we must try to keep Dorothy out of it.
Wiesz, skarbie, co by się nie działo, musimy trzymać Dorothy z dala od tego.

I'd remember that Dorothy killed the witch by putting water on her.
Pamiętałem, że Dorothy zabiła wiedźmę oblewając ją wodą.

I got a room full of people congratulating you here, Dorothy.
Mam tu pokój pełny ludzi gratulujących Ci, Dorothy.

Dorothy wants me to take the case after all.
Dorota chce, żebym to ja zajął się tym przypadkiem.

Dorothy was in another room with the other women.
Dorothy była w innym pokoju z pozostałymi żonami.

Dorothy, while I go look for him, you grab this gentleman here.
Dorothy, ja go poszukam, a ty złap tego pana.

Dorothy, okay, I've got us a couple of rooms here.
Dorothy, wynająłem nam tutaj parę pokoi.

You blow off some steam, Dorothy's got nothing to sit on.
Ulżyło ci trochę, Dorothy nie ma już na czym siedzieć.

I have a friend named Dorothy, and she's a really good friend.
Mam przyjaciółkę imieniem Dorothy, jest naprawdę dobrą przyjaciółką.

That just happened, said Dorothy, simply. I could not help it.
To się po prostu stało - powiedziała Dorotka. Nic nie mogłam na to poradzić.

Hell, I'd love to be with your mom and Dorothy.
A jeszcze bardziej z twoją mamą i z Dorothee.

Dorothy, you met this guy a month ago and he's staying with you?
Dorothy, spotykasz się z tym facetem zaledwie miesiąc i już został u ciebie?

Once upon a time... there was a girl named Dorothy.
Pewnego razu... była dziewczyna imieniem Dorothy.

A man got killed. Dorothy and Edith could be next.
Ktoś zginął, Dorothy i Edith mogą być następne.

Addaperle, lose the second snap when you put down Dorothy, okay?
Addaperle, pomiń drugie pstryknięcie, kiedy kładziesz Dorotkę, dobra?

And do you, Dorothy Boyd, take this man to be your husband?
A czy ty, Dorothy Boyd, bierzesz sobie tego mężczyznę za męża?

Mama, Dorothy and I have been separated for about three months.
Mamo, Dorothy i ja jesteśmy w separacji od trzech miesięcy.

Aren't you and Dorothy polite but not so friendly?
Ty i Dorothy jesteście uprzejme, ale nie przyjacielskie.

Dorothy, you won't believe what Paige made me do.
Dorothy, nie uwierzysz co Paige mi zrobiła.

Ray and Dorothy hear it on their car radio and start screaming.
Gdy Ray and Dorothy usłyszeli to w radio, w samochodzie, zaczęli wrzeszczeć z radości.

When did we start seeing other people, Dorothy?
Od kiedy to się widujemy z innymi, Dorothy?

Dorothy clicks her heels three times and says what?
Dorothy trzaska swoimi obcasami trzy razy i co mówi?

I was just looking for my sister Dorothy.
Szukałam tylko mojej siostry Dorothy.

Dorothy, you gotta do something, go to the police or...
Musisz coś zrobić. Idź z tym na policję.

I'll shut this in case Dorothy goes by.
To jest pomysł! Zamknę, gdyby Dorothy miała przechodzić.

There's a young man that Dorothy likes. She's very fond of him.
Jest pewien młody człowiek, którego Dorothy bardzo lubi.

Dorothy doesn't think you're up to the task.
Dorothy myśli, że nie jesteś w stanie uporac się z tym zadaniem.

Dorothy's gonna take you up to their cabin for a while.
Dorothy zamierza zabrać cię do domku w górach na jakiś czas.

Click your heels three times, Dorothy and get down to Dallas.
Trzy razy tupnij piętami Dorotko i jedź do Dallas.

Dorothy, you must let me manage your calendar.
Dorothy, musisz pozwolić mi zarządzać twoim kalendarzem.

He's come to take us to Dorothy!
Przyszedł zabrać nas do Dorotki!

Did you ever meet my wife, Dorothy?
Spotkałeś kiedyś moją żonę, Dorothy?

Dorothy and I have been doing okay.
Dorothy i ja... radziliśmy sobie dobrze.

She's in a play, and I promised dorothy I wouldn't miss it.
Gra w przedstawieniu i obiecałem Dorothy, że go nie przegapię.

What happens to Dorothy and the kid?
Co będzie z Dorothy i dzieckiem?

Dorothy, you said... you wanted to be with me forever.
Dorothy, powiedziałaś... że chcesz być ze mną na zawsze.

Hey, Dorothy. I don't know how you do it.
Hej, Dorothy. nie mam pojęcia jak ty to robisz.

Tell him to sendthe police to Dorothy's apartment.
Powiedz, żeby przysłał policję do mieszkania Dorothy.

I'm telling you, she was hotter than Dorothy Lamour and better built.
Mówię ci, była lepsza niż Dorothy Lamour.

I know how to make Dorothy fly.
Wiem, jak to zrobić, żeby Dorothy latała.

What do you think of Dorothy Lamour, the actress?
Co myślisz o tej aktorce, Dorothy Lamour?

They want Dorothy to bring the money to the old Hampton Bridge at midnight.
Dorothy ma znaieść pieniądze na stary most o północy.

Dorothy, I really wouldn't worry about this.
Dorothy, nie powinnaś się tym martwić..

Dorothy only needed a bucket of water.
Dorotka potrzebowała tylko wiaderka wody.